• Jon Walker 15
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I'm accessing Salesforce Using the PHP Toolkit (latest stable).

My client recently began storing images in a Rich Text Field and when querying this table I get the image as an <img src=*> tag.

These images won't display on the page and I cannot directly view the image by visiting the src URL of the image.

An example of the img tag is as follows (redacted):
<img alt="User-added image" src="https://c.na##.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=####&amp;feoid=####&amp;refid=####" style="height: 375px; width: 500px;"></img>

I suspected a permissions issue but the client team rejected this suggestion and told me it was an implementation issue.

Ultimately what we would like to do is get the source image and save it on a separate image CDN.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?