• Ryan Thomas 317
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Can someone help me with a query to get the following:

- OwnerId
- Event ID
- ActivityDate
- Subject
- Opportunity ID
- Contact ID (invitees/participants)
We have Shared Activity turned on and can add multiple participants to Events/Meetings.  When a contact is added to an Event, is there a way to automatically copy their information to the Opportunity Contact Roles object?  We can default the Role to "contact" (if they aren't already present in OCR).  Any ideas?
I have a custom object named OppContactRoles with the following fields: contact,  primary, opportunity, role, dateadded.  Can someone help with a trigger to copy these fields from Opportunity Contact Roles to the OppContactRoles object?
We have a Sites page with a form with one question asking for the applicant's website url. 
Instead of accepting the website provided, we are trying to pull out the domain from the provided url.  So if someone types in http://www.test.com/ or https://www.test.com/ or www.test.com/test1234, we'd want to use apex to insert the domain only (test.com).  Can anyone help?