• Daniele Serra
  • 15 Points
  • Member since 2017

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Hi everyone,
First of all i have a Lightning Component with associated an Application Light:Out. The App is inside a Visual Force page.

After click the quick action, a modal dialog shows my VisualForce.

In the controller of my Lightning Component at some point I fire this:

But in the Visual force page, instead closing it, it shows this error:
This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it.
Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'fire' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://NextStepControllerLightning/ACTION$nextStepConfigurarion
Failing descriptor: {c:NextStepLightning}

This error doesn't show when i click on a quick action linked directly to the Lightning Component.
My goal is to close this modal dialog or instead manage the variables inside the controller of the component using function javascript inside my visual force. 

Thank you for help.
All day I have this problem. I cannot install a package in another enviroment. Please resolve!
Hi community, I'm working with case object. This is my code:
Case caso= new Case();
               Contact contatto=[SELECT Id, Name, Email FROM Contact where Account.id =: uli.B2WISU__Account__c limit 1];
               caso.Status = 'New';
               caso.Description = 'TestDescription';
               insert caso;

After insert the case, i can visualize caso.ContactId, but ContactEmail and SuppliedEmail stay null. I can visualize contat.email different from null. Someone can explain to me why ContactEmail don't retrieve the email from the Contact?
Thank you so much.
Hello everybody!
I have this problem: I need to create a file to "attach" into a record. I have this method:

String filename = 'generatedxml_' + Datetime.now();
 Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf('\uFEFF' + content);
attachment.ContentType = 'text/xml';
attachment.Name = filename +'.xml';
attachment.ParentId = parentId;
insert attachment;

But, even it works perfectly for my aim, with the new release '18 it will not work anymore. Some people suggest me to use ContentDocument object but i can't find nothing usable on internet.
So my question: I needto understand how, in apex, create a file from a String, and how attach the file to a record using the new features in lightning experience. Thanks so much. 

Hi everyone,
First of all i have a Lightning Component with associated an Application Light:Out. The App is inside a Visual Force page.

After click the quick action, a modal dialog shows my VisualForce.

In the controller of my Lightning Component at some point I fire this:

But in the Visual force page, instead closing it, it shows this error:
This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it.
Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'fire' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://NextStepControllerLightning/ACTION$nextStepConfigurarion
Failing descriptor: {c:NextStepLightning}

This error doesn't show when i click on a quick action linked directly to the Lightning Component.
My goal is to close this modal dialog or instead manage the variables inside the controller of the component using function javascript inside my visual force. 

Thank you for help.
All day I have this problem. I cannot install a package in another enviroment. Please resolve!
Hi community, I'm working with case object. This is my code:
Case caso= new Case();
               Contact contatto=[SELECT Id, Name, Email FROM Contact where Account.id =: uli.B2WISU__Account__c limit 1];
               caso.Status = 'New';
               caso.Description = 'TestDescription';
               insert caso;

After insert the case, i can visualize caso.ContactId, but ContactEmail and SuppliedEmail stay null. I can visualize contat.email different from null. Someone can explain to me why ContactEmail don't retrieve the email from the Contact?
Thank you so much.