• Deepali Gokhru 23
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  • Member since 2017

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Hello Devs,

I have a component that is going to be using a <lightning:datatable /> object I am attempting to set the cols with:
var cols = [
    {label: 'Vendor', fieldName: 'a02_Vendor__r.Name', type: 'text'},
    {label: 'Type', fieldName: 'RecordType.Name', type: 'text'},
    {label: 'Created', fieldName: 'CreatedDate', type: 'Date'}
component.set("v.tableCols", cols);
Where the a02_Vendor__r.Name is a related Account Name and the RecordType is the RecordType of the Object being returned by my controller.

When I console.log(response.getReturnValue()) from my call back function I do see that I am getting the apropreate and expected resluts from my controller, however my lighting datatabel IS displaying the CreatedDate field, but the two realted fields are empty. Can we not use related or nested objects in the datatable component? (that would be silly)...

Any help would be much apreciated!
We're instructed to send an email to the finance group -- that's pretty vague. I'm going to create a Finance group, made up of the CFO and subordinates. Am I missing something in the instructions?