• Arjun Accenture
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  • Senior Aplication Developer Analyst
  • Accenture

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I got these tables in Salesforce 
Opportunity with  Drop ID  and MBK Key  ( along with other fields)
Opportunity_lineitem  with IO Key, Drop ID  

Drop ID is common across and I need to tweak the below SOQL to bring  MDK Code from Opportunity. Is this possible?

IO Key, Drop ID
From Opportunity_linitem
I have to pass quantity and  price of product with commandbutton which is out of pageBlockTable.
<center> <!--------------category selection result-------------->
              <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!showpageblocktable}" >
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProWrapper}" var="p" >
             <apex:column style="width:25%">
                    <apex:inputCheckBox value="{!p.selected}"/>
               <apex:column style="width:25%" headerValue="Product Name">
               <apex:outputLink title="View Product Detail" onclick="return openPopUp('{!p.Eprod.id}') ">
              <apex:column headerValue=" Image">
                <apex:outputText value="{!p.Eprod.Image__c}" escape="false" />
               <apex:column value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:Column style="width:25%">
               <apex:commandLink value="Add to Bucket" action="{!AddToCartButton}" >
               <apex:param name="PQuantity" value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:param name="price" value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/> 
               <apex:param name="PId" value="{!p.Eprod.Id}"/>
              <!--@@@@@@@@@@ here i have to pass quantity and price @@@@@@------->
              <apex:commandButton value="Add All to Bucket" action="{!AddToCartButton}" >
              <apex:param name="PQuantity" value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:param name="price" value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/> 
               <apex:param name="PId" value="{!p.Eprod.Id}"/>

but i am getting error:
Error: Unknown property 'Landing_Page_Controller.p'    becoz this commandButton is outside of pageBlockTable and 'P' is variable of pageBlockTable. so how i can do this?
select id,OwnerId,Territory_ID__c, Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c from Patient__c where OwnerId !=Null AND Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c !=Null AND Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c =: OwnerId

it is saying "unknow error parsing query"
I got these tables in Salesforce 
Opportunity with  Drop ID  and MBK Key  ( along with other fields)
Opportunity_lineitem  with IO Key, Drop ID  

Drop ID is common across and I need to tweak the below SOQL to bring  MDK Code from Opportunity. Is this possible?

IO Key, Drop ID
From Opportunity_linitem
I have to pass quantity and  price of product with commandbutton which is out of pageBlockTable.
<center> <!--------------category selection result-------------->
              <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!showpageblocktable}" >
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProWrapper}" var="p" >
             <apex:column style="width:25%">
                    <apex:inputCheckBox value="{!p.selected}"/>
               <apex:column style="width:25%" headerValue="Product Name">
               <apex:outputLink title="View Product Detail" onclick="return openPopUp('{!p.Eprod.id}') ">
              <apex:column headerValue=" Image">
                <apex:outputText value="{!p.Eprod.Image__c}" escape="false" />
               <apex:column value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/>
               <apex:column value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:Column style="width:25%">
               <apex:commandLink value="Add to Bucket" action="{!AddToCartButton}" >
               <apex:param name="PQuantity" value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:param name="price" value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/> 
               <apex:param name="PId" value="{!p.Eprod.Id}"/>
              <!--@@@@@@@@@@ here i have to pass quantity and price @@@@@@------->
              <apex:commandButton value="Add All to Bucket" action="{!AddToCartButton}" >
              <apex:param name="PQuantity" value="{!p.Eprod.Quantity__c}"/>
               <apex:param name="price" value="{!p.Eprod.Price__c}"/> 
               <apex:param name="PId" value="{!p.Eprod.Id}"/>

but i am getting error:
Error: Unknown property 'Landing_Page_Controller.p'    becoz this commandButton is outside of pageBlockTable and 'P' is variable of pageBlockTable. so how i can do this?

Hi everyone,


I have two visualforce pages whose name are "PageTransition" and "nextPage".

They share the same custome controllear of which is "PT".

I use setRedirect(false) because I want to share several same parameters in transition from "PageTransition" to "nextPage".  

But setRedirect(false) doesn't work !


Here is PageTransition.

<apex:page controller="PT" action="{!nextPage}" sidebar="false"> <!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS --> <h1>Congratulations</h1> This is your new Page: PageTransition <!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS --> </apex:page>


Here is nextPage.

<apex:page controller="PT" tabStyle="PageTransition__tab" sidebar="false"> test0 is {!test0}<br/> test1 is {!test1}<br/> test2 is {!test2}<br/> </apex:page>


Here is the controller method.

public class PT { public String test0 { get; set; } public String test1 { get; set; } public String test2 { get; set; } public PageReference nextPage() { test0 = 'aaa'; test1 = 'bbb'; test2 = 'ccc'; PageReference np = Page.nextPage; np.setRedirect(false); return np; } }



Tab name is "PageTransition".