• Kania @Daydream
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I am calling a server side action from a Lightning Component. When an error occurs I am trying to log them in a custom object using an @future method and then throwing an AuraHandledException so the component can display the message. It seems like this won't work with AuraHandledException since it causes a Script-thrown execption in the logs which causes the @future method not to execute. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to accomplish it?

Here is documentation I am referencing:

Error Handling Best Practices for Lightning and Apex:

An Introduction to Exception Handling:
public static void getSomething(){
        //Do Something here 
    }catch(exception e){
        //@future - log error in custom object
        throw new AuraHandledException('Error message to display in component');

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I am calling a server side action from a Lightning Component. When an error occurs I am trying to log them in a custom object using an @future method and then throwing an AuraHandledException so the component can display the message. It seems like this won't work with AuraHandledException since it causes a Script-thrown execption in the logs which causes the @future method not to execute. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to accomplish it?

Here is documentation I am referencing:

Error Handling Best Practices for Lightning and Apex:

An Introduction to Exception Handling:
public static void getSomething(){
        //Do Something here 
    }catch(exception e){
        //@future - log error in custom object
        throw new AuraHandledException('Error message to display in component');

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I am calling a server side action from a Lightning Component. When an error occurs I am trying to log them in a custom object using an @future method and then throwing an AuraHandledException so the component can display the message. It seems like this won't work with AuraHandledException since it causes a Script-thrown execption in the logs which causes the @future method not to execute. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to accomplish it?

Here is documentation I am referencing:

Error Handling Best Practices for Lightning and Apex:

An Introduction to Exception Handling:
public static void getSomething(){
        //Do Something here 
    }catch(exception e){
        //@future - log error in custom object
        throw new AuraHandledException('Error message to display in component');

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