• Michelle Arndt 18
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  • Member since 2017

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<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User"
                     subject=" {!relatedTo.Account.Name} - Due: {!relatedTo.Date_Due__c}, {!relatedTo.Total_Eligible__c} Eligible, {!relatedTo.Dent_Insured_Lives_Quoted__c} Dental Lives, {!relatedTo.Vis_Insured_Lives_Quoted__c} Vision Lives, Sales Rep: {!relatedTo.Sales_Rep__c} " >
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >  
            <STYLE type="text/css">
                TH {font-size: 14px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center } 
                TD  {font-size: 14px; font-face: verdana } 
                TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 2}
                TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 2}
            <font face="arial" size="3">
                <table border="0" >
                    <tr > 
                        <th>   Quote Number   </th><th>   Quote Type   </th><th> Contribution Type </th><th> Current Carrier </th><th>   In Network    </th><th>   Out of Network   </th>
                    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!Relatedto.R00N30000001MeIXEA0__r}">
                            <td>{!cx.Quote_Number_Holder__c} </td>
                            <td>{!cx.Quote_Record_Type_Holder__c} </td>
                            <td>{!cx.In_NetworkDiag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Basic__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Major__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Ortho__c,"0")}; {!cx.In_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!cx.In_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Annual_Max__c,0)} Max; {!cx.In_Network_Ortho_Max__c}</td>
                            <td>{!cx.Out_Network_Diag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Basic__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Major__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Ortho__c,"0")}; {!cx.Out_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!cx.Out_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!cx.Out_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Ortho_Max__c,0)} </td>
                <p />

I only want to show the last two items in my look, the in network and out of network information, if the quote record type is 2 types.  How can I make that happen with what I have so far?
I am currently working on the Business Administration Specialist superbadge and when I go to check the Reports and Dashboard section I am getting the following error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: HGFFVYMP
I logged out of my org and re-logged back in.  I noticed that the reference error id did change between the first time and the second time I tried.  I installed the managed package with no issues.  I looked to see if there were any other installed packages and there aren't any.  I also created a new trailhead org to complete this badge as suggested.
How do I fix this?
I have a flow that is creating an object incorrectly and I am not sure why.  Any help is greatly appreciated. User-added image
User-added image
User-added image
New with visual workflow so I need a bit of help please.

I have a custom object, Junction, with three lookup fields and a text field.  The text field takes all of the IDs of the lookup fields to create a unique text id.  I have a process builder that launches the flow when an opportunity is closed won.  The flow should look to make sure that there are no other junction objects that have the same unique field and if not create a new junction with three fields referenced on the opportunity.  It is not firing properly.  This is my first flow and I need some help.  Thank you!User-added image
User-added image
User-added image
I need a formula for if the opportunity stage is not Closed Lost, Closed Won, or Closed - Declined to Quote and the Date Due opp is greater than 5 days. Pleae and thank you :)
I am trying to create a new trailhead playground, but keep receiving the following error:
This site can’t be reached
playful-bear-233555-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com’s server DNS address could not be found.

I am using Chrome.  I can log into an existing org I had, but would like a new for this project.  
I have created a custom create button since we cannot define a lookup value with an action.  I have created the button, but when I go to test it states that the URL no longer exists.
I copied the url from the standard create button:

My custom button:
&00N1500000CxftK="Being Worked"

