• ccazz
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I am getting this error twice...once for a custom object and once for a custom object that is part of a managed package.

I found very few references to this when searching.


  • June 10, 2022
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I have a community/experience set up.
I have a Home Page, support page and a Flow on the standard Flow page that serves as a sort of intake or registration form.
All pages are publicly accessible.
On my PC, everything works perfectly.
When I try the experience on a phone or tablet, ios or android, everything loads as it should (via chrome browser) except the page with the flow...I can see the header and nothing else.
Please help!
  • April 14, 2021
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I have a very simple flow that is called by a Process.
It has 3 input variables:

ProgramEnrollmentID - this is the ID of the record being saved of the custom object "Program Enrollment".   

PE_ProgramID - this is the Id of the record in the lookup relationship on the Program Enrollment for the custom object, "Program".

PE_UserAccountID - this is the AccountId on the Contact that corresponds to the Community User who owns the Program Enrollment record.

Another Custom Object, "Enrollment Site Program Spec" (or ESPS for short) has a lookup to Program and a lookup to Account.

My Get Records Component is set to look for the one ESPS record that has an Account, matching the one listed above for the Community User AND that has a Program matching the one from the Program Enrollment.

In "Debug mode", no matter what values I enter, The ID for the first ESPS I ever created on the Account "TEST ACCOUNT" is ALWAYS returned.

Can anyone look at the screenshots below and see what I might be doing wrong?
Flow Builder CanvasGet Record Component 1Get Record Component 2Get Record Component 3

  • September 25, 2019
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I am trying to do the following:
Call Apex from a Process or Flow (Invocable Method),
Make an HTTP Callout (can't do this from invocable method so using a queueable class)

I have been using these examples to write the code related to invocable variables:
1. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_classes_annotation_InvocableVariable.htm
2. https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=9060G0000005nusQAA

Here is what I have:
public class EnqueueCallout {

    @InvocableMethod(label='Enroll in XYZ Program' )
    public static void queueCallout(List<FlowInputs> calloutvars) {
        string card = calloutvars.cardnum;
        string offer = calloutvars.offerid;
//this calls the queueable class and sends the variables...this part works fine when using the execute command in the execute anonymous apex window.
        ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(new SendCallout(card, offer));
    //input details that come into apex from flow
    public class FlowInputs {
        public string cardnum;
        public string offerid;

but I am getting the error "Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: cardnum at line 5 column 35"
  • September 18, 2019
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I am getting this error twice...once for a custom object and once for a custom object that is part of a managed package.

I found very few references to this when searching.


  • June 10, 2022
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I have a community/experience set up.
I have a Home Page, support page and a Flow on the standard Flow page that serves as a sort of intake or registration form.
All pages are publicly accessible.
On my PC, everything works perfectly.
When I try the experience on a phone or tablet, ios or android, everything loads as it should (via chrome browser) except the page with the flow...I can see the header and nothing else.
Please help!
  • April 14, 2021
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My client has a community that was created by a previous partner. There should be no non-authenticated access to the community. (Site Guest User, while it exists, because it has to, should not have any access to records. I'm relatively confident that the Site Guest User can't log in and couldn't access any records even if it could.) A few weeks ago I built a screen flow to put on Contact and Case pages to display a message. Once that flow was activated, we have started to get infrequent flow errors indicating that Site Guest User initiated the flow interview and that it errored because the record it was trying to look up isn't found (isn't accessible to the Site Guest User due to sharing settings). Error comes just a handful of times--maybe 5 in a week. But we can't figure out under what circumstances a Site Guest User would even be trying to access a record at all. I can't reproduce because if I try to access the site unauthenticated, I never get beyond the login screen. (Copying URL for a contact and then going directly without authenticating immediately goes to the login screen and does not trigger the error.) Need help figuring out the circumstances that cause the error. Here is the full text of one of the error emails:
Flow Details
Flow API Name: Community_Contact_Display_TANF_Warning
Type: Screen Flow
Version: 4
Status: Active
Org: Denton County Friends of the Family (00D0b000000vJB9)

Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Community_Contact_Display TANF Warning 8/19/2020 10:09 PM
Current User: DCFOF Client Cases Site Guest User (0050b000005Zm5v)
Start time: 8/19/2020 10:09 PM
Duration: 0 seconds

How the Interview Started
DCFOF Client Cases Site Guest User (0050b000005Zm5v) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
varContactId = 0030b00002Ucz8sAAB

FAST LOOKUP: Look_up_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!varContactId} (0030b00002Ucz8sAAB)
Store those records in {!varContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: Id, TANF_out_of_date__c
Failed to find records.

Error Occurred: This error occurred when the flow tried to look up records: SELECT Id, TANF_out_of_date__c FROM Contact WHERE ((Id = '0030b00002Ucz8sAAB')) ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:37 sObject type 'Contact' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Hi all,

I have public site with Visualforce Page. Basically, this is a public site for guest users to fill in a form without having to log into Salesforce. After completion of the form, the form information is saved as an object record in Salesforce.

When running the site in preview mode, the record is successfully saved in Salesforce. However, when running the actual site, the record is not saved and there is no debug logs.

A flow that is performing the saving of record is embedded in the Visualforce page and will run in Lightning Runtime.

I have also performed below configurations:
1. In Site Details > Public Access Settings > Object Settings: Read, Create, Edit permissions have been enabled for guest user profile. Field permissions have also been enabled.
2. In Site Details > Public Access Settings > Custom Settings Definitions: GW_Volunteers.Volunteers Settings custom settings have been added.
- In Volunteers Settings custom settings, Grant Guest Users Update Access is checked.
3. In Site Details > Public Access Settings > System Permissions: I have also enabled API Enabled, Modify Data Classification and Run Flows permissions
However, the record is still not saved when I run and complete the form on the actual public site. A record is only saved when the preview site is run.
Is there any other additional configurations I would need to enable/ perform for the saving of record to work?
Also, is there a way to add debug logs for this public site so there would be a clearer indication of the error?
I am trying to do the following:
Call Apex from a Process or Flow (Invocable Method),
Make an HTTP Callout (can't do this from invocable method so using a queueable class)

I have been using these examples to write the code related to invocable variables:
1. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_classes_annotation_InvocableVariable.htm
2. https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=9060G0000005nusQAA

Here is what I have:
public class EnqueueCallout {

    @InvocableMethod(label='Enroll in XYZ Program' )
    public static void queueCallout(List<FlowInputs> calloutvars) {
        string card = calloutvars.cardnum;
        string offer = calloutvars.offerid;
//this calls the queueable class and sends the variables...this part works fine when using the execute command in the execute anonymous apex window.
        ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(new SendCallout(card, offer));
    //input details that come into apex from flow
    public class FlowInputs {
        public string cardnum;
        public string offerid;

but I am getting the error "Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: cardnum at line 5 column 35"
  • September 18, 2019
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