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delete account that is not changing status for 90 days
Hi All,
I am creating a batch job wherein should delete if the account if status is not changed for last 90 days when it was created, other wise if there is change for the last 90 days don't delete can you help me on how to do it, basically from the account object history, since it has only new value, old value and created date?
thank you
I am creating a batch job wherein should delete if the account if status is not changed for last 90 days when it was created, other wise if there is change for the last 90 days don't delete can you help me on how to do it, basically from the account object history, since it has only new value, old value and created date?
thank you
- SF Beginner 2019
- February 17, 2021
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test class for exception log
public static boolean insertExceptionRecs(List<Database.SaveResult> srList){ try{ List<ExceptionLog__c> excpLst = New List<ExceptionLog__c>(); boolean isError = False; ExceptionLog__c objLog= new ExceptionLog__c(); if(!srList.isEmpty()){ for(Database.SaveResult obj : srList){ for(Database.Error objErr : obj.getErrors()){ if(!obj.isSuccess()){ objLog = new ExceptionLog__c( Object_ID__c =obj.getId(), ExceptionDescription__c = objErr.getMessage(), ExceptionCode__c = EXCPCODE, NumberOfTimesOccured__c = OCCURENCE + 1, ExceptionDetails__c = objErr.getMessage(), Severity__c = EXCPSVRTY); excpLst.add(objLog); } } } } if(!excpLst.isEmpty()){ Database.upsert(excpLst,false); isError = true; } return isError; } Catch(Exception e) { GA_LogExceptionCls.LogExcp(e, CLSNAME,METHODINSERTXCPTNRECDS); return false; } }
I cannot covered the !obj.isSuccess()) is there an assertequals that might help? thank you
- SF Beginner 2019
- February 10, 2021
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single email notification on bulk file upload
I have this trigger that sends an email if something was uploaded on a case. but my problem is how can I achive using the contentdocumentlink, wherein if I upload 5 files, I will only receive 1 email notification using the apex class? because when I upload 5 files I usually receive 5 emails as well. What I want is when I upload 5 files at the same time I will only be receiving one email. Thank you
I have this trigger that sends an email if something was uploaded on a case. but my problem is how can I achive using the contentdocumentlink, wherein if I upload 5 files, I will only receive 1 email notification using the apex class? because when I upload 5 files I usually receive 5 emails as well. What I want is when I upload 5 files at the same time I will only be receiving one email. Thank you
trigger ContentDocumentLinkTrigger on ContentDocumentLink (before insert, after insert) { if(Trigger.isInsert) { if(Trigger.isAfter) { Set<Id> objectIds = new Set<Id>(); for (ContentDocumentLink a: Trigger.new) { String keyPrefix = String.valueOf(a.LinkedEntityId).substring(0, 3); if(keyPrefix == '500'){ objectIds.add(a.LinkedEntityId); } ContentDocumentLinkEmailHandler.sendEmailNotification(objectIds); } } } }
public class ContentDocumentLinkEmailHandler { public static final string emailTmpltDevName = 'TemplateCase'; { List<Case> caselist = [SELECT Id, Owner.Id,CaseNumber, Subject, Owner.Type FROM Case WHERE Id In: objectIds]; for(Case cs:caselist){ cs.Send Notification= true; } if(caselist.size() > 0) { update caselist; } } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 05, 2020
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accountcontact issue
Issue is that sometimes it deletes sometime it doesn't delete or update.
