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System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object and System.DmlException: Insert failed.
So I've run into some issues that I've not seen before as I attempt to move an updated visualforce page and apex class out of the sandbox and into production. I'm not sure what the CTLR_VolunteerAppliationTest is referring to, so I'm not sure where to start to fix this problem. The second set of failures regarding System.DmlException: Insert failed. don't make sense as the class names listed: Paypal_Autherization and below aren't even included anywhere on the visualforce page or apex class I am attempting to move. Any pointers for a newbie to apex testing and visualforce development would be greatly appreciated.
For Reference Apex Class Code:
public with sharing class CTLR_VolunteerApplication_Updates {
public final ApexPages.StandardController controller;
public Account account { get; set;}
public CTLR_VolunteerApplication_Updates(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
this.account = (Account)controller.getRecord();
public String salutation {get; set;}
public String fname {get; set;}
public String lname {get; set;}
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult volunteerAvail = Schema.Account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = volunteerAvail.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc !=null && this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc = selectedCheckBox;
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions2 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult volunteerInterests = Schema.Account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = volunteerInterests.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems2 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc !=null && this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc = selectedCheckBox;
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
public PageReference submit() {
integer count = 0;
count = [SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE FirstName = :account.FirstName AND LastName = :account.LastName ];
System.debug('count' + count);
if ( count == 0 ) {
if (account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc) {
RecordType personAccountRecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Person Account' and SObjectType = 'Account'];
account.RecordType = personAccountRecordType;
account.Salutation = salutation;
account.FirstName = fname;
account.LastName = lname;
account.Contact_Email__c = account.PersonEmail;
account.Volunteer_Application_Submitted__c = true;
if ( [ SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE PersonEmail = :account.PersonEmail ] > 0 )
Account a = [SELECT Id,
FROM Account
WHERE PersonEmail = :account.PersonEmail OR Contact_Email__c = :account.PersonEmail LIMIT 1] ;
a.RecordType = personAccountRecordType;
a.Salutation = salutation;
a.FirstName = fname;
a.LastName = lname;
a.Contact_Email__c = account.PersonEmail;
a.PersonEmail = account.PersonEmail;
a.Volunteer_Application_Submitted__c = true;
a.PersonMailingStreet = account.PersonMailingStreet;
a.PersonMailingState = account.PersonMailingState;
a.PersonMailingCity = account.PersonMailingCity;
a.PersonMailingPostalCode = account.PersonMailingPostalCode;
a.PersonHomePhone = account.PersonHomePhone;
a.Phone = account.Phone;
a.Allergies_and_or_Restrictions__pc = account.Allergies_and_or_Restrictions__pc;
a.How_did_you_hear_about_us__pc = account.How_did_you_hear_about_us__pc;
a.Current_Occupation__pc = account.Current_Occupation__pc;
a.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc = account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc;
a.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc = account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc;
a.Special_Skills__c = account.Special_Skills__c;
a.Experience_Level_With_Cats__c = account.Experience_Level_With_Cats__c;
a.Experience_Level_with_Dogs__c = account.Experience_Level_with_Dogs__c;
a.Emergency_Contact_Name__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Name__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Home_Phone__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Home_Phone__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Work_Phone__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Work_Phone__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Email__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Email__pc;
a.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc = account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc;
a.Age_Checkbox__c = account.Age_Checkbox__c;
upsert a;
insert account;
catch(Exception e){
return null;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('http://www.pawsatlanta.org/thank-you-for-saving-a-life');
return pageRef;
Else {
account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc.addError('Please Accept Terms and Conditions');
return null;
Else {
ApexPages.Message message = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Person Account Already Exists');
return null;
public String pawsLogo { get {
document doc = [ SELECT Id, Name FROM Document WHERE Name = 'PAWS Logo' limit 1];
string imageid = doc.id;
imageid = imageid.substring(0,15);
return '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=' + imageid;
} set; }
- Julianne Tajuba
- December 28, 2018
- Like
- 0
Apex/Visualforce Newbie and Change Set Errors
I am very new to writing apex code and have come to a roadblock when it comes to moving the updated Visualforce page I've helped edit out of the sandbox and into production. When I created the changeset I added the visual force page and associate apex class that I've been working in. When I went to validate this change set in production I got several component errors. Namely that a certain variable doesn't exist and that the apex class I thought I'd created didn't exist as well.
Below I've attached the code where several of the errors exist namely that the Variable: Special_Skills__c doesn't exist. I have done some trailheads and googled other questions to get to the point where the visualforce page created is exactly what we are looking for. I just need some help in overcoming these errors so that I can get this into production ASAP in addition to increasing my knowledge of code and working in a sandbox and ultimately transferring this information into production. Thanks in advance!
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
Below I've attached the code where several of the errors exist namely that the Variable: Special_Skills__c doesn't exist. I have done some trailheads and googled other questions to get to the point where the visualforce page created is exactly what we are looking for. I just need some help in overcoming these errors so that I can get this into production ASAP in addition to increasing my knowledge of code and working in a sandbox and ultimately transferring this information into production. Thanks in advance!
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
- Julianne Tajuba
- December 27, 2018
- Like
- 0
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object and System.DmlException: Insert failed.
So I've run into some issues that I've not seen before as I attempt to move an updated visualforce page and apex class out of the sandbox and into production. I'm not sure what the CTLR_VolunteerAppliationTest is referring to, so I'm not sure where to start to fix this problem. The second set of failures regarding System.DmlException: Insert failed. don't make sense as the class names listed: Paypal_Autherization and below aren't even included anywhere on the visualforce page or apex class I am attempting to move. Any pointers for a newbie to apex testing and visualforce development would be greatly appreciated.
