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Hello everyone,
I have a question in an area where I am stuck after creating a new stand-alone Lightning app. I do not want to run the Lightning app on the Salesforce1 platform but want to run it on a desktop platform from within the Salesforce org. What process does one have to go through to set up a stand alone Lightning App to be launched from within the Salesforce org? Is there a way to link Salesforce tabs to the Lightning App that will launch the app when they are clicked like you can with Visualforce pages or to add the Lightning App in the Apps menu? I am not able to find any documentation or how to use desktop Lightning Apps from within Salesforce or if that is possible at this time.
Hi- I just want to delete the existing records in contructor itself. 
This code is working in action method but its not working in constructor, Please share me idea if any one have. 

List<Forecast_Revenue_Report__c> foreRevRepOutput = [SELECT Forecast_Amount__c, Forecast_Month__c, opp_id__c FROM Forecast_Revenue_Report__c WHERE opp_id__c = :this.oppId];
for(Forecast_Revenue_Report__c frDelete : foreRevRepOutput ) {
                    delete frDelete;
