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how to write the test class of the below code
It is only covering 60 %. it is not going under if condition.
public class AccountStatusUpdate {
public static void acntStatusMethod(List<Account> ac,Map<Id,Account> oldAccountMap){
set<Id> accIds = new set<Id>();
for(Account acc: ac){
if(accIds.size() > 0){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT Id,Account_Status__c, AccountId, Account.Membership_Defined__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN : accIds];
//Create a list to update the contacts
List<Contact> contactToBeUpdate = new List<Contact>();
for(Contact objCont : contactList){
if(oldAccountMap!= null && String.isNotBlank(objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c) && objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c != oldAccountMap.get(objCont.AccountId).Membership_Defined__c){
Contact newContact = new Contact();
newContact.Id = objCont.Id;
newContact.Account_Status_BG__c = objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c;
if(contactToBeUpdate.size() > 0){
UPDATE contactToBeUpdate;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 14, 2019
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- 0
how to write the test class of an apex rest callout
public class StatusPageUtility implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
public Map<String,String> statusPageUserWithEmailId {get;set;}
public String email{get;set;}
public String actionType{get;set;}
public String oldContactEmail{get;set;}
public StatusPageUtility(String operationType, String conEmail, String oldConEmail){
this.actionType = operationType;
this.email = conEmail;
this.oldContactEmail = oldConEmail;
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
//method to get all the page access users.
//actionType - add, remove, update, validate
public void getStatusPageUsers(String actionType,String email, String oldContactEmail)
statusPageUserWithEmailId = new Map<String,String>();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Status_Page_Setup__c statusPageSetup = Status_Page_Setup__c.getOrgDefaults();
req.setEndpoint(statusPageSetup.Status_page_EndPoint__c+'/pages/'+statusPageSetup.Page_ID__c+'/page_access_users' );
User usr = [SELECT Id, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
String userApiKey = String.isNotBlank(usr.User_Status_API_Key__c) ? usr.User_Status_API_Key__c : '';
req.setHeader('authorization', 'OAuth '+userApiKey);
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPResponse res = new HTTPResponse();
res = h.send(req);
List<PageAccessUsers> statusPageUsers = new List<PageAccessUsers>();
statusPageUsers = (List<PageAccessUsers>) JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(), List<PageAccessUsers>.class);
//iterate over the list of users recieved from Status page and creating a map of email with user id.
for(PageAccessUsers pau : statusPageUsers){
if(actionType == 'validate'){
if(actionType == 'remove'){
if(actionType == 'add'){
if(actionType == 'update'){
}catch(Exception e){
System.debug('==============parsing exception==========='+e.getMessage());
}catch(CalloutException ce){
System.debug('===========Invalid User API===========');
//method to validate user exist in Status Page.
public String validateStatusPageUsers(String contactEmail){
if(statusPageUserWithEmailId != null && String.isNotBlank(contactEmail) && statusPageUserWithEmailId.containsKey(contactEmail)){
return statusPageUserWithEmailId.get(contactEmail);
return null;
//method to delete user in Status Page.
public Boolean deleteStatusPageUsers(String contactEmail){
String pageAccessUserId = validateStatusPageUsers(contactEmail);
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Status_Page_Setup__c statusPageSetup = Status_Page_Setup__c.getOrgDefaults();
User usr = [SELECT Id, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
String userApiKey = String.isNotBlank(usr.User_Status_API_Key__c) ? usr.User_Status_API_Key__c : '';
req.setHeader('authorization', 'OAuth '+userApiKey);
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPResponse res = new HTTPResponse();
PageAccessUsersDataSet pau = new PageAccessUsersDataSet();
PageAccessUser pausr = new PageAccessUser();
pausr.email = contactEmail;
pausr.page_access_group_ids = new String[]{statusPageSetup.Group_Id__c};
pau.page_access_user = pausr;
res = h.send(req);
}catch(CalloutException ce){
System.debug('====User is not avilable');
return null;
//method to add new user in Status Page.
public Boolean addStatusPageUsers(String contactEmail){
String pageAccessUserId = validateStatusPageUsers(contactEmail);
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Status_Page_Setup__c statusPageSetup = Status_Page_Setup__c.getOrgDefaults();
User usr = [SELECT Id, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
String userApiKey = String.isNotBlank(usr.User_Status_API_Key__c) ? usr.User_Status_API_Key__c : '';
req.setHeader('authorization', 'OAuth '+userApiKey);
PageAccessUsersDataSet pau = new PageAccessUsersDataSet();
PageAccessUser pausr = new PageAccessUser();
pausr.email = contactEmail;
pausr.page_access_group_ids = new String[]{statusPageSetup.Group_Id__c};
pau.page_access_user = pausr;
System.debug('==After add==JSON.serialize(bodyMap)======'+JSON.serialize(pau));
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPResponse res = new HTTPResponse();
res = h.send(req);
}catch(CalloutException ce){
System.debug('=====User is not avilable=====');
return null;
//method to update details of user in Status Page.
public Boolean updateStatusPageUsers(String contactEmail, String oldContactEmail){
String pageAccessUserId = validateStatusPageUsers(oldContactEmail);
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Status_Page_Setup__c statusPageSetup = Status_Page_Setup__c.getOrgDefaults();
User usr = [SELECT Id, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
String userApiKey = String.isNotBlank(usr.User_Status_API_Key__c) ? usr.User_Status_API_Key__c : '';
req.setHeader('authorization', 'OAuth '+userApiKey);
PageAccessUsersDataSet pau = new PageAccessUsersDataSet();
PageAccessUser pausr = new PageAccessUser();
pausr.email = contactEmail;
pausr.page_access_group_ids = new String[]{statusPageSetup.Group_Id__c};
pau.page_access_user = pausr;
System.debug('==After update=delete=JSON.serialize(bodyMap)======'+JSON.serialize(pau));
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPResponse res = new HTTPResponse();
res = h.send(req);
}catch(CalloutException ce){
System.debug('====User is not avilable');
return null;
// A wrapper class to create json structure to send the data to the status page to add/update/remove the user.
class PageAccessUsersDataSet{
public PageAccessUser page_access_user{get;set;}
// A wrapper class to create json structure to send the data to the status page.
class PageAccessUser{
public String email{get;set;}
public String []page_access_group_ids{get;set;}
// A wrapper class to store the page access member recieved from status Page
Class PageAccessUsers{
public String id{get;set;}
public String page_id{get;set;}
public String email{get;set;}
public String external_login{get;set;}
public String page_access_group_id{get;set;}
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 01, 2019
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- 0
How to send an Email automatically when the event is created, an email should be sent to the “Assigned To” with a link to the record.
My event is created Automatically when My Parent Object(Support Request ) Record is approved with the standard Approval process.
I have written a trigger where I am able to create an Event automatically through trigger but at the same time, I want to send an Email to the owner of the Event with a link that event Record is created.
