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lightening Design Date-picker on inputfield
i am using lightening design system on visualforce page. i have field which showing calender when click on calender icon only but when click in input text field calender doesnot show as they have bydefault functionality i want to call calender event whensomeone click on inputtext field how can do this and i also want that this calender should come above that modal. can somebody help me.
<fieldset class="slds-form--compound">
<div class="slds-form-element__group">
<div class="slds-form-element__row">
<div class="slds-form-element slds-size--1-of-2">
<label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-01">Payment Status</label>
<apex:inputfield id="text-input-07" styleclass="slds-input" value="{!expense.Payment_Status__c}"/>
<div class="slds-form-element slds-size--1-of-2">
<label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-02">Date</label>
<div class="slds-form-element">
<div class="slds-form-element__control" style="width:200px;">
<div class="slds-input-has-icon slds-input-has-icon--right" id="Icon">
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="slds-input__icon slds-icon-text-default">
<use xlink:href="{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS, '/assets/icons/utility-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#event')}"></use>
<input id="date" class="slds-input" type="text" placeholder="Pick a Date" label="Date Picker Label"/>
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
//Assigning SLDS Static Resource Path To A Variable To Use It With ALJS Initialization
var assetsLoc = '{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS)}';
//ALJS Initialization
assetsLocation: assetsLoc, //SLDS Static Resource Path
scoped: true
j$(document).ready(function() {
//Initializing Datepicker with options To The SLDS Input on document ready.
initDate: moment(), //Today Date
format: 'YYYY/MM/DD', //Date Format Of Datepicker Input Field
onChange: function(datepicker) {
j$('#SelectedDate').html('Selected Date: <strong>'+moment(datepicker.selectedFullDate._d).format('YYYY/MM/DD')+'</strong>');
<fieldset class="slds-form--compound">
<div class="slds-form-element__group">
<div class="slds-form-element__row">
<div class="slds-form-element slds-size--1-of-2">
<label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-01">Payment Status</label>
<apex:inputfield id="text-input-07" styleclass="slds-input" value="{!expense.Payment_Status__c}"/>
<div class="slds-form-element slds-size--1-of-2">
<label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-02">Date</label>
<div class="slds-form-element">
<div class="slds-form-element__control" style="width:200px;">
<div class="slds-input-has-icon slds-input-has-icon--right" id="Icon">
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="slds-input__icon slds-icon-text-default">
<use xlink:href="{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS, '/assets/icons/utility-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#event')}"></use>
<input id="date" class="slds-input" type="text" placeholder="Pick a Date" label="Date Picker Label"/>
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
//Assigning SLDS Static Resource Path To A Variable To Use It With ALJS Initialization
var assetsLoc = '{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS)}';
//ALJS Initialization
assetsLocation: assetsLoc, //SLDS Static Resource Path
scoped: true
j$(document).ready(function() {
//Initializing Datepicker with options To The SLDS Input on document ready.
initDate: moment(), //Today Date
format: 'YYYY/MM/DD', //Date Format Of Datepicker Input Field
onChange: function(datepicker) {
j$('#SelectedDate').html('Selected Date: <strong>'+moment(datepicker.selectedFullDate._d).format('YYYY/MM/DD')+'</strong>');
- aatish sharma
- April 25, 2017
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RecentlyViewed having problem
i have requirement where i show all recent items so i use this query on query editor SELECT Id,type, Name FROM RecentlyViewed ORDER BY LastViewedDate DESC ] it is working fine on my org but on another org it is not showing recent view record. it showing only contact record why?
- aatish sharma
- April 21, 2017
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