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Hi all, 
I need inputfield capability to get given input even after it is rerendered(hidden or shown) onchange of picklist value.

like if option 'a' is selected in picklist, the apex:inputfield with type textarea is shown and user enters data, and selecting 'b' hides rerenders and hides the field, and again if 'a' is selected i need field shown with previously given data in the field.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Friends,

My task is copy / assign 2 field values in one object (ex. Opp ) to another object (ex. Faculty ) 2 fields . How can i do this ? Means Is there any chance in customization like workflows, process builder or is it possible only developing mode ? Plz help me to fullfill this issue ?
 I am calling the below class in user after insert trigger, my requirement is to findout if this is the first portal user created for an account. if so I should stamp today's date to a field say first_portal_user_created_date. I know this code is not that efficient as there is SOQL query inside the for loop. Is there a better way of doing this ?  

public class FristPortalUserCreatedDate{

      public static void updateFirstPortalUser(List<User> newUsers) {

    List<Account> AccountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
            for (Integer i = 0; i < newUsers.size(); i++) {
                Account selectedAccount = [select id,Portal_user_created_date__c From Account where Id=:newUsers[i].AccountId];
                if(selectedAccount!= NULL &&  selectedAccount.Portal_user_created_date__c=NULL ){

            selectedAccount.Portal_user_created_date__c = system.Today();
        Update AccountsToUpdate;
Hi Guys!

Can someone assist me on how can I get the contact record sorted (Descending -> Proficiency) and (Ascending -> Skill Type) based on my query below. 

Employee Skills, Training and Certifications has a lookup relationship with Contact (Employee).

SELECT Name, Email
, (SELECT Skill_ID__r.Name, Proficiency__c, Year_of_Experience__c, Skill_Type__c FROM Employee_Skills__r)
, (SELECT Training_ID__r.Name FROM Employee_Training__r)
, (SELECT Certification_ID_r.Name FROM Employee_Certifications__r)
FROM Contact

Thank you!