• Gajanan Kadam
  • 20 Points
  • Member since 2018
  • System Engineer
  • TCS, Hyderabad(India)

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Can someone help me out to calculate the sum of VF page by using JS. I am trying with below code but not getting result when i enter numbers.

<apex:page > 
        function myFunction() {
          var y = document.getElementById("{!$Component.num1}").value;
          var z = document.getElementById("{!$Component.num1}").value;
          var x = +y + +z;
          document.getElementById("{!$Component.demo}").innerHTML = x;
     <apex:form id="form">
         <apex:pageBlock >
             <apex:inputText id="num1" label="Number1" onchange="myFunction()"/>
             <apex:inputText id="num2" label="Number2" onchange="myFunction()"/>
         <apex:pageBlock >
             <apex:pageBlockSection id="demo"></apex:pageBlockSection>
I wrote a process builder in order to add an error message on the record details page.   

I am calling apex class in order to add a message on page 

public class AutoConvertLeads {
public static ProcessMethod(List<Case> Caselist) {
for (Case clist:Caselist){

Could you please help me with this.


Hi All,

There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, message: [].

Can anyone help me out this ? Your help will be appriciated :)


Can someone help me out to calculate the sum of VF page by using JS. I am trying with below code but not getting result when i enter numbers.

<apex:page > 
        function myFunction() {
          var y = document.getElementById("{!$Component.num1}").value;
          var z = document.getElementById("{!$Component.num1}").value;
          var x = +y + +z;
          document.getElementById("{!$Component.demo}").innerHTML = x;
     <apex:form id="form">
         <apex:pageBlock >
             <apex:inputText id="num1" label="Number1" onchange="myFunction()"/>
             <apex:inputText id="num2" label="Number2" onchange="myFunction()"/>
         <apex:pageBlock >
             <apex:pageBlockSection id="demo"></apex:pageBlockSection>

Build criteria and actions to replace your workflow rules

Challenge not yet complete in My Trailhead Playground 3

We updated an opportunity's stage to Closed Won, but a draft contract for the associated account wasn't created. Make sure the Closed Won criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly."

I am stuck here. Can someone help?

This is what i have done, don't know where did i made mistake.

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image

Am not understanding how to take it forward. Please help
Hi Team,

How to I create dropdown of tabs in a salesforce app?

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'High Probability Opportunities' list view does not appear to be configured correctly. It should show only opportunities whose stage is 'Proposal/Price Quote' or 'Negotiation/Review', and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%.
Keep getting this error even though the List View Results are correct.

I've attempted to launch Trailhead Playgrounds to complete activities but it launches with the wrong data set for the particular objective I'm working on.  Any way to change that? I've deleted my old Playgrounds not knowing I would need them later. 


I'm using the Order Object and create a discount field on my order item. 
When I gave a discount on item, I need that my Total Amount Field, on my Order, be updated. 
Is There anyway to update a standard formula field?

Create a field on the Contact object
Field data type: Currency
Field label: Loan Amount

I didn't complete the hands on challenge "adding a custom field to the Contact Object". The error message is "the 'loan_amount__c" either does not exists onthe Conact object or it is not of type currency." There wasn't a "loan amount" to choose from, like there was a "currency" to choose from. 

How do I add the Field Label? 

Hi All,

There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, message: [].

Can anyone help me out this ? Your help will be appriciated :)




How can i create one-to-one relationship between two custom objects in salesforce.com. 


Example: I have two custom objects having following details:


1) Employee (Name, PanCardNo)

2)PanCard(PanCardNo Name_on_card)


I have gone through documents of salesforce, but i can able to find out only lookup (One-to-many raltionship) and master-detail relationship(many-to-many relationship).


Is there any way to create one-to-one relationship??



kamlesh kumar