• shifali sharma 11
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Hi all,
I have one batch class with scenario
 'SELECT ID from LiveChatTranscript where caseid in (SELECT ID from Case where Closeddate >: caseclosedate and Closeddate
i am try to delete all the livecases transcipt which are between 6 and 7 days before ,but i am facing issue in testclass because closeddate is not writable so  can you please help me how can i test this scenario i tried JSON string not getting output.
I am having one  list  opportunity having one record -(Opportunity:{Id=0060l000004aCkfAAE, Name=Test 12112230 Test asddwd0, StageName=New}
and I want to update the stage name of the opportunity and another field too with the same id .what can I do?
I Tried the below but it is throwing error duplicate id-
opportunity opp1 = new Opportunity();  
hi ,
I want to set ui:input for phone Number i want user can enter 10 digits not more not less than it and it will display error when user fail to do so
<ui:inputText class="slds-input inputFieldWidth"
                                                                  labelClass="slds-form-element__label slds-form-element__label_edit slds-no-flex"
hi all,
I am trying to solve superbadge business administration specialist challenge 3 facing below issue?
User-added image
could you please help me how to adjust size of chart?
hi all,
I am trying to solve superbadge business administration specialist challenge 3 facing below issue?
User-added image
could you please help me how to adjust size of chart?