• Sebastien Raoux
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i have a formula that i implemented in Salesforce , but the result is not the same as in Excel 
formula in excel is : Tier = [0.72 * IF( NbrEmp>120000,1,IF(NbrEmp<65000,3,2)) + 0.75 * IF(MCap>72,1,IF(MCap<26,3,2)) + 0.56 * IF(CA>57,1,IF(CA<20,3,2)) ] /2.03

i replaced some variable by the field name in SF so in SF it s 
(0.72 * IF( NumberOfEmployees >120000,1,IF( NumberOfEmployees <65000,3,2)) + 0.75 * IF( Market_Capitalization__c >72000,1,IF( Market_Capitalization__c <26000,3,2)) + 0.55 * IF( Revenue__c >56000,1,IF(Revenue__c<20000,3,2))  ) /2.03 

but the result of the operation i have is different in Excel and SF ... 

is there any explication to that ? 

stupid question : 
i have 2 sales team in my company , with 2 sales process and 2 differents opoortunity path  (2 differents profiles also ) . 
TEAM A is set up correctly , 
TEAM B, when they create a new opportunity , have the wrong page opportunity page creation (when you click on new opportunity , they have the wrong process page ) but as soon as they click on create , they have the good sale path and opportunity lay out . Only the first page (when you click on : NEW OPPORTUNITY is wrong . 
Lay out is assigned correctly  , profiles are set up correctly . the issue is just the page displayed when they click on / new opoortunity , the TEAM A oportunity object is displayed . 

any suggestion ? 
i m a new admin and a maybe stupid question . 
2 teams in my company (sales and support ) 
I need to create 2  differents opportunity path . Sales must be able to view (not edit) the support's opportunity and vice versa . 

is it possible ? how ? 

on my last stage of opportunity, i have 2 checkboxes  
one closed won 
one closed loss
how can i manage to update the probability field in accordance to the checkboxes ? 
if the sales person check closed loss , i want the probabilty to switch to 0% 


i m trying to create a validation rule that says if 4 fields are not filled, the user cannot mark stage as complete 
the formula is simple ( i took example on many answers here on this forum ) 

ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Discovery Call"), 
Goal_letter__c = FALSE, 
ISBLANK( Scheduled_next_meeting__c ) 


this should mean that if the user is on the stage Discovery call (and only on this stage ) and all the fields:  scheduled next meeting - Goal letter - Dsicovery call minutes and BANT are not checked or filled , the stage cannot be marked as completed ..

but this formula doesn t work ... 

any advice ? 

i have a formula that i implemented in Salesforce , but the result is not the same as in Excel 
formula in excel is : Tier = [0.72 * IF( NbrEmp>120000,1,IF(NbrEmp<65000,3,2)) + 0.75 * IF(MCap>72,1,IF(MCap<26,3,2)) + 0.56 * IF(CA>57,1,IF(CA<20,3,2)) ] /2.03

i replaced some variable by the field name in SF so in SF it s 
(0.72 * IF( NumberOfEmployees >120000,1,IF( NumberOfEmployees <65000,3,2)) + 0.75 * IF( Market_Capitalization__c >72000,1,IF( Market_Capitalization__c <26000,3,2)) + 0.55 * IF( Revenue__c >56000,1,IF(Revenue__c<20000,3,2))  ) /2.03 

but the result of the operation i have is different in Excel and SF ... 

is there any explication to that ? 
i m a new admin and a maybe stupid question . 
2 teams in my company (sales and support ) 
I need to create 2  differents opportunity path . Sales must be able to view (not edit) the support's opportunity and vice versa . 

is it possible ? how ? 

i m trying to create a validation rule that says if 4 fields are not filled, the user cannot mark stage as complete 
the formula is simple ( i took example on many answers here on this forum ) 

ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Discovery Call"), 
Goal_letter__c = FALSE, 
ISBLANK( Scheduled_next_meeting__c ) 


this should mean that if the user is on the stage Discovery call (and only on this stage ) and all the fields:  scheduled next meeting - Goal letter - Dsicovery call minutes and BANT are not checked or filled , the stage cannot be marked as completed ..

but this formula doesn t work ... 

any advice ?