After I select the record type I get the error;
Invalid Page Redirection
The page you attempted to access has been blocked due to a redirection to an outside website or an improperly coded link or button. Please contact your salesforce.com Administrator for assistance. For more information, see Insufficient Privileges Errors.
I have three fields in the subject line, the last 3, that are displaying the numbers with a decimal.  The fields are rollup summaries.  How can I get it so it doesn't show the decimal? 
<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User"
                     subject=" {!relatedTo.Account.Name} - Due: {!relatedTo.Date_Due__c}, {!relatedTo.Total_Eligible__c} Eligible, {!relatedTo.Dent_Insured_Lives_Quoted__c} Dental Lives, {!relatedTo.Vis_Insured_Lives_Quoted__c} Vision Lives" >
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >  
            <STYLE type="text/css">
                TH {font-size: 14px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center } 
                TD  {font-size: 14px; font-face: verdana } 
                TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 2}
                TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 2}
            <font face="arial" size="3">
                <table border="0" >
                    <tr > 
                        <th>   Quote Number   </th><th>   Contribution Type   </th><th>   Current Carrier   </th><th>   In Network   </th><th>   Out of Network   </th>
                    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!Relatedto.R00N30000001MeIXEA0__r}">
                            <td>{!cx.Quote_Number_Holder__c} </td>
                            <td>{!cx.In_NetworkDiag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Basic__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Major__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Ortho__c,"0")}; {!cx.In_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!cx.In_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!NullValue(cx.In_Network_Annual_Max__c,0)} Max; {!cx.In_Network_Ortho_Max__c}</td>
                            <td>{!cx.Out_Network_Diag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Basic__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Major__c,"0")}/ {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Ortho__c,"0")}; {!cx.Out_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!cx.Out_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!cx.Out_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(cx.Out_Network_Ortho_Max__c,0)} </td>
                <p />
When we create an opportunity we create a certain number of quotes (custom, child record). I would like to be able to send an email to include information from all the quotes created under the opportunity.This is my first visualforce email template. I want to be able to pull I need some help because when I go to save I receive the following error: Unknown property 'core.email.template.EmailTemplateController.Opportunity'
<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User"
                     subject=" {!Opportunity.Account}, {!Quotes_RFR__c.Current_Carrier__c}, {!Opportunity.Date_Due__c},{!Opportunity.Total_Eligible__c}" >
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >  
            <STYLE type="text/css">
                TH {font-size: 11px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center } 
                TD  {font-size: 11px; font-face: verdana } 
                TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
                TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
            <font face="arial" size="2">
                <table border="0" >
                    <tr > 
                        <th>Quote Number</th><th>Contribution Type</th><th>In Network</th><th>Out of Network</th>
                    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!Quotes_RFR__c}">
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.Quote_Name__c} </td>
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.In_NetworkDiag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Basic__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Major__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Ortho__c, "0")}; {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Ortho_Max__c, "0")}</td>
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Diag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Basic__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Major__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Ortho__c, "0")}; {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Ortho_Max__c, "0")} </td>
                <p />
</messaging:emailTemplate >

I need a formula for if the opportunity stage is not Closed Lost, Closed Won, or Closed - Declined to Quote and the Date Due opp is greater than 5 days. Pleae and thank you :)
I am currently working on the Business Administration Specialist superbadge and when I go to check the Reports and Dashboard section I am getting the following error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: HGFFVYMP
I logged out of my org and re-logged back in.  I noticed that the reference error id did change between the first time and the second time I tried.  I installed the managed package with no issues.  I looked to see if there were any other installed packages and there aren't any.  I also created a new trailhead org to complete this badge as suggested.
How do I fix this?
I need a formula for if the opportunity stage is not Closed Lost, Closed Won, or Closed - Declined to Quote and the Date Due opp is greater than 5 days. Pleae and thank you :)
I have created a custom create button since we cannot define a lookup value with an action.  I have created the button, but when I go to test it states that the URL no longer exists.
I copied the url from the standard create button:

My custom button:
&00N1500000CxftK="Being Worked"

After I select the record type I get the error;
Invalid Page Redirection
The page you attempted to access has been blocked due to a redirection to an outside website or an improperly coded link or button. Please contact your salesforce.com Administrator for assistance. For more information, see Insufficient Privileges Errors.
When we create an opportunity we create a certain number of quotes (custom, child record). I would like to be able to send an email to include information from all the quotes created under the opportunity.This is my first visualforce email template. I want to be able to pull I need some help because when I go to save I receive the following error: Unknown property 'core.email.template.EmailTemplateController.Opportunity'
<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="User"
                     subject=" {!Opportunity.Account}, {!Quotes_RFR__c.Current_Carrier__c}, {!Opportunity.Date_Due__c},{!Opportunity.Total_Eligible__c}" >
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >  
            <STYLE type="text/css">
                TH {font-size: 11px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center } 
                TD  {font-size: 11px; font-face: verdana } 
                TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
                TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
            <font face="arial" size="2">
                <table border="0" >
                    <tr > 
                        <th>Quote Number</th><th>Contribution Type</th><th>In Network</th><th>Out of Network</th>
                    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!Quotes_RFR__c}">
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.Quote_Name__c} </td>
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.In_NetworkDiag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Basic__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Major__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Ortho__c, "0")}; {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.In_Network_Ortho_Max__c, "0")}</td>
                            <td>{!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Diag_Prev__c}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Basic__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Major__c, "0")}/ {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Ortho__c, "0")}; {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Deductible_Ind__c}/ {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Deductible_Fam__c} Ded; {!Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Annual_Max__c} Max; {!NullValue(Quotes_RFR__c.Out_Network_Ortho_Max__c, "0")} </td>
                <p />
</messaging:emailTemplate >