global class AccountContactTriggerHandler implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { List<AccountContactRelation> ListtoInsert = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); Set<accountContactRelation> ListToDelete = new Set<accountContactRelation>(); Map<String, Account> accCodeMap = new Map<String,Account>(); map<string,Contact> contactAccountMap = new map<string, Contact>(); String query = 'Select Id,Name,License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE License_ID__c != null AND IsPartner = true AND License_ID__c LIKE \'__\''; final String CLSSNAME = 'AccountContactTriggerHandler'; global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Account> batch){ try{ for(Account a : batch) accCodeMap.put(a.License_ID__c, a); for (Contact c : [Select ID, Name, Accountid, Person_ID__c, ABS_Person_ID__c, (SELECT AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelations) from Contact WHERE (ABS_Person_ID__c != null AND ABS_Person_ID__c LIKE '__') OR (Person_ID__c != null AND Person_ID__c LIKE '__')]){ Set<String> acrIdList =new Set<String>(); List<AccountContactRelation> acrList = c.AccountContactRelations; for(AccountContactRelation acrId : acrList){ contactAccountMap.put(acrId.AccountId, c); // Used for deleting code soql acrIdList.add(acrId.AccountId); } Account a, a2; if(c.Person_ID__c != null) a = accCodeMap.get(c.Person_ID__c); if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c != null) a2 = accCodeMap.get(c.ABS_Person_ID__c); if(a != null && a2 != null && a == a2){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } else { // Checks if the AccountContactRelations already connected to the Contact if(a != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } if(a2 != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a2.Id)){ if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c == a2.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a2.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } } } insert ListtoInsert; //loop only the accounts that are related/connected to AccountContactRelation Object map<string,Account> accountMap = new map<string, Account>(); for(Account Acc: [SELECT id, Name, License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: contactAccountMap.keySet()]) { accountMap.put(Acc.Id,acc); } //loop the AccountContactRelation to get the records where isDirect is not true for(AccountContactRelation AccountConDelete : [SELECT Id, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE Accountid =: contactAccountMap.keySet() AND isDirect != TRUE]) { Account acc = accountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); contact con = contactAccountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); if(acc.License_ID__c != con.Person_ID__c && acc.License_ID__c != con.ABS_Person_ID__c) { ListToDelete.add(AccountConDelete); } } System.debug('TO BE DELETED: '+ListToDelete); List<AccountContactRelation> AccountConNew = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); for (AccountContactRelation acr : ListToDelete) AccountConNew.add(acr); delete AccountConNew; } catch(Exception e){ } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) { //DoNothing. } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 13, 2020
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accountcontact relationship insert and delete
I have this account contact relationship wherein runs in Batch, my issue is that the delete is kinda buggy wherein it sometimes delete and sometimes doesn't delete what could be the possible issue in here? thank you
global class AccountContactTriggerHandler implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { List<AccountContactRelation> ListtoInsert = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); Set<accountContactRelation> ListToDelete = new Set<accountContactRelation>(); Map<String, Account> accCodeMap = new Map<String,Account>(); map<string,Contact> contactAccountMap = new map<string, Contact>(); String query = 'Select Id,Name,License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE License_ID__c != null AND IsPartner = true AND License_ID__c LIKE \'__\''; final String CLSSNAME = 'AccountContactTriggerHandler'; global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Account> batch){ try{ for(Account a : batch) accCodeMap.put(a.License_ID__c, a); for (Contact c : [Select ID, Name, Accountid, Person_ID__c, ABS_Person_ID__c, (SELECT AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelations) from Contact WHERE (ABS_Person_ID__c != null AND ABS_Person_ID__c LIKE '__') OR (Person_ID__c != null AND Person_ID__c LIKE '__')]){ Set<String> acrIdList =new Set<String>(); List<AccountContactRelation> acrList = c.AccountContactRelations; for(AccountContactRelation acrId : acrList){ contactAccountMap.put(acrId.AccountId, c); // Used for deleting code soql acrIdList.add(acrId.AccountId); } Account a, a2; if(c.Person_ID__c != null) a = accCodeMap.get(c.Person_ID__c); if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c != null) a2 = accCodeMap.get(c.ABS_Person_ID__c); if(a != null && a2 != null && a == a2){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } else { // Checks if the AccountContactRelations already connected to the Contact if(a != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } if(a2 != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a2.Id)){ if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c == a2.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a2.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } } } insert ListtoInsert; //loop only the accounts that are related/connected to AccountContactRelation Object map<string,Account> accountMap = new map<string, Account>(); for(Account Acc: [SELECT id, Name, License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: contactAccountMap.keySet()]) { accountMap.put(Acc.Id,acc); } //loop the AccountContactRelation to get the records where isDirect is not true for(AccountContactRelation AccountConDelete : [SELECT Id, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE Accountid =: contactAccountMap.keySet() AND isDirect != TRUE]) { Account acc = accountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); contact con = contactAccountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); if(acc.License_ID__c != con.Person_ID__c && acc.License_ID__c != con.ABS_Person_ID__c) { ListToDelete.add(AccountConDelete); } } System.debug('TO BE DELETED: '+ListToDelete); List<AccountContactRelation> AccountConNew = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); for (AccountContactRelation acr : ListToDelete) AccountConNew.add(acr); delete AccountConNew; } catch(Exception e){ } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) { //DoNothing. } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 10, 2020
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apex class to formula field
this may sounds funny, but I'm really struggling with this one.
