• AdamJones
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I'm trying to connect to SF via the PHP toolkit soap client.    The PC is running PHP via IIS.   

The same code and credentials work fine on our live server but via Windows I just get 'Error Fetching http headers' errors on the initial connect.  


Any advice ?

We have an integration between SalesForce and Xero that uses the apex for Xero libraries available here: https://github.com/benedwards44/Apex-for-Xero

This was working perfectly but for some unknown reason communication can't be made between the two systems with the error logs showing "signature_invalid - Failed to validate signature"

Xero can't help me much as there isn't any info on their end of whats going on due to how early the failure is in connecting to their api.

Anyone have experience of this that can assist ?

I'm inhereting a SF codebase that has some apex code that doesn't work in the sandbox environment.   The reason is that the code creates a link in a visual force page that has a url to a custom page that is under the organizations "sites" configuration.

The problem is that the url created is always wrong.    The prefix at the very begining of the url is to the live server's custom site url but that is compltelye different when using the sandbox.

I can't find a single way either via system methods or queriying the database to obtain the site url prefix on our sandbox.        I thought that "SELECT Subdomain from Site" might work but it returns the live systems site prefix.   

I've seen a somewhat unreliable solution in a forum post somewhere that took the user's email address, obtaining the last part after the final full stop and using that as a way to determin the prefix for the site url as these two things are often the same. However, often is the key point here, not always.  

At the end of the day the "Default Web Address" as it's called in sites configuration page is determined by the SF system, is it really not possible to query this somehow!?

I've setup a validation rule for our lead creation and this is working nicely through our web to lead form on our website.

The only problem is that the validation rule fires quite often and the main user account seems to by default get email alerts each time which is now annoying them.


Can I control to whom these alert emails are sent? I couldn't find a setting for this.    If not is it possible to disable them ?

I'm trying to connect to SF via the PHP toolkit soap client.    The PC is running PHP via IIS.   

The same code and credentials work fine on our live server but via Windows I just get 'Error Fetching http headers' errors on the initial connect.  


Any advice ?

We have an integration between SalesForce and Xero that uses the apex for Xero libraries available here: https://github.com/benedwards44/Apex-for-Xero

This was working perfectly but for some unknown reason communication can't be made between the two systems with the error logs showing "signature_invalid - Failed to validate signature"

Xero can't help me much as there isn't any info on their end of whats going on due to how early the failure is in connecting to their api.

Anyone have experience of this that can assist ?

I've setup a validation rule for our lead creation and this is working nicely through our web to lead form on our website.

The only problem is that the validation rule fires quite often and the main user account seems to by default get email alerts each time which is now annoying them.


Can I control to whom these alert emails are sent? I couldn't find a setting for this.    If not is it possible to disable them ?