• Sienna Luard 3
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I Validation rule to make a Multi-select picklist field (Competitors) mandatory for Closed Opps that are a certain Record Type (Initial Opportunity.  I am using this formula.

(IsClosed = TRUE, 
( RecordType.DeveloperName ="Initial Opportunity"), 
TEXT( Competitors__c ))

I get no syntax errors, but when I close an Opp there is no error msg.

Any ideas>
I need a formula for field that calculates the # of days from a date field if the value of another field is NOT a certain value.  Here is what I have.

IF( ISPICKVAL ( On_boarding_Status__c  <>  "Handed Over"),
TODAY() -  Actual_First_Call_Date__c

I get this error.

Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'

Does anybody have any ideas?
I found this article that discusses how you can create custom buttons to merge contacts in Lightning.


It gives the following url to use to set up the List Button.


This url does not work though.

The Account button works perfectly. 

Does anybody know the correct url to use for merging Contacts?
I need a Validation Rule that makes the Opportunity Source field required for 3 different Opportunity Record Types.

We have 5 other Opportunity Record Types that we do not want the Opportunity Source to be required. 

Any help would be most appreciated. (-: 
I am helping a friend out who is getting Salesforce up and running fo rher company, and we are having a hard time getting the Log Call and Send Email tabs to show up in the Activity Component.  That functionality went away when they made the switch to Lightning.

She does sees the Activity and Chatter toggles.

I went right to Edit Page from the gear at the top right of the page, and was able to select Log Call and Send Email.  I clicked Save and Activate, but the buttons did not show up.

We then went to Global Actions and confirmed that Log Call and Email were there.

I then went to the Page layouts and confirmed that Log a Call and Email were in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the Contact Page Layout.

We still had no luck.

I did some research and was wondering if creating a new Global Actions would be the answer.  Perhaps we do not have the correct Record Type, and I did to dig in that direction?

I found these 2 resources.



Does anybody have suggestions?
We need a formula field that does the following:

If the Forecast Category is Pipeline - Amount x 10%
If the Forecast Category is Best Case - Amount x 60%
If the Forecast Category is Committed - Amount x 90%

I have come up with the following formula:

IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.10)+ 
IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.60)+ 
IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.90)

I get the following error.

Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2
I need to create a formula field that calculates the number of days since an Opportunity was moved from the Prep-Opp stage.  I have tried this formula.

TODAY() - ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Pre-Demo")

I get this error.

Error: Incorrect parameter type for operator '-'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Boolean

Could somebody please help me?
I have set up Forecasting in my org, and now need to set . 

The following trailhead has instructions, but I do not have the Enable Manager and Enable User adjustments. 


I have attached a screen shot of what that trailhead shows as well as what my org has available.

User-added imageUser-added image
I have created the following validation rule that makes  lookup field on our Competitor Custom object mandatory. 


It uses this formula which works great.

AND ( 
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "Closed Lost"), 
INCLUDES( Reason_Lost__c , "Competitor") , 
ISBLANK( Competitor__r.Id ))

I need update the formula so that users with a Partner Community profile do NOT get an error msg. 

I have been trying to insert this into the formula, but it is not working.

$Profile.Name <> "Partner Community User")

How should I update the formula to NOT apply to Partner Community Users?
I need to make an Event field mandatory for all users who DO NOT have the Partner Community User.

I came up with this formula

$Profile.Name <> "Partner Community User"))

I get an error the following error.

Error: Field Event__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions. Tell me more

Anuy ideas?

We would like to better track who we loose Opps to, so we have created a Lookup field calld Competitor.  This field references a Custom Object called Competitor. 

I want to make this Competitor field required if an Opportunity is Closed Lost with "Competitor" selected in the Reason Lost field. 

Here is what I have come up with:

AND ( 
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "Closed Lost"), 
INCLUDES( Reason_Lost__c , "Competitor") , 
ISNULL( Competitor__c ))

I get no syntax errors, but I can save an Opportunity that has the parameters noted above.

Does anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
I need to change the Created Date for 3 Opportunities. I have created a permission set for Set Audit fields upon record creation. I get the following error when I Upsert via Data Loader

Unable to create/update fields: CreatedDate. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.
We need to report on how our sales funnel changes month over month to properly monitor its health.

I need to have a report that shows the revenue (Amount) associated with open Opportunities that are being worked month over month.

For example, if we currently have $6,000,000 in open Opps, we like to be able to see that we had $5,200,000 in November 2017 and $6,300,000 in December 2017.

I desperately need help!!
I have created the following cutomer health formula field that works perfectly.