can you convert that into formula field, I tried several time but I'm having issues with the 1st and 3rd statement.
if(p.Type__c == 'Contractor' && p.hasRecord__c == true && p.Visible__c == 'OFF'){ p.Output__c= false; } else if(p.Type__c == 'Contractor' && p.hasRecord__c == true && p.Visible__c == 'ON'){ p.Output__c= true; } else if(p.Type__c == 'Contractor' && p.hasRecord__c == false && p.Visible__c == 'OFF'){ p.Output__c= true; } else if(p.Type__c == 'Contractor' && p.hasRecord__c == false && p.Visible__c == 'ON'){ p.Output__c= true; }
can you convert that into formula field, I tried several time but I'm having issues with the 1st and 3rd statement.
IF ( AND (Type__c = 'Contractor',OR( AND(Visible__c = 'ON',hasRecord__c = true), AND(Visible__c = 'OFF', hasRecord__c = false, AND(Visible__c = 'ON',hasRecord__c = false))) ), true,IF ( AND (Type__c = 'Contractor', AND(Visible__c = 'OFF', hasRecord__c = True) ), false, True)))
- SF Beginner 2019
- June 17, 2020
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Account Related List to Dropdown Picklist
is is possible to convert a for example
I have an object account, then I have a related list which is member then that member has a lookup to teller. is it possible to display that as a dynamic dropdownpicklist? under the account? if yes can I have a reference. thank you
is is possible to convert a for example
I have an object account, then I have a related list which is member then that member has a lookup to teller. is it possible to display that as a dynamic dropdownpicklist? under the account? if yes can I have a reference. thank you
- SF Beginner 2019
- May 05, 2020
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Dynamic Picklist in Lightning
How can I store this on a picklist.
is my attribute correct?
this is my apex class to return list
this is my helper
is my attribute correct?
<aura:attribute name="Type" type="String" />
this is my apex class to return list
@AuraEnabled public static List<String> getAuthorized(string recordId){ List<ID> coid = new List<ID>(); List<String> MemName = new List<String>(); for( Member__c covmem : [SELECT Id,Name, FROM Member__c WHERE Account__c =: recordId ] ) { coid.add(covmem.Personel__c); } for(Personel__c cov : [SELECT Id,Name FROM Personel__c WHERE Id =: coid ]){ MemName.add(cov.Name); } return MemName; }
this is my helper
getAuthorized : function(component,event,helper){ var recordId = component.get("v.recordId"); var action = component.get("c.getAuthorized"); action.setParams({recordId : recordId}); action.setCallback(this,function(response){ var state = response.getState(); if(state === "SUCCESS"){ //alert(JSON.stringify(response.getReturnValue())); var coidpicklist = response.getReturnValue(); component.set("v.Type",coidpicklist); //var coidpicklist = response.getReturnValue()[0].ValuePicklist__c; } }); $A.enqueueAction(action); },
- SF Beginner 2019
- May 05, 2020
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Queueable test class
Integer counter = UPDTACCOWNRLMT; List<Account> newList = New List<Account>(); AccOwnerUpdateQueueble updateJob; for (Integer j=0; j < updtAccLst.size() ;j++){ if(j < counter ){ newList.add(updtAccLst[j]); } if(j == counter && Limits.getQueueableJobs() == 0){ newList.add(updtAccLst[j]); updateJob = new AccOwnerUpdateQueueble(newList); ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(updateJob); counter = counter + UPDTACCOWNRLMT; newList.clear(); } } if(!newList.isEmpty() && (Limits.getQueueableJobs() == 0) ){ // system.debug('newList size'+newList.size()); updateJob = new AccOwnerUpdateQueueble(newList); ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(updateJob); counter = counter + UPDTACCOWNRLMT; newList.clear(); } }
I need help on queuable test class.
it doesn't cover this portion.
