• Lukas Wright
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Want to choose Best PST to MBOX Converter, then You can try ZOOK PST to MBOX Converter which is a 100% safe and user-friendly solution for non-technical as well as professional solution for users. It allows you to choose perform an effortless migration from PST files to MBOX format to access your Outlook data files in 30+ MBOX based email application.
The software enables you to import PST to Thunderbird, Apple Mail/Mac Mail, Entourage, SeaMonkey, Opera Mail, Netscape, and many more. With this tool, users are capapble to convert single as well as multiple PST files of the same folder at a time by using dual mode.
Apart from it, the tool has several advance features which lets you to safely convert PST files into MBOX format without losing any data items. It is the most straightforward solution for users to export PST files to MBOX format without any data loss.

Download Source: - https://download.cnet.com/Zook-PST-to-MBOX-Converter/3000-2369_4-77394418.html

To convert PST to MBOX format, users need to just follow the simple steps: -
  • Download ZOOK PST to MBOX Converter
  • Choose PST Files/Folders.
  • Set Saving Location.
  • Click on Convert button.
In just couple of seconds, the tool exports PST to MBOX format without any alteration of data. Now, you can directly import PST file to any MBOX based email application by using best PST to MBOX converter
If are having MBOX files of any MBOX based email application and want to transfer MBOX files to Outlook, then you need to choose best MBOX to PST Converter. It allows you to convert MBOX to PST without Outlook, and move MBOX mailbox folders into PST format which can be easily accessible in any Outlook edition.

It is the best way to transfer MBOX to PST along with attachments and other embedded data items in couple of simple steps. The tool quickly converts MBOX files to PST format and enables you to retrieve your MBOX data in Outlook.
Moreover, the tool has several advance features which allows you to export MBOX to PST format without losing any data items.

Visit Official Source: - https://www.zooksoftware.com/mbox-to-pst/

Key Features of MBOX to PST Converter
  • Provides full conversion of MBOX files to PST format.
  • Bulk convert MBOX to PST Format at once.
  • Supports 30+ MBOX supporting Email Applications.
  • Preserves email formatting and data structure of MBOX Emails.
  • Maintains folder structure to keep emails in same hierarchy.
  • Allows you to convert MBOX to PST without Outlook.
  • Fully Supportable to all Outlook editions.
  • Provides 100% Safe and Secure Conversion.
  • Interactive and Easy to Use Interface for Users.
Hi everyone.

I have a Visualforce page and custom controller that will update a record. I have run into an issue when I click my commandButton. The value I enter into my inputText field is not being grabbed by the controller. 

//inputText values
    public String changedFName {get;set;}
    public String changedLName {get;set;}

public void updateFields(){
      	system.debug('>>> Input FN: ' +changedFName);
        if ((changedFName == '' || changedFName == NULL) && (changedLName == '' || changedLName == NULL)){
             ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'You must enter data to update.'));
        else if (changedFName !='' || changedFName != NULL){
            srcResult.FirstName__c = changedFName;
            update srcResult;
        else if (changedLName !='' || changedLName != NULL){
            srcResult.LastName__c = changedLName;
            update srcResult;
      /*  if (changedFName != '' || changedFName != NULL) {
                system.debug('>>> Input FN: ' + changedFName);
                //rec.Id = caseId;
                srcResult.FirstName__c = changedFName;
                update srcResult;
            } catch(exception e){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Can\'t update First Name.'));
                system.debug('>>> ' + e);
        } else if (changedLName !='' || changedLName != NULL){
                system.debug('>>> Input LN: ' + changedLName);
                srcResult.LastName__c = changedLName;
                update srcResult;
            } catch (exception e){
                ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Can\'t update Last Name.'));
                system.debug('>>> ' + e);
        else {
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'You must enter data to update.'));
        } */

public PageReference saveRecord(){
        system.debug('>>>Button Clicked<<<');
           //update srcResult;
           system.debug('>>> New FN: ' + srcResult.FirstName__c);
           system.debug('>>> New LN: ' + srcResult.LastName__c);
           return null;
        catch(Exception e){
            ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Your update did not save.'));
        return null;
VF Page:

<apex:form id="theForm">
            <apex:pageBlockSection >
                <table class="caseDetailTbl" align="center">
                    <apex:outputPanel id="detailPanel">
                        <apex:repeat value="{!srcResult}" var="details">
                            <div align="center">
                                    <th align="left">Original Information</th>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <th align="right">New Information</th>
                            <table id="updateTbl" align="center">
                                <tr><td colspan="4" style="height:25px"/></tr>
                                    <td>First Name:</td>
                                    <td><apex:outputLabel id="FirstName" value="{!details.FirstName__c}"  /></td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td><apex:inputText id="OverRide_FirstName" styleClass="trackChanges" value="{!changedFName}"/></td>
                                    <td>Last Name:</td>
                                    <td><apex:outputLabel id="LastName" value="{!details.LastName__c}"  /></td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td>      </td>
                                    <td><apex:inputText id="OverRide_LastName" styleClass="trackChanges" value="{!changedLName}"/></td>
                                <tr width="75%">
                                    <td style="align:right;">
                                        <apex:commandButton id="cmdSave" style="font-weight: bold;align:left;" styleClass="btn btn-primary horizontalButtons" value="Save" action="{!saveRecord}" reRender="updateTbl, err">
                                        <apex:pageMessages id="err"/>

These are the results that I am getting for the uncommented code in updateFields() (This is WITH data entered into the fields):
 1. Errors: You must enter data to update. Your update did not save.
2. DEBUG [33] >>> Input FN: null
3. Attempt to de-reference a null object error. 

These are the results that I am getting for the commented code in updateFields() (This is WITH data entered into the fields):
 1. Errors: Can't update First Name. Your update did not save.
2. DEBUG [48] >>> Input FN: null
3. Attempt to de-reference a null object error. 

Does anyone have any idea of why my inputText value is not being passed into the controller? 

Take wonderful Shareware EML to PST Converter software which smoothly converts Outlook Express EML files into MS Outlook PST file format. Our solution will helpful for outlook users those who want to open EML files into the Outlook PST environment without losing any information from them.

This tool converts both EML/EMLX to PST and you can convert multiple EML files to PST format. It extracts all the essential email components like To, Bcc, Cc, Sent, From, Received, Attachments, etc. Also convert different types of mails Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird and Apple email and uses EML to PST file format.

To know more information, visit to:  http://clickfordownlaod.blogspot.in/2017/02/eml-to-pst-converter-tool.html