IF( ISPICKVAL( Successful_Health_Check__c ,"No" ) ,0,10 )+
IF( ISPICKVAL( Usage_at_Expected_level__c ,"No" ) ,0,25 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( All_Licenses_Paid_For__c  ,"No" ) ,0,10 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( NPS_Greater_Than_6__c ,"No" ) ,0,20 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"3 Months" ) ,0,0 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"6 Months" ) ,0,10 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"12 Months" ) ,0,30 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Change_in_Management__c ,"Yes" ) ,0,5 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Overdue_30_Days__c ,"Yes" ) ,0,20 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Overdue_60_Days__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,35 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Level_2_Support_Tickets__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,55 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Identified_Red_Flag_Issue__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,55 )

We are categorizing customers into 3 categories based on the score that is calcuated from this formula.

Green = 0 - 30 
Yellow = 31 - 51 
Red 51- 9999

I would like to create a formula field that indicates their status and gives a visual indicator.  I have the following formula in an opporuntiy field that works well in categorizing Opps by Stage.

CASE(StageName , 
"Negotiating Price & Implementation", "/img/samples/light_green.gif",
"Qualifying", "/img/samples/light_yellow.gif",
"Closed Lost", "/img/samples/light_red.gif",
"status color")

I am having a tough time modifying that formula to show Red, Yellow or Green based on the following scoring tiers:

Green = 0 - 30 
Yellow = 31 - 51 
Red 51- 9999

Any ideas would be most appreciated

I need to update this validtion rule:

AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( StageName ), "Closed Won"), $Profile.Name <> "Accounting")

The rule now needs to prevents users who do not have the Accounting Profile from saving an Opportunity as Closed Won IF the Accounting Stage is updated so that it is NOT null.  

I tried this:

AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( StageName ), "Closed Won"), $Profile.Name <> "Accounting"),
 ISCHANGED( Accounting_Status__c )

But I get the error msg Error: Syntax error. Extra ','

Does anybody have any ideas?
I have created the following formula for a validation rule that requires a field to be filled in before saving an Opportunity as Closed Won

AND(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"),
ISNULL( Opportunity_Contract_Date__c ))

This rule works fine, but our use case has become a bit more complex.  This rule now needs to apply to only 1 Opportunity Type.

How should I update the rule so that this field is required to move Opportunities that are a certain record type to Closed Won?
Currently Opportnities are public with Create.Read, Edit & Delete permissions for all users.
We want to keep it that way for oppruntities that are pending or closed lost.

We do want to have Opportunities that are Closed Won to become Read Only for Sales and Marketing. 

The only profle that would be able to edit Closed Won Opportunities would be Accounting users. 

Any ideas?
I work for a SAAS company, so we have Initial opportunities, Up-sell Opportunities, and Renewal opportunities.  We have Record Types set up for each of these sales processes. For reporting purposes, we do not want all opportunities to be simply be Closed Won. For example:
  • Initial opportunity on May 1st 2016 for 5 licenses
  • Upsell Opportunity on August 1st 2016 for 5 licenses
  • Upsell Opportunity on November 1st 2016 for 5 licences
  • Renewal Opportunity on May 1st 2017 for 15 licenses
In order to accurately report on the number of licences that a client currently has we need to filter by Stage. When the Renewal Opportunity is Closed Won, we would like the stages for the Opporunites in this example to look like this:
  • Initial Opportunity = Closed Won - Renewed
  • Upsell Opportunity = Closed Won - Renewed
  • Upsell Opportunity = Closed Won - Renewed
  • Renewal Opportunity - Closed Won. 
A report that filters on just Opportunities with a stage of Closed Won would give us an accurate number of licences for this client (15 and not 30). 

I have built a process in Process Builder that sets the Initial Opportunity to Closed Won - Renewed.  The tricky part is proving getting the Up-sell Opporutnites to automatically update from Closed Won to Closed Won - Renewed. 

We can always manually update them, but we would like to save time and mitigate human error. 

Any ideas would most appreciated!
I Validation rule to make a Multi-select picklist field (Competitors) mandatory for Closed Opps that are a certain Record Type (Initial Opportunity.  I am using this formula.

(IsClosed = TRUE, 
( RecordType.DeveloperName ="Initial Opportunity"), 
TEXT( Competitors__c ))

I get no syntax errors, but when I close an Opp there is no error msg.

Any ideas>
I need a formula for field that calculates the # of days from a date field if the value of another field is NOT a certain value.  Here is what I have.

IF( ISPICKVAL ( On_boarding_Status__c  <>  "Handed Over"),
TODAY() -  Actual_First_Call_Date__c

I get this error.

Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'

Does anybody have any ideas?
I need a Validation Rule that makes the Opportunity Source field required for 3 different Opportunity Record Types.

We have 5 other Opportunity Record Types that we do not want the Opportunity Source to be required. 

Any help would be most appreciated. (-: 
I am helping a friend out who is getting Salesforce up and running fo rher company, and we are having a hard time getting the Log Call and Send Email tabs to show up in the Activity Component.  That functionality went away when they made the switch to Lightning.

She does sees the Activity and Chatter toggles.

I went right to Edit Page from the gear at the top right of the page, and was able to select Log Call and Send Email.  I clicked Save and Activate, but the buttons did not show up.