- SF Beginner 2019
- May 01, 2020
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Rendering documents in lightning community
Is it possible to render a document in Community? any reference please. thank you!
- SF Beginner 2019
- April 06, 2020
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can we render documents in lightning community using contentdocument?
is it possible to render documents in lightning community using content document? how can you help me with some reference thank you
- SF Beginner 2019
- March 31, 2020
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owner is not updating correcty due to single zip code but multiple country
I have this issue wherein the Account Owner is not updating correctly this is because of duplicate Country in a single zip code, can you help me on my apex class below? How can I identify the zip code and country so that the account owner will of the account will be updated correctly. it has one zip code but it updates between the three countries it first get.
public static void insertAccountOwner(Set<Account> accList){ set<String> TerritoryIds = new Set<String>(); Map<Id, String> mapAccountTerritory = new Map<Id, String>(); Set<String> PostalCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> CountryCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> MarketSegments = new Set<String>(); Map<String,String> TerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> MolTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> DhlTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> SpgTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> ETeTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> IKAMTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); for(Account acc :accList){ //Add account zipcode if not international //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode == null) { acc.ShippingPostalCode = ''; PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); } if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.Group__c == 'Corporate' ) PostalCodes.add('99999'); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.ShippingCountry =='Canada' ) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3)); if (acc.ShippingCountry != null) CountryCodes.add(acc.ShippingCountry); if (acc.MarketSegment__c != null) MarketSegments.add(acc.MarketSegment__c); } if (!PostalCodes.isEmpty()) { for(Territory__c t: [SELECT Id, Name, Territory_ID__c, Market_Segment__c, IKAM__c, MOL__C, DHL__C, ZipCode_Unique__c, Country__c, RSC__C, ETE__C FROM Territory__c WHERE Name in :PostalCodes and Country__c in :CountryCodes LIMIT 4000 ]){ if(t.Territory_ID__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.Territory_ID__c); } if(t.MOL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.MOL__C); } if(t.DHL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.DHL__C); } if(t.RSC__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.RSC__C); } if(t.ETE__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.ETE__C); } if(t.IKAM__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.IKAM__c); } String zipMktSeg = t.ZipCode_Unique__c; TerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.Territory_ID__c); MolTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.MOL__C); DhlTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.DHL__C); SpgTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.RSC__C); ETeTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.ETE__C); IKAMTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.IKAM__c); } } //if (TerritoryIds.IsEmpty()) TerritoryIds.add('99999'); TerritoryIds.add('99999'); System.debug('@@ TerritoryIds: '+ TerritoryIds); Map<String, Id> mapTerritoryUser = new Map<String, Id>(); for(User u: [SELECT Id, Name, Assigned_Territory_ID__c FROM User WHERE (Assigned_Territory_ID__c =:TerritoryIds) LIMIT 200]) { mapTerritoryUser.put(u.Assigned_Territory_ID__c, u.Id); } ///if(!mapTerritoryUser.IsEmpty()) { for(Account acc :accList){ String zipMktSegAcc = acc.ShippingPostalCode; String zipMktSegAcccanada = acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3); //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { //String t = mapAccountTerritory.get(acc.Id); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAcc: '+zipMktSegAcc); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAccCAnada: '+zipMktSegAcccanada); String tc = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcccanada); String t = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String m = MolTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String d = DhlTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String s = SpgTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String e = ETeTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String k = IKAMTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); //Group is Key Accounts if(acc.Group__c == 'Key Accounts') { // Check if Accoutn Executive is Empty System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c1: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c1: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); if(acc.IDN_HSD__c != null){ acc.OwnerId = acc.IDN_HSD__c; System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); //Check if Ref Lab Director }else if(acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c != null){ System.debug('@@ text test '); System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); acc.OwnerId = acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Owned Accounts'){ if(t == null) { t = '99999'; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Corporate'){ t = '99999'; } /*else if(acc.Group__c == 'International'){ t = '99999'; }*/ System.debug('@@ testMap: '+mapTerritoryUser); if(!mapTerritoryUser.isEmpty()){ //assign the owner id based on the territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(t) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(t); } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(tc) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(tc); } //assign the Molecular Director based on the Mol Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(m)) { acc.MD__C = mapTerritoryUser.get(m); } else { acc.MD__C = Null; } //assign the DHI Specialist based on the DHI Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(d)) { acc.DHL__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(d); } else { acc.DHL__c = Null; } //assign the SPG Rep on the Reasearch Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(s)) { acc.SPG__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(s); } else { acc.SPG__c = Null; } //assign the Eye Health based on the Eye Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(e)) { acc.ETE_Rep__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(e); } else { acc.ETE_Rep__c = Null; } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(k)) { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(k); } else { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = Null; } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- February 16, 2020
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The Owner of the account is not updating correctly.
