• Bill Bell 3
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  • Member since 2017

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I doubt this is possible but I want to check.  I created an Invocablemethod and I have several Invocablevariables that are required.  I would like one Invocablevariable to be a picklist.  I tried enum but it didn't like it.  I currently define it as a String but it very tedious to make sure I type the proper value correctly.  DayType needs to be a picklist.
global class CreateTaskRequest {
    global Id OppId;
    global String Subject; 
    global Id OwnerId;

    global Date ReferenceDate; 
    global Integer Days; 
    global String DayType; 

Simple question.  On an Opportunity you can upload files.  I want to query the upload file object and check what files were uploaded.  What is the object name to query?  I've been looking for an hour and can't find it.
New to Salesforce.

I'm creating a fairly complex process in Process Builder on the Opportunity object.  When the record is saved I want to trigger and calculated some dates and do a few other checks to make sure only valid option types are entered.  Therefore, I want Process Builder to run after I do the Save trigger.  I couldn't find any documentation on this.
I am experimenting with creating a SOAP connection to Salesforce using C#.  I am using the sample code in SOAP API Developer Guide (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_quickstart_intro.htm) (PDF pages 22-28).  It says it uses "A .NET 3.0 style reference uses services like SoapClient".  Can someone explain how to setup a Service Reference to a SoapClient.  Everywhere it mentions SoapClient it is giving me an error.  I've looked for hours on how to do this.  I added a Service Reference to the WSDL file and that worked.  Thanks.

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using SimpleConnect.SFProd;  // WSDL XML File

namespace SimpleConnect
    class SimpleConnect
        private static SoapClient loginClient; // for login endpoint  ****************** error
        private static SoapClient client; // for API endpoint     *********************error

Using VS Community 2015 and .net 4.5.2
I doubt this is possible but I want to check.  I created an Invocablemethod and I have several Invocablevariables that are required.  I would like one Invocablevariable to be a picklist.  I tried enum but it didn't like it.  I currently define it as a String but it very tedious to make sure I type the proper value correctly.  DayType needs to be a picklist.
global class CreateTaskRequest {
    global Id OppId;
    global String Subject; 
    global Id OwnerId;

    global Date ReferenceDate; 
    global Integer Days; 
    global String DayType; 

New to Salesforce.

I'm creating a fairly complex process in Process Builder on the Opportunity object.  When the record is saved I want to trigger and calculated some dates and do a few other checks to make sure only valid option types are entered.  Therefore, I want Process Builder to run after I do the Save trigger.  I couldn't find any documentation on this.
Simple question.  On an Opportunity you can upload files.  I want to query the upload file object and check what files were uploaded.  What is the object name to query?  I've been looking for an hour and can't find it.