• Theodoor van Donge 8
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  • Member since 2017
  • Software Engineer
  • CaseNine

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We have made a custom Visualforce:
<apex:page id="CloseCases" standardController="Case" recordSetVar="cases">

    <apex:repeat value="{!cases}" var="case">


This is connected to a custom button which is part of a listview. If we select records in the listview they are correctly displayed in the visualforce page. But when we deselect records they are still visibile in the visualforce.
While doing the initial push to a scratch org - RecordActionDeployment API (guided action) component is failing with error:
Looks like this flow is inactive. Ask your Salesforce admin to activate it.
The flows being referenced in the guided action are active so it should deploy them along with the guided action but not sure why it thinks those flows are inactive.
Has anyone come across this? So far I haven't found anything on this error anywhere else.

We have made a custom Visualforce:
<apex:page id="CloseCases" standardController="Case" recordSetVar="cases">

    <apex:repeat value="{!cases}" var="case">


This is connected to a custom button which is part of a listview. If we select records in the listview they are correctly displayed in the visualforce page. But when we deselect records they are still visibile in the visualforce.
I have written an apex class implementing Support.MilestoneTriggerTimeCalculator interface to calculate milestone's trigger time. This class executes every time the case is updated and so the milestones which have target time already calculated changes because this class updates it. How to prevent this?