• Sugirtha Manohar 1
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We are have an "incident opened date" custom field with data type Date/Time.
Can you please help me with creating a formula field to calculate the business days.
I have tried many business day calculations from various post, however, they do not seem to take the time factor into account.
We are not too particular about the business hours.

For ex., if an incident is opened on Friday at 3p.m. on Monday at 3p.m. we would like the age to be 1 and on Tuesday at 3 p.m. the age would be 2.

Any assistance you provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

I have two custom objects 1. Incident__c (Parent) and 2. Task__c(Child) with 1:M relationship.

I want to find if any incidents are open although all the tasks related to this incident are closed.

I have a little experience with basic join queries in salesforce, but I am unable to write a SOQL for this.

Here is something similar in SQL.

Select i.ID, i.status__c 
   from Incident__c i
 where i. status__c = ‘OPEN’
    and NOT EXISTS (Select 1 
                                    From tasks__r t
                                  Where I.ID = t.ID
                                      And t.status__c = ‘OPEN’)
Can you please assist with writing a SOQL version of the above query and provide directions on how to proceed.

Thank you,

We are have an "incident opened date" custom field with data type Date/Time.
Can you please help me with creating a formula field to calculate the business days.
I have tried many business day calculations from various post, however, they do not seem to take the time factor into account.
We are not too particular about the business hours.

For ex., if an incident is opened on Friday at 3p.m. on Monday at 3p.m. we would like the age to be 1 and on Tuesday at 3 p.m. the age would be 2.

Any assistance you provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

I have two custom objects 1. Incident__c (Parent) and 2. Task__c(Child) with 1:M relationship.

I want to find if any incidents are open although all the tasks related to this incident are closed.

I have a little experience with basic join queries in salesforce, but I am unable to write a SOQL for this.

Here is something similar in SQL.

Select i.ID, i.status__c 
   from Incident__c i
 where i. status__c = ‘OPEN’
    and NOT EXISTS (Select 1 
                                    From tasks__r t
                                  Where I.ID = t.ID
                                      And t.status__c = ‘OPEN’)
Can you please assist with writing a SOQL version of the above query and provide directions on how to proceed.

Thank you,