• Francisco Rueda
  • 5 Points
  • Member since 2017

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Hi all,

I have the following code in a Visualforce page:
<apex:inputField value="!OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_NA__c}" rendered="{!OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='Audio Only'|| OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='Audio / Web' ||                                      OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='ECC-Lync' || OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='ECC-ResPlus'}" required="true"/>
Where OPR is an instance of an object in the extension class. And in that extension class, I have the following code:
OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c = OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c / oldRate * newRate;
The problem I have is that, when executed that part (and I've verified that it's being executed), OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c is always null, even if I set a value in the inputField in the VF page.

What am I missing?
Hi all,

Some months ago I did a Trailhead unit about reports, in which I configured a report to be notified by e-mail when a condition is met. And then, I missed to cancel that report before deleting the playground. Now I'm annoyed to receive so much e-mails from a playground I don't use anymore. I'm thinking on create a rule to automatically delete this kind of e-mails, but first I wanted to ask here.

Is there a way to access a playground once you've forgotten the username (and obviously the password)? If not, is there any other way to avoid this kind of e-mails to be received, other than an automatic filter in the e-mail server/client?

Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

I have the following code in a Visualforce page:
<apex:inputField value="!OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_NA__c}" rendered="{!OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='Audio Only'|| OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='Audio / Web' ||                                      OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='ECC-Lync' || OPR.Type_of_Implementation__c=='ECC-ResPlus'}" required="true"/>
Where OPR is an instance of an object in the extension class. And in that extension class, I have the following code:
OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c = OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c / oldRate * newRate;
The problem I have is that, when executed that part (and I've verified that it's being executed), OPR.New_Monthly_Revenue_APAC__c is always null, even if I set a value in the inputField in the VF page.

What am I missing?
Hi all,

Some months ago I did a Trailhead unit about reports, in which I configured a report to be notified by e-mail when a condition is met. And then, I missed to cancel that report before deleting the playground. Now I'm annoyed to receive so much e-mails from a playground I don't use anymore. I'm thinking on create a rule to automatically delete this kind of e-mails, but first I wanted to ask here.

Is there a way to access a playground once you've forgotten the username (and obviously the password)? If not, is there any other way to avoid this kind of e-mails to be received, other than an automatic filter in the e-mail server/client?

Thanks in advance.