Below is my code :
Public class AutoCreateEvent
Public static void createNewEvent(List<DealSupportRequest__c> dsreq, Map<Id, DealSupportRequest__c> oldDsreqMap)
List<Event> EventRec = new List<Event>();
RecordType SuppReqRecordType = [SELECT Id
FROM RecordType
WHERE SobjectType = 'DealSupportRequest__c' AND DeveloperName = 'PSCUOnsiteSupport'
for(DealSupportRequest__c ds:dsreq)
if((ds.Is_approved__c==true && ds.RecordtypeId==SuppReqRecordType.Id) && (ds.Is_approved__c != oldDsreqMap.get(ds.Id).Is_approved__c) )
Event e = new Event();
e.WhatId = ds.Account__c;
e.Type = 'On-Site at PSCU';
e.Status__c = 'Scheduled';
e.OwnerId = ds.Ownerid;
e.Subject_Custom__c =ds.Purpose__c;
e.Description = ds.OtherPurpose__c;
e.StartDateTime =ds.StartDateTime__c;
e.EndDateTime = ds.EndDateTime__c;
e.LocationCallInInfo__c = ds.CampusLocation__c;
e.Support_Request__c = ds.Id;
Insert EventRec;
List<User> u =[select Id,Name,Email from User where ID=:UserInfo.getUserId()];
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lst = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
List<EmailTemplate> template = [select Id,Name,Subject,body from EmailTemplate where name = 'Event Created Confirmation After Support Request Approved'];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage semail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 14, 2018
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i have a confusion In CURL in Rest API that how to make use of it During Authorization
Below is the Example provided to make the Authorization with the External system. But I am not sure how to make use of it in Authorization .
Passing your API key in an authorization header
The following example authenticates you with the page API. Along with the Page ID listed on the API page, we can fetch your page profile.
curl -H "Authorization: OAuth 89a229ce1a8dbcf9ff30430fbe35eb4c0426574bca932061892cefd2138aa4b1" \ https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json
Passing your API key in a query param
curl "https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json?api_key=89a229ce1a8dbcf9ff30430fbe35eb4c0426574bca932061892cefd2138aa4b1"
Security scheme type: API Key
header parameter name: Authorization
I am getting an Error :
Illegal string literal: Invalid string literal '\https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json'. Illegal character sequence \h' in string literal.
Below is My code :
public list <contact> conlist= new list<contact>();
public string PageID ='0ypqjmkwgqmh';
Public statusPageCallout(list<contact>conlist){
this.conlist = conlist;
public void execute(QueueableContext context)
list<user> userlist = [SELECT id,name, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
string API = userlist[0].User_Status_API_Key__c;
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.SetHeader('Authorization','curl -H "Authorization: OAuth'+API+'\https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json');
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res;
try {
res = http.send(req);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('Callout Error:' + e.getMessage());
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 13, 2018
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My test class is not giving any error & running successfully but while checking code coverage it is giving none
My class is calling in a trigger which fires when my support Request(object) Record is approved by the approver through the standard approval process. when the record is approved the trigger automatically create an Event record. below is the class with test class .
Public class AutoCreateEvent
Public static void createNewEvent(List<DealSupportRequest__c> dsreq, Map<Id, DealSupportRequest__c> oldDsreqMap)
List<Event> EventRec = new List<Event>();
RecordType SuppReqRecordType = [SELECT Id
FROM RecordType
WHERE SobjectType = 'DealSupportRequest__c' AND DeveloperName = 'PSCUOnsiteSupport'
for(DealSupportRequest__c ds:dsreq)
if((ds.Is_approved__c==true && ds.RecordtypeId==SuppReqRecordType.Id) && (ds.Is_approved__c != oldDsreqMap.get(ds.Id).Is_approved__c) )
Event e = new Event();
e.WhatId = ds.Account__c;
e.Type = 'On-Site at PSCU';
e.Status__c = 'Scheduled';
e.OwnerId = ds.Ownerid;
e.Subject_Custom__c =ds.Purpose__c;
e.Description = ds.OtherPurpose__c;
e.StartDateTime =ds.StartDateTime__c;
e.EndDateTime = ds.EndDateTime__c;
e.LocationCallInInfo__c = ds.CampusLocation__c;
e.Support_Request__c = ds.Id;
Insert EventRec;
Test class:
public class AutoCreateEvent_Test {
static testmethod void CreateEvent(){
User u = new User(
ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id,
LastName = 'last',
Email = 'puser000@amamama.com',
Username = 'puser000@amamama.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(),
CompanyName = 'TEST',
Title = 'title',
Alias = 'alias',
TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
insert u;
List<Event> EventRec = new List<Event>();
Account a = new Account(Name='1st Community CU',Membership_Defined__c='Member',Type='Client', ownerid=u.id );
Insert a;
DealSupportRequest__c dsr = new DealSupportRequest__c(Account__c=a.Id,StartDateTime__c=system.now(),EndDateTime__c=system.now().addDays(1),ownerid=a.Ownerid);
Insert dsr;
Event e = new Event();
e.Type = 'On-Site at PSCU';
e.Status__c = 'Scheduled';
e.OwnerId = dsr.Ownerid;
// e.Support_Request__c=dsr.Id;
e.StartDateTime =dsr.StartDateTime__c;
e.EndDateTime = dsr.EndDateTime__c;
insert EventRec;
Test.stopTest() ;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- November 29, 2018
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i am not getting the parent id through getRecord() in standard controller
System.QueryException: Apply_Cash_Fees_to_Promo_Transactions__c, AQ_table_ID__c, Charge_Cash_Item_Fees__c ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:90 invalid ID field: null
Class.NewTLPController.<init>: line 22, column 1
The above query has parent object fields. For the Existing record, my code works properly But during the creation of new Record, the above error occurs. Below is my class
public with sharing class NewTLPController
//Instance Variables
public List<TLP_System_Prin__c> TLPList {get;set;}
public List<TLP_System_Prin__c> TLPAddList {get;set;}
public TLP__c tlpRecord;
public List<TLP_System_Prin__c> tlpSysPrinList;
ApexPages.StandardController controller;
//standard controller constructor
public NewTLPController(ApexPages.StandardController con) {
controller =con;
tlpRecord = (TLP__c)con.getRecord();
String queryData = 'SELECT Agent__c,System_Prin__c,MarkedforDeletion__c,TLP__c FROM TLP_System_Prin__c WHERE TLP__c=\''+tlpRecord.Id+'\'';
TLPList = Database.Query(queryData);
TLPAddList = new List<TLP_System_Prin__c>();
TLPAddList = new List<TLP_System_Prin__c>();
//Method is used to add the Multiple rows.
public void AddRow()
TLPAddList.add(new TLP_System_Prin__c());
//Method is used to remove the rows.
public void removerow(){
Integer i = TLPAddList.size();
//Method is used to save the TLP record & also save the Multiple row data.
public pageReference saveAll()
TLP__c tlpRec = (TLP__c)controller.getRecord();
upsert tlpRec;
for(TLP_System_Prin__c tsp:TLPAddList)
tsp.TLP__c = tlpRec.Id;
upsert TLPAddList;
return new PageReference('/'+tlpRec.Id);
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- November 20, 2018
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How to Update the two picklist field from External system to Sales force through Rest API
Hello All,
I have queries related to Integration part as I am new to it. I have a requirement where I want to update the two picklists field data of contact (object ) in Salesforce from External System. I want to integrate through rest. can anyone let me know how to do this actions or anyone provide me the sample code to do it?
