• Sarvesh9
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Build a lightning component and added the component on record layout by adding the component in Lightning out app embedded in VF page.
The component is available in classic as well as lightning view.
Added $A.get('e.force:refreshView').fire(); but the page is not getting refreshed in classic nor in lightning.
Tried window.location.reload() as well, but the whole page is not getting refreshed. Any ideas?
Sample code written in Anonymous Window :

Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'XYZ';
insert acc;

The error is shown as :
Line: 2, Column: 3, Variable does not exist: Name

Same problem is occuring with all the fields of Account object.
Rest of the object fields can be accessed using the same method.

Please Help
Build a lightning component and added the component on record layout by adding the component in Lightning out app embedded in VF page.
The component is available in classic as well as lightning view.
Added $A.get('e.force:refreshView').fire(); but the page is not getting refreshed in classic nor in lightning.
Tried window.location.reload() as well, but the whole page is not getting refreshed. Any ideas?
Sample code written in Anonymous Window :

Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'XYZ';
insert acc;

The error is shown as :
Line: 2, Column: 3, Variable does not exist: Name

Same problem is occuring with all the fields of Account object.
Rest of the object fields can be accessed using the same method.

Please Help