We then went to Global Actions and confirmed that Log Call and Email were there.

I then went to the Page layouts and confirmed that Log a Call and Email were in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the Contact Page Layout.

We still had no luck.

I did some research and was wondering if creating a new Global Actions would be the answer.  Perhaps we do not have the correct Record Type, and I did to dig in that direction?

I found these 2 resources.



Does anybody have suggestions?
We need a formula field that does the following:

If the Forecast Category is Pipeline - Amount x 10%
If the Forecast Category is Best Case - Amount x 60%
If the Forecast Category is Committed - Amount x 90%

I have come up with the following formula:

IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.10)+ 
IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.60)+ 
IF( ISPICKVAL(  ForecastCategoryName ,"Pipeline" ) , Amount *0.90)

I get the following error.

Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2
I need to create a formula field that calculates the number of days since an Opportunity was moved from the Prep-Opp stage.  I have tried this formula.

TODAY() - ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Pre-Demo")

I get this error.

Error: Incorrect parameter type for operator '-'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Boolean

Could somebody please help me?
I have created the following validation rule that makes  lookup field on our Competitor Custom object mandatory. 


It uses this formula which works great.

AND ( 
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "Closed Lost"), 
INCLUDES( Reason_Lost__c , "Competitor") , 
ISBLANK( Competitor__r.Id ))

I need update the formula so that users with a Partner Community profile do NOT get an error msg. 

I have been trying to insert this into the formula, but it is not working.

$Profile.Name <> "Partner Community User")

How should I update the formula to NOT apply to Partner Community Users?
I need to make an Event field mandatory for all users who DO NOT have the Partner Community User.

I came up with this formula

$Profile.Name <> "Partner Community User"))

I get an error the following error.

Error: Field Event__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions. Tell me more

Anuy ideas?

We would like to better track who we loose Opps to, so we have created a Lookup field calld Competitor.  This field references a Custom Object called Competitor. 

I want to make this Competitor field required if an Opportunity is Closed Lost with "Competitor" selected in the Reason Lost field. 

Here is what I have come up with:

AND ( 
ISPICKVAL( StageName , "Closed Lost"), 
INCLUDES( Reason_Lost__c , "Competitor") , 
ISNULL( Competitor__c ))

I get no syntax errors, but I can save an Opportunity that has the parameters noted above.

Does anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
We need to report on how our sales funnel changes month over month to properly monitor its health.

I need to have a report that shows the revenue (Amount) associated with open Opportunities that are being worked month over month.

For example, if we currently have $6,000,000 in open Opps, we like to be able to see that we had $5,200,000 in November 2017 and $6,300,000 in December 2017.

I desperately need help!!
I have created the following cutomer health formula field that works perfectly.

IF( ISPICKVAL( Successful_Health_Check__c ,"No" ) ,0,10 )+
IF( ISPICKVAL( Usage_at_Expected_level__c ,"No" ) ,0,25 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( All_Licenses_Paid_For__c  ,"No" ) ,0,10 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( NPS_Greater_Than_6__c ,"No" ) ,0,20 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"3 Months" ) ,0,0 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"6 Months" ) ,0,10 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Last_In_Person_Meeting_Time_Frame__c ,"12 Months" ) ,0,30 ) + 
IF( ISPICKVAL( Change_in_Management__c ,"Yes" ) ,0,5 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Overdue_30_Days__c ,"Yes" ) ,0,20 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Overdue_60_Days__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,35 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Level_2_Support_Tickets__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,55 ) +
IF( ISPICKVAL( Identified_Red_Flag_Issue__c  ,"Yes" ) ,0,55 )

We are categorizing customers into 3 categories based on the score that is calcuated from this formula.

Green = 0 - 30 
Yellow = 31 - 51 
Red 51- 9999

I would like to create a formula field that indicates their status and gives a visual indicator.  I have the following formula in an opporuntiy field that works well in categorizing Opps by Stage.

CASE(StageName , 
"Negotiating Price & Implementation", "/img/samples/light_green.gif",
"Qualifying", "/img/samples/light_yellow.gif",
"Closed Lost", "/img/samples/light_red.gif",
"status color")

I am having a tough time modifying that formula to show Red, Yellow or Green based on the following scoring tiers:

Green = 0 - 30 
Yellow = 31 - 51 
Red 51- 9999

Any ideas would be most appreciated

I need to update this validtion rule:

AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( StageName ), "Closed Won"), $Profile.Name <> "Accounting")

The rule now needs to prevents users who do not have the Accounting Profile from saving an Opportunity as Closed Won IF the Accounting Stage is updated so that it is NOT null.  

I tried this:

AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( StageName ), "Closed Won"), $Profile.Name <> "Accounting"),
 ISCHANGED( Accounting_Status__c )

But I get the error msg Error: Syntax error. Extra ','

Does anybody have any ideas?