What are the pre-requisite Required to do the authentication
Here is my code that i am trying to do.
Public Class statusPageCallout{
public static void spageCallout(){
List<Contact> con = new List<Contact>();
con=[select Id,AccountId,System_Status_Request__c,System_Status_Participation_Level__c,email from Contact];
// String systemStatusReq =con.System_Status_Request__c;
String api_Key = '89a229ce1a8dbcf9ff30430fbe35eb4c0426574bca932061892cefd2138aa4b1';
String token;
String requestEndpoint = 'https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages';
// requestEndpoint += '?q='+System_Status_Request__c;
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/jason; charset=utf-8');
// request.setBody();
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// If the request is successful, parse the JSON response.
if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
// Deserialize the JSON string into collections of primitive data types.
Map<String, Object> results = (Map<String,Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
Map<String, Object> mainResults = (Map<String, object>)(results.get('pages'));
/* System.debug('Received the following animals:');
for (Object pages: mainResults) {
// System.debug(pages);
}else {
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'There was an error retrieving information.');
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- November 13, 2018
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how to cover the For Loop & if condition in test class
This is My snippet Which i need to cover in My test class .
class :-
Public class UpdateTerritorySectionFields{
Public static Void ofOnsiteatPSCUInProgressUp(List<Territory_Plan__c> tpe){
Set<Id> ownerIds =New set<Id>();
List<Event> evtList = new List<Event>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectRec = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c> tpList = new List<Territory_Plan__c>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectBList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Opportunity> oppoList = new List<Opportunity>();
for(Territory_Plan__c t:tpe){
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppoMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id, StageName, ownerId FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId IN : ownerIds]);
evtList = [SELECT Id, WhatId, Status__c, Type, ownerId FROM Event WHERE Status__c='Scheduled' AND Type='On-Site at PSCU' AND ownerID IN:ownerIds];
for(Territory_Plan__c tp:tpe){
for(Event e: evtList){
if(tp.Account_Executive__c==e.ownerId && oppoMap.containsKey(e.WhatId) && tp.Account_Executive__c==oppoMap.get(e.WhatId).ownerId){
tp.of_Onsite_at_PSCU_In_Progress__c = oppoList.size();
update tpList;
Test class :-
public class testUpTerritorySectionFields {
Public Static testMethod Void UpdateTerFromEvent(){
User u = getUserRecord();
territory_Plan__c tp = new territory_Plan__c(Account_Executive__c=u.id);
insert tp;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Chicago Patrolmens FCU AFA',PSCU_Opp_Referred_By__c=u.id,StageName='06 - Sale Closed',CloseDate=Date.Today(),Probability=100,PSCU_Contract_Term__c='2',ownerid=u.id );
Insert opp;
List<Event> ev =new List<Event>();
Event e1 =new Event(Type='On-Site at PSCU',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2);
Event e2 =new Event(Type='On-Site at PSCU',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e3 =new Event(Type='On-Site at Account',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e4 =new Event(Type='On-Site at Account',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e5 =new Event(Type='Call/Webinar with CU',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e6 =new Event(Type='Call/Webinar with CU',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id ,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Insert ev;
List<Event> Evnt = [select Type,Status__c,OwnerId,DurationInMinutes,ActivityDateTime from Event Where WhatId=:opp.Id LIMIT 6 ];
Update Evnt;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- June 19, 2018
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System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 :- this Method i am calling in trigger:- please help me where i am wrong
Public static Void territoryFinancialsDj(List<Territory_Plan__c> tpe){
Set<Id> ownerIds =New set<Id>();
List<Event> evtList = new List<Event>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectRec = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c > tpList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectBList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Opportunity> oppoList = new List<Opportunity>();
For(Territory_Plan__c t:tpe){
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppoMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id, StageName, ownerId FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId IN : ownerIds]);
evtList = [SELECT Id, WhatId, Status__c, Type, ownerId FROM Event WHERE Status__c='Completed' AND Type='On-Site at PSCU' AND ownerID IN:ownerIds ];
for(Territory_Plan__c tp:tpe){
for(Event e: evtList){
if(tp.Account_Executive__c==e.ownerId && oppoMap.containsKey(e.WhatId) && tp.Account_Executive__c==oppoMap.get(e.WhatId).ownerId){
tp.of_Onsite_at_PSCU_YTD__c = oppoList.size();
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- May 28, 2018
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- 0
i want to create a SOQL Query to count the Records and update in child Object field
I have a requirement Where i want to Query the Records based on the Below Criteria :
Account_Executive is a Custom Field(User Lookup) field whenever i select a User in Account_Executive field in Territory_plan__c (object) it should query all the Records of event related to Opportunity & update in #of ONsite at xyz - in progress .
#of ONsite at xyz - in progress : Is a field on Custom Object(Territory_plan__c ) where i want to Update the Count of below criteria
# of Onsite at xyz– In Progress
This field should populate with the number of Opportunity records that meet the following criteria:
The User in the “Account Executive” field in the Territory Plan object is equal to the “Assigned To” in the Event object
The Status for the Event is “Scheduled”
The Type for the Event is “On-Site at xyz”
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- May 11, 2018
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How to write the test class of visual force Controller Extension
public with sharing class CU_Detail_Growth {
Public id accRecId {get;set;}
public list<Account> accList{get;set;}
Public Integer size{get;set;}
Public Integer noOfRecords{get; set;}
/* public CU_Detail_Growth (){
/* public CU_Detail_Growth(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
public CU_Detail_Growth(ApexPages.StandardsetController controller) {
accRecId = [select id,Account_Executive__c from Territory_Plan__c where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')].Account_Executive__c;
public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon {
if(setCon == null){
size = 5;
string queryString = 'select id,OwnerId,Name,Account_Category__c,of_Members__c,Market_Segment__c,Account_Status__c,Action_Plan__c,Relationship_Assessment__c FROM Account Where Account_Category__c =\'Growth\' AND OwnerId =:accRecId' ;
setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(queryString));
noOfRecords = setCon.getResultSize();
return setCon;
Public List<Account> getAccounts(){
List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();
for(Account a : (List<Account>)setCon.getRecords())
return accList;
public pageReference refresh() {
setCon = null;
return null;
public Boolean hasNext {
get {
return setCon.getHasNext();
public Boolean hasPrevious {
get {
return setCon.getHasPrevious();
public Integer pageNumber {
get {
return setCon.getPageNumber();
public void first() {
public void last() {
public void previous() {
public void next() {
Test Class:-
Public class TestCU_Detail_Growth {
Public static testMethod Void detailGrowth(){
User u = new User(
ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id,
LastName = 'last',
Email = 'puser000@amamama.com',
Username = 'puser000@amamama.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(),
CompanyName = 'TEST',
Title = 'title',
Alias = 'alias',
TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US'
Account acc =new Account(Name='1st Advantage CU ',Account_Category__c ='Growth',OwnerId=u.id);
Insert acc;
List<Territory_Plan__c> t = new List<Territory_Plan__c>();
Territory_Plan__c tps = new Territory_Plan__c();
// tps.Account__c=acc.id;
Insert t;
PageReference pageRef = Page.CU_Growth;
pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(acc.Id));
ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(t);
CU_Detail_Growth ext = new CU_Detail_Growth (stdSetController);
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- April 19, 2018
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- 0
how to write a trigger to check & Uncheck the parent Record based on the Child Record Values.