For Reference Apex Class Code:
public with sharing class CTLR_VolunteerApplication_Updates {
public final ApexPages.StandardController controller;
public Account account { get; set;}
public CTLR_VolunteerApplication_Updates(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
this.account = (Account)controller.getRecord();
public String salutation {get; set;}
public String fname {get; set;}
public String lname {get; set;}
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult volunteerAvail = Schema.Account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = volunteerAvail.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc !=null && this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc = selectedCheckBox;
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions2 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult volunteerInterests = Schema.Account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = volunteerInterests.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems2 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc !=null && this.account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc = selectedCheckBox;
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
public PageReference submit() {
integer count = 0;
count = [SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE FirstName = :account.FirstName AND LastName = :account.LastName ];
System.debug('count' + count);
if ( count == 0 ) {
if (account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc) {
RecordType personAccountRecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Person Account' and SObjectType = 'Account'];
account.RecordType = personAccountRecordType;
account.Salutation = salutation;
account.FirstName = fname;
account.LastName = lname;
account.Contact_Email__c = account.PersonEmail;
account.Volunteer_Application_Submitted__c = true;
if ( [ SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE PersonEmail = :account.PersonEmail ] > 0 )
Account a = [SELECT Id,
FROM Account
WHERE PersonEmail = :account.PersonEmail OR Contact_Email__c = :account.PersonEmail LIMIT 1] ;
a.RecordType = personAccountRecordType;
a.Salutation = salutation;
a.FirstName = fname;
a.LastName = lname;
a.Contact_Email__c = account.PersonEmail;
a.PersonEmail = account.PersonEmail;
a.Volunteer_Application_Submitted__c = true;
a.PersonMailingStreet = account.PersonMailingStreet;
a.PersonMailingState = account.PersonMailingState;
a.PersonMailingCity = account.PersonMailingCity;
a.PersonMailingPostalCode = account.PersonMailingPostalCode;
a.PersonHomePhone = account.PersonHomePhone;
a.Phone = account.Phone;
a.Allergies_and_or_Restrictions__pc = account.Allergies_and_or_Restrictions__pc;
a.How_did_you_hear_about_us__pc = account.How_did_you_hear_about_us__pc;
a.Current_Occupation__pc = account.Current_Occupation__pc;
a.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc = account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Availability__pc;
a.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc = account.GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Skills__pc;
a.Special_Skills__c = account.Special_Skills__c;
a.Experience_Level_With_Cats__c = account.Experience_Level_With_Cats__c;
a.Experience_Level_with_Dogs__c = account.Experience_Level_with_Dogs__c;
a.Emergency_Contact_Name__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Name__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Home_Phone__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Home_Phone__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Work_Phone__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Work_Phone__pc;
a.Emergency_Contact_Email__pc = account.Emergency_Contact_Email__pc;
a.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc = account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc;
a.Age_Checkbox__c = account.Age_Checkbox__c;
upsert a;
insert account;
catch(Exception e){
return null;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('http://www.pawsatlanta.org/thank-you-for-saving-a-life');
return pageRef;
Else {
account.Terms_Conditions_Accepted__pc.addError('Please Accept Terms and Conditions');
return null;
Else {
ApexPages.Message message = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Person Account Already Exists');
return null;
public String pawsLogo { get {
document doc = [ SELECT Id, Name FROM Document WHERE Name = 'PAWS Logo' limit 1];
string imageid = doc.id;
imageid = imageid.substring(0,15);
return '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=' + imageid;
} set; }
- Julianne Tajuba
- December 28, 2018
- Like
- 0
Apex/Visualforce Newbie and Change Set Errors
I am very new to writing apex code and have come to a roadblock when it comes to moving the updated Visualforce page I've helped edit out of the sandbox and into production. When I created the changeset I added the visual force page and associate apex class that I've been working in. When I went to validate this change set in production I got several component errors. Namely that a certain variable doesn't exist and that the apex class I thought I'd created didn't exist as well.
Below I've attached the code where several of the errors exist namely that the Variable: Special_Skills__c doesn't exist. I have done some trailheads and googled other questions to get to the point where the visualforce page created is exactly what we are looking for. I just need some help in overcoming these errors so that I can get this into production ASAP in addition to increasing my knowledge of code and working in a sandbox and ultimately transferring this information into production. Thanks in advance!
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
Below I've attached the code where several of the errors exist namely that the Variable: Special_Skills__c doesn't exist. I have done some trailheads and googled other questions to get to the point where the visualforce page created is exactly what we are looking for. I just need some help in overcoming these errors so that I can get this into production ASAP in addition to increasing my knowledge of code and working in a sandbox and ultimately transferring this information into production. Thanks in advance!
//get the multi-select pick list values
public List<SelectOption> MPOptions3 {
get {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
DescribeFieldResult SpecialSkills = Schema.account.Special_Skills__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> f = SpecialSkills.getPicklistValues();
Integer listSize = f.size();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry a : f) {
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getValue(), a.getLabel()));
return options;
//get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes
public String[] MPItems3 {
get {
String[] selected = new List<String>();
List<SelectOption> sos = this.MPOptions;
for(SelectOption s : sos) {
if (this.account.Special_Skills__c !=null && this.account.Special_Skills__c.contains(s.getValue()))
return selected;
}public set {
String selectedCheckBox = '';
for(String s : value) {
if (selectedCheckBox == '')
selectedCheckBox += s;
else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s;
account.Special_Skills__c = selectedCheckBox;
- Julianne Tajuba
- December 27, 2018
- Like
- 0