I have this issue wherein the account owner are not updating correctly, wherein, this lookup in a territoty object and user.
ex, the shipping country is united states, but the account owner is germany. how come that happen? I am not sure what to check in here, wherein when I update the record it will update correctly same goes with the batch. are there discrepancies in my apex class? thanks for the help!!
I have this trigger
I have this class
ex, the shipping country is united states, but the account owner is germany. how come that happen? I am not sure what to check in here, wherein when I update the record it will update correctly same goes with the batch. are there discrepancies in my apex class? thanks for the help!!
I have this trigger
trigger TerritoryAssignmentTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) { Set<Account> sIntAccountsCanada = new Set<Account>(); Set<Account> sAccounts = new Set<Account>(); /* if(RecursionBlocker.flag){ if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){ AccountTriggerHandler.InsertAccountOwner(trigger.new); } if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isUpdate){ AccountTriggerHandler.UpdateAccountOwner(trigger.new); } } */ if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){ for(Account acc : Trigger.new) { if(acc.ShippingPostalCode != null ){ sAccounts.add(acc); } } } if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isUpdate){ for(Account acc : Trigger.new) { system.debug(acc); if(acc.ShippingPostalCode != null ){ sAccounts.add(acc); } } } Triggers__c t = Triggers__c.getInstance(); if (t == null || t.Territory__c) { if(!sAccounts.isEmpty()){ AccountTriggerHandler.InsertAccountOwner(sAccounts); } AccountTriggerHandler.insertAccountOwnerCanada(sIntAccountsCanada); } }
I have this class
public static void insertAccountOwner(Set<Account> accList){ set<String> TerritoryIds = new Set<String>(); Map<Id, String> mapAccountTerritory = new Map<Id, String>(); Set<String> PostalCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> CountryCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> MarketSegments = new Set<String>(); Map<String,String> TerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> MolTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> DhlTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> SpgTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> ETeTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> IKAMTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); for(Account acc :accList){ //Add account zipcode if not international //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode == null) { acc.ShippingPostalCode = ''; PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); } if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.Group__c == 'Corporate' ) PostalCodes.add('99999'); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.ShippingCountry =='Canada' ) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3)); if (acc.ShippingCountry != null) CountryCodes.add(acc.ShippingCountry); if (acc.MarketSegment__c != null) MarketSegments.add(acc.MarketSegment__c); } if (!PostalCodes.isEmpty()) { for(Territory__c t: [SELECT Id, Name, Territory_ID__c, Market_Segment__c, IKAM__c, MOL__C, DHL__C, ZipCode_Unique__c, Country__c, RSC__C, ETE__C FROM Territory__c WHERE Name in :PostalCodes and Country__c in :CountryCodes LIMIT 4000 ]){ if(t.Territory_ID__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.Territory_ID__c); } if(t.MOL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.MOL__C); } if(t.DHL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.DHL__C); } if(t.RSC__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.RSC__C); } if(t.ETE__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.ETE__C); } if(t.IKAM__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.IKAM__c); } String zipMktSeg = t.ZipCode_Unique__c; TerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.Territory_ID__c); MolTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.MOL__C); DhlTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.DHL__C); SpgTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.RSC__C); ETeTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.ETE__C); IKAMTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.IKAM__c); } } //if (TerritoryIds.IsEmpty()) TerritoryIds.add('99999'); TerritoryIds.add('99999'); System.debug('@@ TerritoryIds: '+ TerritoryIds); Map<String, Id> mapTerritoryUser = new Map<String, Id>(); for(User u: [SELECT Id, Name, Assigned_Territory_ID__c FROM User WHERE (Assigned_Territory_ID__c =:TerritoryIds) LIMIT 