how to update a parent field (checkbox) Based on child records field Values.
i have checkbox field Visa__c In Account & i have a custom Object (Card program ) where i have two fields Cardtype __c & card_processor_status__c, so the requiremnt is when the cardtype__c=Visa & Card_processor_Status__c =Active then the Checkbox should get check in Visa__c in account & when the two fields value is other than visa & active the checkbox should get unchecked.
let suppose we have 10 records in Cardprogram out of 10 if atleast 1 record have fullfill the criteria then also the checkbox should get checked .
Here is the criteria for when the “Visa” field should be TRUE:
There is a Card Program record related to the Account that has at least one single record that meets both the criteria below:
The “Card Type” field is “Visa”
The “Card Processor Status” field is “Active”
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- March 27, 2018
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- 0
Getting Issue In my batch class need to add latest Annual Revenue(12 Records) not Getting answer as Expected , it is Adding but not correctly
I have a requirement Where
- Processed Lines Business is a Custom Object where I have a Field called “Total LOB Annual Revenue” on the records & it should be populated with the sum of “Monthly Revenue” which is also a field on the same record .
3. i am passing the parameter like Credit /debit/ etc so based on the LOB value it is filtering the Record ,so it is taking only those Record Which Lob parameter is passed.
Please let me know where i am doing wrong.
//Batch to update Total Revenue for Processed LOB.
global class BatchUpdateAI implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
private String strParameter;
private List <ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c> pLOBToUpdate = new list<ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c>();
public BatchUpdateAI(String strParam)
strParameter = strParam;
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
String query = 'select id, AsofDate__c, AsofDateCalc__c, LOB__c from ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c> scope)
Double totalRev = 0.0;
for(Account acc : [select id, (select id, AsofDateCalc__c, TotalAnnualRevenue__c, MonthlyRevenue__c from Processed_Lines_of_Business_Details__r where
LOB__c =: strParameter and AsofDateCalc__c = LAST_N_MONTHS:12 ) from Account])
totalRev = 0.0;
for(ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c plob : acc.Processed_Lines_of_Business_Details__r)
if(plob.MonthlyRevenue__c != null)
totalRev = totalRev + plob.MonthlyRevenue__c;
for(ProcessedLinesofBusinessDetail__c temp : acc.Processed_Lines_of_Business_Details__r)
temp.TotalAnnualRevenue__c = totalRev;
if(!pLOBToUpdate.isEmpty() && pLOBToUpdate.size()>0)
update pLOBToUpdate;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- February 26, 2018
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- 0
how to Update the Child Records & parent Records (viceversa ) through trigger
can we Update the Records From parent to child & also from child to parent (viceversa ) through trigger .
I have a requirement where i have 10-15 Fields In parent Whose values i need to update in child fields & fields with Same values i have in child ,If I update any child field values from Child that should Update the values in parent. How We can do this through Trigger when record is Inserted & also While Updated ?
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- February 07, 2018
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how to bring the Checkbox in pdf through visualforce page
I have a requirement Where i have a wrapper page multiple checkboxes with Values in a vf page & on the same vf page i have a custom Button so when i click on that button the copy of the vf page should open in pdf but the hurdle is the checkbox is not displaying in pdf how i can bring the checkboxes either Checked & unchecked values of it bcoz it will change based On new Record Open .
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 17, 2018
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i want to generate my visualforce page in Pfd Format
I want to Generate my current visualforce page In Pdf Format when click on a Custom Button which is on the same page ,the class consist a wrapper class which has a checkbox & values , I have created a pagerefernce Method but how to generate in Pdf.
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="SolutionParticipationCategoryController" sidebar="False" >
<style type="text/css">
vertical-align: top;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px solid black;
<apex:form >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Account" subtitle="Key Solutions Inventory "/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockbuttons >
<apex:commandButton value="Open Account" action="{!OpenAccount}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Solution Participation " action="{!SolutionParticipation}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Card Program " action="{!cardProgram}" />
<apex:commandButton value="View Pdf" action="{!ViewPDF}"/>
<table style="border-collapse: collapse;padding:50px;">
<apex:repeat value="{!resultPickValuesMap}" var="M">
<td style="vertical-align: top;padding:30px;text-align:left;">
<b style="text-align:center;">{!M}</b><br/>
<apex:repeat value="{!resultPickValuesMap[M]}" var="temp">
<td style="padding-top:5px;">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!temp.isSelected}" disabled="true"/>
<apex:commandLink id="theLink" action="{!solutionList}" target="_blank">
<apex:param assignTo="{!solName}" value="{!temp.value}" name="solName"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!temp.value}"/>
/* *****
Date:- 8/1/2018
Description :- This Class is used to get the Multiselect Values from Account & displayed in New Vf Page on key solution Inventory button & checked
If altleast One Solution is Active so the Checkbox get checked.
