• Jonathan Payne 12
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We have the lead record type CEE Lead and when CEE Leads are converted we need to have a picklist field Delivery Type which cannot be left blank in order to convert the lead. I understand this is not standard functionality, but is possible with code. How would this be done with code?

Thanks in advance.

We have an Apex Class "AYSFReportBatch" which should be scheduled under the user "AYSFIntegration" but the user has been changed which inadequate permissions which means the batch apex job is being abandoned. 
We are not sure how the user was changed, or why but would like to change it back to the original "AYSFReportBatch"  Apex Class. How might this be achievable?
Many thanks!

Eventbrite and GoToWebinar apps won't create new leads - I think due to required fields on the Lead record. 

We need to create new leads from GoToWebinar and Eventbrite sign-ups and attendees. First of all I think the required fields are blocking lead creation. Additionally there are two custom picklist fields on the Salesforce lead that are required and need to be mapped depending on who is holding the event. For example, if one particular department is holding the event, all the event attendees associated should be mapped as leads with the custom lead picklist detailing what department they are associated with. Is there a way of doing this?