• Bikramjit Das
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  • Member since 2017

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Can we use custom quick action(Lightning components ) in swipe action bar of object records? If so then I am stuck because I am not able to add it in swipe action bar in salesforce1 app, have not found any articles reg this also, please help
Need to export a report as a CSV file from salesforce and drop in SFTP location
  1. Report -> schedule report -> webpage
  2. Customize the report in batch class and schedule it and export as a csv into SFTP location
Is this possible via code or we need to use connectors to do this .
If it is via code the export CSV file size matters or it has any limitations?
If we use connectors , what are the best ways we can achieve it .
I have a commandlink tag in my vf page where in redered I ahve added 3 profile so that logged in user with thoze profiles only can see the delete commandlink in the vf page but the strange problem is that for only 2 of them it is working , for the 3rd one it is not working. All have same object level access on that object. Please help on this
I have a commandlink tag in my vf page where in redered I ahve added 3 profile so that logged in user with thoze profiles only can see the delete commandlink in the vf page but the strange problem is that for only 2 of them it is working , for the 3rd one it is not working. All have same object level access on that object. Please help on this