public with sharing class SolutionParticipationCategoryController
public Id acctId{get;set;}
public String solName{get;set;}
public Set<String> CategorySelected{get;set;}
Public MAP<String,LIST<Account>> accsCategoryByType{get;set;}
public Map<String, List<PicklistWrapper>> resultPickValuesMap{get;set;}
public Set<String> controllKeySet{get;set;}
public List<PicklistWrapper> enterpriseCardSolutionsList;
public List<PicklistWrapper> creditList;
public List<PicklistWrapper> debitList;
public List<PicklistWrapper> advisorsPlusList;
Public List<Solution_Participation__c>sp;
Public Integer count;
Public Map<String,Integer> checkActMap;
public SolutionParticipationCategoryController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
acctId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
CategorySelected = new Set<String>();
resultPickValuesMap = getDependentOptionsImpl();
public Map<String,List<PicklistWrapper>> getDependentOptionsImpl()
String objApiName = 'Account';
String contrfieldApiName = 'Picklist_Independent__c';
String depfieldApiName = 'Solution_Participation_Category__c';
String objectName = objApiName.toLowerCase();
String controllingField = contrfieldApiName.toLowerCase();
String dependentField = depfieldApiName.toLowerCase();
checkActMap = new Map<String,Integer>();
Map<String,List<PicklistWrapper>> objResults = new Map<String,List<PicklistWrapper>>();
//get the string to sobject global map
Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> objGlobalMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
if (!Schema.getGlobalDescribe().containsKey(objectName))
System.debug('OBJNAME NOT FOUND --.> ' + objectName);
return null;
Schema.SObjectType objType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName);
if (objType==null){
return objResults;
Bitset bitSetObj = new Bitset();
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objFieldMap = objType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
//Check if picklist values exist
if (!objFieldMap.containsKey(controllingField) || !objFieldMap.containsKey(dependentField)){
System.debug('FIELD NOT FOUND --.> ' + controllingField + ' OR ' + dependentField);
return objResults;
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> contrEntries = objFieldMap.get(controllingField).getDescribe().getPicklistValues();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> depEntries = objFieldMap.get(dependentField).getDescribe().getPicklistValues();
objFieldMap = null;
List<Integer> controllingIndexes = new List<Integer>();
for(Integer contrIndex=0; contrIndex<contrEntries.size(); contrIndex++) {
Schema.PicklistEntry ctrlentry = contrEntries[contrIndex];
String label = ctrlentry.getLabel();
objResults.put(label,new List<PicklistWrapper>());
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> objEntries = new List<Schema.PicklistEntry>();
List<PicklistEntryWrapper> objJsonEntries = new List<PicklistEntryWrapper>();
for(Integer dependentIndex=0; dependentIndex<depEntries.size(); dependentIndex++){
Schema.PicklistEntry depentry = depEntries[dependentIndex];
objJsonEntries = (List<PicklistEntryWrapper>)JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(objEntries), List<PicklistEntryWrapper>.class);
List<Integer> indexes;
Account a = [SELECT Solution_Participation_Category__c,(SELECT Id,solution_name__c,Active__c FROM solution_participations__r) FROM Account WHERE Id =: acctId limit 1];
List<Solution_Participation__c> mySol = a.solution_participations__r;
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.Solution_Participation_Category__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for(PicklistEntryWrapper pew : objJsonEntries){
for(Solution_Participation__c solp:mySol){
if(solp.Active__c==true && solp.solution_name__c==String.valueof(pew.label)){
if(a.Solution_Participation_Category__c != null )
//Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.Solution_Participation_Category__c.getDescribe();
//List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for (PicklistEntryWrapper objJson : objJsonEntries){
if (objJson.validFor==null || objJson.validFor==''){
indexes = bitSetObj.testBits(objJson.validFor,controllingIndexes);
sp= [select Id,Active__c, Account__r.Solution_Participation_Category__c From Solution_Participation__c where Account__c =: acctId limit 1];
for (Integer idx : indexes)
String contrLabel = contrEntries[idx].getLabel();
objResults.get(contrLabel).add(new PicklistWrapper(objJson.label,true));
objResults.get(contrLabel).add(new PicklistWrapper(objJson.label,false));
objEntries = null;
objJsonEntries = null;
system.debug('objResults--->' + objResults);
return objResults;
public class PicklistWrapper
public String value {get;set;}
public Boolean isSelected {get;set;}
public PicklistWrapper(String value, Boolean isSelected)
this.value = value;
this.isSelected = isSelected;
public PageReference solutionList()
PageReference solutionList = new Pagereference('/apex/SolutionList');
solutionList.getParameters().put('Id', acctId);
solutionList.getParameters().put('solName', solName);
return solutionList;
public PageReference OpenAccount()
Pagereference acc = new Pagereference('/'+acctId);
return acc;
Public PageReference SolutionParticipation()
id ReportId = [Select id from Report where name = 'Solution Participants'].id;
Pagereference sp= new Pagereference('/'+ReportId);
return sp;
Public PageReference CardProgram()
id ReportId1 = [Select id from Report where name = 'Card Programs'].id;
Pagereference cp= new Pagereference('/'+ReportId1);
return cp;
/* Public PageReference ViewPDF(){
pageReference vpdf = page.solutionparticipationPDF;
return vpdf;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 09, 2018
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My all Test Case Is passed But still getting 0% coverage
public class TestcardProgramsolparticipationcheck {
public static testMethod void testRunAs() {
// Setup test data
// This code runs as the system user
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
User u = new User(Alias = 'sysadm', Email='systemuser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, EmployeeNumber='12015',
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='csubodh@pscu.com');
System.runAs(u) {
// The following code runs as user 'u'
System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName());
System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId());
Public static testMethod void method1()
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Account a = new account(Name='XYZ'+i);
List<Card_Program__c> cp =new List<Card_Program__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Card_program__c cpr =new Card_Program__c(FI__c='12 Financial CU'+i,Card_Processor_Status__c='ACTIVE');
Insert acc;
Insert cp;
List<Solution_Participation__c> spn= new List<Solution_Participation__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Solution_Participation__c spr = new Solution_Participation__c(Card_Program__c='11800883',Active__c= true);
List<Card_Program__c> cps =new List<Card_Program__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Card_program__c cprs =new Card_Program__c(FI__c='12 Financial CU'+i,Card_Processor_Status__c='INACTIVE');
// FI__c is a lookup field from Account.
Insert cps;
List<Solution_Participation__c> sp= new List<Solution_Participation__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Solution_Participation__c sprs = new Solution_Participation__c(Card_Program__c='11800884',Active__c= False);
Actual Class --
Public class cardProgramsolparticipationcheck{
Public Static Void checkFieldstatus(List<Card_Program__c> card){
Map<id,Card_Program__c> programIds = new Map<id,Card_Program__c>();
for(Card_Program__c cp : card){
if(cp.card_processor_status__c != null){
List<Solution_participation__c> updChildrecs = new List<Solution_participation__c>();
List<Solution_participation__c> childrecs = [select id,Active__c,Card_Program__c from Solution_participation__c where Card_Program__c IN : programIds.keyset()];
for(Solution_participation__c sp : childrecs){
if(programIds.get(sp.Card_Program__c).card_processor_status__c == 'INACTIVE'){
sp.Active__c = FALSE;
}else {
sp.Active__c = TRUE;
Update updChildrecs;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 02, 2018
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How to change the value of child Record field (checkbox) Based on the parent Record Text Field
I tried to update this with process builder But it is No Success .How we can Update this through Code?
