• Alfredo Vitale 7
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Hi all,

I need to create an Opportunity when an Account picklist field is set on a specific value.

Let's call this picklist field: "Interest in our company"

When "Interest in our company" changes to " Yes " I need a process builder to create an Opportunity.

Have set this criteris in my process builder but the Opportunity is not created.

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards,

Hi All,

we have two kind of product: Pack and Slot.

I'd like to have a field which return me 0 if the Quote Line Items contains a PACK and return me 1 if the Quote Line Items contains a SLOT.

Any suggestion?

Best regards everyone,

Hi all,

I'd like to create an event each time a record from a custom object is created.
The custo object is called " Qualified Company ", so I need the event to be created each time a Qualified Company is created.

I tried to do it with a process builder but is doesn't work and don't understand why.
Please, find below my process:

User-added image

User-added image

Best regards,

Hi all,

I need the Contract status (picklist field) to change when 30 days are passed from the Contract Start date (date field).

Have tried to set a time dependent action or set a workflow setting as criteria : Startdate = (Today ()+30) but it doesn't work.

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

As written above I don't want user to be able to create event if they have already created an event at the same time on the same day.
Is there any way to do it?

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

we have an important issue.
We have a custom object called Organic Leads. We use this object to assign organic leads to a specific territory based on specific criterias.
Once assigned the lead, in the system is automatically created an Account, a Contact and an Event.
What suddenly happens is that the flow duplicates the Contact and the Event created and I have no idea of why that happens.

User-added image


I am not very comfortable with flow, please help me!

Hi everyone,

I need to create two fields:

- Amount of most recent Contract

The amount of the most recent contract is in the object " Quote ". In few words I would need to get the amount from the last SIGNED quote and make it appear on Account. Does anyone know how can I do it?

- End date of most recent contract

In this case I need to get the end date from the last SIGNED quote.


Please, help me.

Thanks in advance!


Is there any way to show the Activities related list of Account on the Contract object?

Thanks everyone

Hi all,

I need to create an Opportunity when an Account picklist field is set on a specific value.

Let's call this picklist field: "Interest in our company"

When "Interest in our company" changes to " Yes " I need a process builder to create an Opportunity.

Have set this criteris in my process builder but the Opportunity is not created.

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards,

Hi all,

I need the Contract status (picklist field) to change when 30 days are passed from the Contract Start date (date field).

Have tried to set a time dependent action or set a workflow setting as criteria : Startdate = (Today ()+30) but it doesn't work.

Best regards,