200]) { mapTerritoryUser.put(u.Assigned_Territory_ID__c, u.Id); } ///if(!mapTerritoryUser.IsEmpty()) { for(Account acc :accList){ String zipMktSegAcc = acc.ShippingPostalCode; String zipMktSegAcccanada = acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3); //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { //String t = mapAccountTerritory.get(acc.Id); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAcc: '+zipMktSegAcc); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAccCAnada: '+zipMktSegAcccanada); String tc = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcccanada); String t = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String m = MolTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String d = DhlTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String s = SpgTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String e = ETeTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String k = IKAMTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); //Group is Key Accounts if(acc.Group__c == 'Key Accounts') { // Check if Accoutn Executive is Empty System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c1: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c1: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); if(acc.IDN_HSD__c != null){ acc.OwnerId = acc.IDN_HSD__c; System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); //Check if Ref Lab Director }else if(acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c != null){ System.debug('@@ text test '); System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); acc.OwnerId = acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Owned Accounts'){ if(t == null) { t = '99999'; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Corporate'){ t = '99999'; } /*else if(acc.Group__c == 'International'){ t = '99999'; }*/ System.debug('@@ testMap: '+mapTerritoryUser); if(!mapTerritoryUser.isEmpty()){ //assign the owner id based on the territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(t) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(t); } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(tc) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(tc); } //assign the Molecular Director based on the Mol Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(m)) { acc.MD__C = mapTerritoryUser.get(m); } else { acc.MD__C = Null; } //assign the DHI Specialist based on the DHI Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(d)) { acc.DHL__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(d); } else { acc.DHL__c = Null; } //assign the SPG Rep on the Reasearch Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(s)) { acc.SPG__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(s); } else { acc.SPG__c = Null; } //assign the Eye Health based on the Eye Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(e)) { acc.ETE_Rep__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(e); } else { acc.ETE_Rep__c = Null; } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(k)) { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(k); } else { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = Null; } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- February 15, 2020
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DML Error Problem
I am experiencing DML Error 10001 , can you spot on which is needed to be optimize more in here. public with sharing class UpdateStatus { public static final String ClsName = 'UpdateStatus'; public static boolean isExecuting=false; public static boolean isInvoked = false; public static boolean isCnclGSChkd = false; public static final String UpdateActiveStatus = 'ActiveStatus' ; public static final String UpdateCancelStatus = 'CancelStatus' ; public static final String UpdateRecType = 'RecTypeStat' ; public static final String UpdateCancelBff = 'CancelStats'; public static final String UpdateEndDate = 'UpdateEndDate'; public static final string acctClient =Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account - Client').getRecordTypeId(); public static final string acctClientInt = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account - InactiveClient').getRecordTypeId(); public static final String actv='Active'; public static final String cancl='Canceled'; public static final String pendng = 'Pending'; public static final String accntCst= 'Account_Client'; public static final String cncled= 'Canceled'; public static final String inactv= 'Inactive'; public static final Date enddateFuture = Date.newInstance(2100, 12, 31); public static List<Id> cnclgmList = new List<Id>(); public static final string profIntUser='Integration User'; public static final string categNet='Verizon'; public static void ActiveStatus(List<Group_Members> gmList) { Date EndDateFr; map<id,integer> prcOpn=new map<id,integer>(); list<id> gpToProc=new list<id>(); String profileName = [Select Name from Profile where Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId() limit 1].Name; for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ if(objGM.Status__c==pendng ){ gpToProc.add(objGM.Id); } } list<aggregateResult> PrcssLst=[select GM_ID,count(Id) OpenGM from WF_GM__c where GM_ID in:gpToProc and (GA_Status__c='Closed') and GM_NS__c=null and GM_Sid__c !