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 01, 2018
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how to write the test class Of a helper class
public class BitSet
public Map < String, Integer > alphaNumCharCodes {
public Map < String, Integer > base64CharCodes
public BitSet() {
//Method loads the character codes for all letters
public void LoadCharCodes()
alphaNumCharCodes = new Map < String, Integer > {
'A' => 65,
'B' => 66,
'C' => 67,
'D' => 68,
'E' => 69,
'F' => 70,
'G' => 71,
'H' => 72,
'I' => 73,
'J' => 74,
'K' => 75,
'L' => 76,
'M' => 77,
'N' => 78,
'O' => 79,
'P' => 80,
'Q' => 81,
'R' => 82,
'S' => 83,
'T' => 84,
'U' => 85,
'V' => 86,
'W' => 87,
'X' => 88,
'Y' => 89,
'Z' => 90
base64CharCodes = new Map < String, Integer > ();
//all lower cases
Set < String > pUpperCase = alphaNumCharCodes.keySet();
for (String pKey: pUpperCase)
//the difference between upper case and lower case is 32
alphaNumCharCodes.put(pKey.toLowerCase(), alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) + 32);
//Base 64 alpha starts from 0 (The ascii charcodes started from 65)
base64CharCodes.put(pKey, alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - 65);
base64CharCodes.put(pKey.toLowerCase(), alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - (65) + 26);
for (Integer i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
alphaNumCharCodes.put(string.valueOf(i), i + 48);
//base 64 numeric starts from 52
base64CharCodes.put(string.valueOf(i), i + 52);
public List < Integer > testBits(String pValidFor, List < Integer > nList)
List < Integer > results = new List < Integer > ();
List < Integer > pBytes = new List < Integer > ();
Integer bytesBeingUsed = (pValidFor.length() * 6) / 8;
Integer pFullValue = 0;
if (bytesBeingUsed <= 1)
return results;
for (Integer i = 0; i < pValidFor.length(); i++)
pBytes.Add((base64CharCodes.get((pValidFor.Substring(i, i + 1)))));
for (Integer i = 0; i < pBytes.size(); i++)
Integer pShiftAmount = (pBytes.size() - (i + 1)) * 6; //used to shift by a factor 6 bits to get the value
pFullValue = pFullValue + (pBytes[i] << (pShiftAmount));
Integer bit;
Integer targetOctet;
Integer shiftBits;
Integer tBitVal;
Integer n;
Integer nListSize = nList.size();
for (Integer i = 0; i < nListSize; i++)
n = nList[i];
bit = 7 - (Math.mod(n, 8));
targetOctet = (bytesBeingUsed - 1) - (n >> bytesBeingUsed);
shiftBits = (targetOctet * 8) + bit;
tBitVal = ((Integer)(2 << (shiftBits - 1)) & pFullValue) >> shiftBits;
if (tBitVal == 1)
return results;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 26, 2017
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How to Put the Header in vf page ,Data is coming from Wrapper class where Data is coming from a single Multiselect Picklist field in Account & also want to filter the Columns values based on Header name
In My account Record I have a multi select picklist field which have values & in the same detail page i have a custom button so while clicking on that button a new Vf page will Open which have all the Values of multiselect picklist with checkbox for that wrapper class is written , My requirement Is i want to show the header in 4 columns & filter the values based on header from Multiselect values (A,B,C,D suppose is the header name these are not Fields ) how to set the header
vf code
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="SolutionParticipationCategoryController" sidebar="False" >
<apex:form >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Account" subtitle="Key Solutions Inventory "/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockbuttons >
<apex:commandButton value="Open Account" action="{!OpenAccount}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
<apex:repeat value="{!PicklistValues}" var="wrapper">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="width:100%;float: left;">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">
<apex:commandLink id="theLink" action="{!solutionList}" target="_blank">
<apex:param assignTo="{!solName}" value="{!wrapper.value}" name="solName"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!wrapper.isSelected}" disabled="true"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!wrapper.value}">
public with sharing class SolutionParticipationCategoryController
public Id acctId{get;set;}
public String solName{get;set;}
public Set<String> CategorySelected{get;set;}
public SolutionParticipationCategoryController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
acctId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
System.debug('In Const-->');
CategorySelected = new Set<String>();
public class PicklistWrapper {
public String value {get;set;}
public Boolean isSelected {get;set;}
public PicklistWrapper(String value, Boolean isSelected) {
this.value = value;
this.isSelected = isSelected;
public List<PicklistWrapper> getPicklistValues()
List<PicklistWrapper> picklistValues = new List<PicklistWrapper>();
Account a = [SELECT Solution_Participation_Category__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: acctId limit 1];
if(a.Solution_Participation_Category__c != null)
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.Solution_Participation_Category__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : ple)
picklistValues.add(new PicklistWrapper(f.getLabel(), true));
picklistValues.add(new PicklistWrapper(f.getLabel(), false));
return picklistValues;
public PageReference solutionList()
PageReference solutionList = new Pagereference('/apex/SolutionList');
solutionList.getParameters().put('Id', acctId);
solutionList.getParameters().put('solName', solName);
return solutionList;
public PageReference OpenAccount()
Pagereference acc = new Pagereference('/'+acctId);
return acc;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 19, 2017
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how to write the test class of the below code
It is only covering 60 %. it is not going under if condition.
public class AccountStatusUpdate {
public static void acntStatusMethod(List<Account> ac,Map<Id,Account> oldAccountMap){
set<Id> accIds = new set<Id>();
for(Account acc: ac){
if(accIds.size() > 0){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT Id,Account_Status__c, AccountId, Account.Membership_Defined__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN : accIds];
//Create a list to update the contacts
List<Contact> contactToBeUpdate = new List<Contact>();
for(Contact objCont : contactList){
if(oldAccountMap!= null && String.isNotBlank(objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c) && objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c != oldAccountMap.get(objCont.AccountId).Membership_Defined__c){
Contact newContact = new Contact();
newContact.Id = objCont.Id;
newContact.Account_Status_BG__c = objCont.Account.Membership_Defined__c;
if(contactToBeUpdate.size() > 0){
UPDATE contactToBeUpdate;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 14, 2019
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- 0
i have a confusion In CURL in Rest API that how to make use of it During Authorization
Below is the Example provided to make the Authorization with the External system. But I am not sure how to make use of it in Authorization .
Passing your API key in an authorization header
The following example authenticates you with the page API. Along with the Page ID listed on the API page, we can fetch your page profile.
curl -H "Authorization: OAuth 89a229ce1a8dbcf9ff30430fbe35eb4c0426574bca932061892cefd2138aa4b1" \ https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json
Passing your API key in a query param
curl "https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json?api_key=89a229ce1a8dbcf9ff30430fbe35eb4c0426574bca932061892cefd2138aa4b1"
Security scheme type: API Key
header parameter name: Authorization
I am getting an Error :
Illegal string literal: Invalid string literal '\https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json'. Illegal character sequence \h' in string literal.
Below is My code :
public list <contact> conlist= new list<contact>();
public string PageID ='0ypqjmkwgqmh';
Public statusPageCallout(list<contact>conlist){
this.conlist = conlist;
public void execute(QueueableContext context)
list<user> userlist = [SELECT id,name, User_Status_API_Key__c FROM User WHERE ID=:Userinfo.getUserId() limit 1];
string API = userlist[0].User_Status_API_Key__c;
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.SetHeader('Authorization','curl -H "Authorization: OAuth'+API+'\https://api.statuspage.io/v1/pages/gytm4qzbx9t6.json');
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res;
try {
res = http.send(req);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('Callout Error:' + e.getMessage());
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 13, 2018
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- 0
My test class is not giving any error & running successfully but while checking code coverage it is giving none
My class is calling in a trigger which fires when my support Request(object) Record is approved by the approver through the standard approval process. when the record is approved the trigger automatically create an Event record. below is the class with test class .
