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IF Business Field Name = PS-BIOP NC, Product Family & Product Sub Family cannot be blank. Make those 2 fields required if Business Field name = PS-BIOP NC.
Hi all,
how to write the validation rule for above requirement, can you please help me on this ?
how to write the validation rule for above requirement, can you please help me on this ?
- gowtham kumar 14
- August 17, 2022
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how to query to get count of records which is created date is older than 2015 year
Hi all,
I have to query to get the record count in objcet which is older than 2015 year. please help me with this .
I have to query to get the record count in objcet which is older than 2015 year. please help me with this .
- gowtham kumar 14
- March 02, 2022
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Can you Help me writing test class for the below trigger
Trigger TerritoryOwnerRestrictionTrigger on Territory__c (after insert,before Update) {
for (Territory__c T : Trigger.new)
Integer i = [Select count() from Territory__c where Territory__c.OwnerId !=:T.OwnerId and Territory__c.Id !=: T.Id and Territory__c.Name=:T.Name];
System.debug('Count :'+i);
T.addError('we can not Assign a zipcode to this user, Only a single zipcode is assigned to only three Owners.');
for (Territory__c T : Trigger.new)
Integer i = [Select count() from Territory__c where Territory__c.OwnerId !=:T.OwnerId and Territory__c.Id !=: T.Id and Territory__c.Name=:T.Name];
System.debug('Count :'+i);
T.addError('we can not Assign a zipcode to this user, Only a single zipcode is assigned to only three Owners.');
- gowtham kumar 14
- March 04, 2020
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IF Business Field Name = PS-BIOP NC, Product Family & Product Sub Family cannot be blank. Make those 2 fields required if Business Field name = PS-BIOP NC.
Hi all,
how to write the validation rule for above requirement, can you please help me on this ?
how to write the validation rule for above requirement, can you please help me on this ?
- gowtham kumar 14
- August 17, 2022
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Hello Actually I want to perform this scenario Create an Assignment_History__c record whenever an Account’s BillingPostalCode is changed. All fields should be populated.
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
Previous Owner | Lookup (User) | The prior sales rep assigned to this Account |
New Owner | Lookup (User) | The new sales rep assigned to this Account |
Previous Territory | Lookup (Territory__c) | The matching Territory__c record for the prior zip code |
New Territory | Lookup (Territory__c) | The matching Territory__c record for the new zip code |
Account | Master-Detail (Account) | The related Account record |
Changed By | Lookup (User) | The user who changed the BillingPostalCode |
- Shruti Nigam
- April 01, 2019
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