Public class AutoCreateEvent
Public static void createNewEvent(List<DealSupportRequest__c> dsreq, Map<Id, DealSupportRequest__c> oldDsreqMap)
List<Event> EventRec = new List<Event>();
RecordType SuppReqRecordType = [SELECT Id
FROM RecordType
WHERE SobjectType = 'DealSupportRequest__c' AND DeveloperName = 'PSCUOnsiteSupport'
for(DealSupportRequest__c ds:dsreq)
if((ds.Is_approved__c==true && ds.RecordtypeId==SuppReqRecordType.Id) && (ds.Is_approved__c != oldDsreqMap.get(ds.Id).Is_approved__c) )
Event e = new Event();
e.WhatId = ds.Account__c;
e.Type = 'On-Site at PSCU';
e.Status__c = 'Scheduled';
e.OwnerId = ds.Ownerid;
e.Subject_Custom__c =ds.Purpose__c;
e.Description = ds.OtherPurpose__c;
e.StartDateTime =ds.StartDateTime__c;
e.EndDateTime = ds.EndDateTime__c;
e.LocationCallInInfo__c = ds.CampusLocation__c;
e.Support_Request__c = ds.Id;
Insert EventRec;
Test class:
public class AutoCreateEvent_Test {
static testmethod void CreateEvent(){
User u = new User(
ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id,
LastName = 'last',
Email = 'puser000@amamama.com',
Username = 'puser000@amamama.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(),
CompanyName = 'TEST',
Title = 'title',
Alias = 'alias',
TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
insert u;
List<Event> EventRec = new List<Event>();
Account a = new Account(Name='1st Community CU',Membership_Defined__c='Member',Type='Client', ownerid=u.id );
Insert a;
DealSupportRequest__c dsr = new DealSupportRequest__c(Account__c=a.Id,StartDateTime__c=system.now(),EndDateTime__c=system.now().addDays(1),ownerid=a.Ownerid);
Insert dsr;
Event e = new Event();
e.Type = 'On-Site at PSCU';
e.Status__c = 'Scheduled';
e.OwnerId = dsr.Ownerid;
// e.Support_Request__c=dsr.Id;
e.StartDateTime =dsr.StartDateTime__c;
e.EndDateTime = dsr.EndDateTime__c;
insert EventRec;
Test.stopTest() ;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- November 29, 2018
- Like
- 0
how to cover the For Loop & if condition in test class
This is My snippet Which i need to cover in My test class .
class :-
Public class UpdateTerritorySectionFields{
Public static Void ofOnsiteatPSCUInProgressUp(List<Territory_Plan__c> tpe){
Set<Id> ownerIds =New set<Id>();
List<Event> evtList = new List<Event>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectRec = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c> tpList = new List<Territory_Plan__c>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectBList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Opportunity> oppoList = new List<Opportunity>();
for(Territory_Plan__c t:tpe){
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppoMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id, StageName, ownerId FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId IN : ownerIds]);
evtList = [SELECT Id, WhatId, Status__c, Type, ownerId FROM Event WHERE Status__c='Scheduled' AND Type='On-Site at PSCU' AND ownerID IN:ownerIds];
for(Territory_Plan__c tp:tpe){
for(Event e: evtList){
if(tp.Account_Executive__c==e.ownerId && oppoMap.containsKey(e.WhatId) && tp.Account_Executive__c==oppoMap.get(e.WhatId).ownerId){
tp.of_Onsite_at_PSCU_In_Progress__c = oppoList.size();
update tpList;
Test class :-
public class testUpTerritorySectionFields {
Public Static testMethod Void UpdateTerFromEvent(){
User u = getUserRecord();
territory_Plan__c tp = new territory_Plan__c(Account_Executive__c=u.id);
insert tp;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='Chicago Patrolmens FCU AFA',PSCU_Opp_Referred_By__c=u.id,StageName='06 - Sale Closed',CloseDate=Date.Today(),Probability=100,PSCU_Contract_Term__c='2',ownerid=u.id );
Insert opp;
List<Event> ev =new List<Event>();
Event e1 =new Event(Type='On-Site at PSCU',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2);
Event e2 =new Event(Type='On-Site at PSCU',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e3 =new Event(Type='On-Site at Account',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e4 =new Event(Type='On-Site at Account',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e5 =new Event(Type='Call/Webinar with CU',Status__c='Completed',OwnerId=u.id,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Event e6 =new Event(Type='Call/Webinar with CU',Status__c='Scheduled',OwnerId=u.id ,WhatId =opp.Id,DurationInMinutes=5,ActivityDateTime=Date.TOday()+2,AddressType__c='Mailing Address');
Insert ev;
List<Event> Evnt = [select Type,Status__c,OwnerId,DurationInMinutes,ActivityDateTime from Event Where WhatId=:opp.Id LIMIT 6 ];
Update Evnt;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- June 19, 2018
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System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 :- this Method i am calling in trigger:- please help me where i am wrong
Public static Void territoryFinancialsDj(List<Territory_Plan__c> tpe){
Set<Id> ownerIds =New set<Id>();
List<Event> evtList = new List<Event>();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectRec = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c > tpList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Territory_Plan__c > ObjectBList = new List<Territory_Plan__c >();
List<Opportunity> oppoList = new List<Opportunity>();
For(Territory_Plan__c t:tpe){
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppoMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id, StageName, ownerId FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId IN : ownerIds]);
evtList = [SELECT Id, WhatId, Status__c, Type, ownerId FROM Event WHERE Status__c='Completed' AND Type='On-Site at PSCU' AND ownerID IN:ownerIds ];
for(Territory_Plan__c tp:tpe){
for(Event e: evtList){
if(tp.Account_Executive__c==e.ownerId && oppoMap.containsKey(e.WhatId) && tp.Account_Executive__c==oppoMap.get(e.WhatId).ownerId){
tp.of_Onsite_at_PSCU_YTD__c = oppoList.size();
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- May 28, 2018
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how to write a trigger to check & Uncheck the parent Record based on the Child Record Values.
how to update a parent field (checkbox) Based on child records field Values.
i have checkbox field Visa__c In Account & i have a custom Object (Card program ) where i have two fields Cardtype __c & card_processor_status__c, so the requiremnt is when the cardtype__c=Visa & Card_processor_Status__c =Active then the Checkbox should get check in Visa__c in account & when the two fields value is other than visa & active the checkbox should get unchecked.
let suppose we have 10 records in Cardprogram out of 10 if atleast 1 record have fullfill the criteria then also the checkbox should get checked .
Here is the criteria for when the “Visa” field should be TRUE:
There is a Card Program record related to the Account that has at least one single record that meets both the criteria below:
The “Card Type” field is “Visa”
The “Card Processor Status” field is “Active”
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- March 27, 2018
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how to bring the Checkbox in pdf through visualforce page
I have a requirement Where i have a wrapper page multiple checkboxes with Values in a vf page & on the same vf page i have a custom Button so when i click on that button the copy of the vf page should open in pdf but the hurdle is the checkbox is not displaying in pdf how i can bring the checkboxes either Checked & unchecked values of it bcoz it will change based On new Record Open .
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 17, 2018
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My all Test Case Is passed But still getting 0% coverage
public class TestcardProgramsolparticipationcheck {
public static testMethod void testRunAs() {
// Setup test data
// This code runs as the system user
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
User u = new User(Alias = 'sysadm', Email='systemuser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, EmployeeNumber='12015',
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='csubodh@pscu.com');
System.runAs(u) {
// The following code runs as user 'u'
System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName());
System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId());
Public static testMethod void method1()
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Account a = new account(Name='XYZ'+i);
List<Card_Program__c> cp =new List<Card_Program__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Card_program__c cpr =new Card_Program__c(FI__c='12 Financial CU'+i,Card_Processor_Status__c='ACTIVE');
Insert acc;
Insert cp;
List<Solution_Participation__c> spn= new List<Solution_Participation__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Solution_Participation__c spr = new Solution_Participation__c(Card_Program__c='11800883',Active__c= true);
List<Card_Program__c> cps =new List<Card_Program__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Card_program__c cprs =new Card_Program__c(FI__c='12 Financial CU'+i,Card_Processor_Status__c='INACTIVE');
// FI__c is a lookup field from Account.
Insert cps;
List<Solution_Participation__c> sp= new List<Solution_Participation__c>();
for(Integer i=0;i>=200;i++){
Solution_Participation__c sprs = new Solution_Participation__c(Card_Program__c='11800884',Active__c= False);
Actual Class --
Public class cardProgramsolparticipationcheck{
Public Static Void checkFieldstatus(List<Card_Program__c> card){
Map<id,Card_Program__c> programIds = new Map<id,Card_Program__c>();
for(Card_Program__c cp : card){
if(cp.card_processor_status__c != null){
List<Solution_participation__c> updChildrecs = new List<Solution_participation__c>();
List<Solution_participation__c> childrecs = [select id,Active__c,Card_Program__c from Solution_participation__c where Card_Program__c IN : programIds.keyset()];
for(Solution_participation__c sp : childrecs){
if(programIds.get(sp.Card_Program__c).card_processor_status__c == 'INACTIVE'){
sp.Active__c = FALSE;
}else {
sp.Active__c = TRUE;
Update updChildrecs;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 02, 2018
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How to change the value of child Record field (checkbox) Based on the parent Record Text Field
I tried to update this with process builder But it is No Success .How we can Update this through Code?
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- January 01, 2018
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how to write the test class Of a helper class
public class BitSet
public Map < String, Integer > alphaNumCharCodes {
public Map < String, Integer > base64CharCodes
public BitSet() {
//Method loads the character codes for all letters
public void LoadCharCodes()
alphaNumCharCodes = new Map < String, Integer > {
'A' => 65,
'B' => 66,
'C' => 67,
'D' => 68,
'E' => 69,
'F' => 70,
'G' => 71,
'H' => 72,
'I' => 73,
'J' => 74,
'K' => 75,
'L' => 76,
'M' => 77,
'N' => 78,
'O' => 79,
'P' => 80,
'Q' => 81,
'R' => 82,
'S' => 83,
'T' => 84,
'U' => 85,
'V' => 86,
'W' => 87,
'X' => 88,
'Y' => 89,
'Z' => 90
base64CharCodes = new Map < String, Integer > ();
//all lower cases
Set < String > pUpperCase = alphaNumCharCodes.keySet();
for (String pKey: pUpperCase)
//the difference between upper case and lower case is 32
alphaNumCharCodes.put(pKey.toLowerCase(), alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) + 32);
//Base 64 alpha starts from 0 (The ascii charcodes started from 65)
base64CharCodes.put(pKey, alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - 65);
base64CharCodes.put(pKey.toLowerCase(), alphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - (65) + 26);
for (Integer i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
alphaNumCharCodes.put(string.valueOf(i), i + 48);
//base 64 numeric starts from 52
base64CharCodes.put(string.valueOf(i), i + 52);
public List < Integer > testBits(String pValidFor, List < Integer > nList)
List < Integer > results = new List < Integer > ();
List < Integer > pBytes = new List < Integer > ();
Integer bytesBeingUsed = (pValidFor.length() * 6) / 8;
Integer pFullValue = 0;
if (bytesBeingUsed <= 1)
return results;
for (Integer i = 0; i < pValidFor.length(); i++)
pBytes.Add((base64CharCodes.get((pValidFor.Substring(i, i + 1)))));
for (Integer i = 0; i < pBytes.size(); i++)
Integer pShiftAmount = (pBytes.size() - (i + 1)) * 6; //used to shift by a factor 6 bits to get the value
pFullValue = pFullValue + (pBytes[i] << (pShiftAmount));
Integer bit;
Integer targetOctet;
Integer shiftBits;
Integer tBitVal;
Integer n;
Integer nListSize = nList.size();
for (Integer i = 0; i < nListSize; i++)
n = nList[i];
bit = 7 - (Math.mod(n, 8));
targetOctet = (bytesBeingUsed - 1) - (n >> bytesBeingUsed);
shiftBits = (targetOctet * 8) + bit;
tBitVal = ((Integer)(2 << (shiftBits - 1)) & pFullValue) >> shiftBits;
if (tBitVal == 1)
return results;
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 26, 2017
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how to write the test class of this batch class where Child Object is Solution_participation__c & parent is account
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
String soqlQuery = 'select id,Solution_Participation_Category__c from Account';
return Database.getQueryLocator(soqlQuery);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) {
/*for(Account a:scope){
set<String> uniqueSol_Name= new set<String>();
map<Id, set<String>> mapTest = new map<Id, set<String>>();
list<account> accupdate = new list<Account>();
set<Id> accIds = new set<Id>();
list<Solution_Participation__c> test =[select Id, Solution_Name__c,Account__c from Solution_Participation__c
Account__c IN :scope];
for(Account acc:scope) {
for(Solution_Participation__c Sol : test) {
if(Sol.solution_name__c != null && Sol.Account__c == acc.Id) {
if(accIds.contains(acc.Id)) {
mapTest.put(acc.Id, uniqueSol_Name);
for(Account acc:scope) {
string testStr = '';
boolean flag = true;
for(String strObj : mapTest.get(acc.Id)) {
if(flag) {
testStr = strObj;
flag = false;
else {
testStr = testStr+';'+strObj;
acc.Solution_Participation_Category__c = testStr;
if(accupdate.size() >0) {
update accupdate;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}
- subodh chaturvedi 17
- December 15, 2017
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