=null group by GM_ID limit 2000]; for(aggregateResult agRst:PrcssLst) { prcOpn.put(string.valueof(agRst.get('GM_ID')),integer.valueof(agRst.get('OpenGM'))); } for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ if(objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today() && objGM.cancelDate__c==null){ EndDateFr = enddateFuture; } else{ EndDateFr = objGM.cancelDate__c; } if(objGM.Status__c==pendng && objGM.Network__c==categNet){ if(prcOpn.get(objGM.Id)>0) objGM.Status__c=actv; } if(objGM.Status__c==pendng && (objGM.Trans__c || objGM.Post__c)){ if(prcOpn.get(objGM.Id)>0) objGM.Status__c=actv; } if(profileName==profIntUser){ if(objGM.Status__c==cncled && EndDateFr>system.today() && objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today()) { objGM.Status__c=actv; } } } } public static void RecTypeStat(List<Group_Members> gmList) { set<id> accIds=new set<id>(); Date gmEndDateFr; boolean isChnge=false; String profileName = [Select Name from Profile where Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId() limit 1].Name; Map<Id, Date> gmACCMap = new Map<Id, Date>(); for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ gmACCMap.put(objGM.Account_c,objGM.EffDate__c); if(objGM.Status__c==actv && objGM.Network__c==categNet) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } if(objGM.Status__c==actv && (objGM.Trans__c || objGM.Post__c)) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } if(profileName==profIntUser){ if(objGM.Status__c==cncled && gmEndDateFr>system.today() && objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today()) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } } } List<Account> accLst =[Select id,RecordType.DeveloperName from Account WHERE ID IN :accIds Limit 50000] ; List<Account> updtAccLst = New List<Account>(); if(!accIds.isEmpty()){ for(Account objAcc : accLst){ if(objAcc.RecordType.DeveloperName != accntCst){ objAcc.RecordTypeId = acctClient; objAcc.Account_Status__c=actv; objAcc.CovCancelDate__c=null; objAcc.EnrollDate__c = gmACCMap.get(objAcc.Id); updtAccLst.add(objAcc); } } } if(!updtAccLst.isEmpty()){ Database.update(updtAccLst); } isInvoked= true; } } public static void CancelStats(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,map<id,Group_Members> grpmemListOld) { for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { boolean CnclChk=false; boolean CnclDteChk=false; if(grpmemListOld!=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpmemListOld.get(grp.Id); if(grp.cancelDate__c <> grpOld.cancelDate__c) CnclChk=true; if((grp.Status__c <> grpOld.Status__c) && grp.Status__c==cancl) { CnclDteChk=true; } } else { CnclChk=true; if(grp.Status__c==cancl) { CnclDteChk=true; } } if(grp.cancelDate__c<=system.today() && CnclChk) { grp.Status__c=cancl; cnclgmList.add(grp.Id); } } isCnclGSChkd = true; } } public static void CancelStatus(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,Map<ID,Group_Members> grpOldMap) { set<id> cnclAccIdsToPrcss=new set<id>(); boolean isChnge=false; for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { if(grpOldMap !=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpOldMap.get(grp.Id); if(grpOld.cancelDate__c !=grp.cancelDate__c || grpOld.Status__c !=grp.Status__c){ isChnge=true; } } else { isChnge=true; } if(grp.cancelDate__c<=system.today() && isChnge) { cnclAccIdsToPrcss.add(grp.Account_c); } } if(cnclAccIdsToPrcss.size() > 0){ List<Account> accLst = [Select Id,Account_Status__c,RecordType.DeveloperName ,CovCancelDate__c, (select Status__c,cancelDate__c from Group_Member__r ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC) from Account where id in:cnclAccIdsToPrcss Limit 50000]; List<Account> acntIdsToPrcs = new List<Account>(); List<Account> finalacntIdsToPrcs = new List<Account>(); Set<Id> processAccIds = New Set<Id>(); boolean flag = false; Set<Id> accActv = New Set<Id> (); for(Account objAcc :accLst){ if(!objAcc.Group_Member__r.isEmpty()){ for(Group_Members objGM : objAcc.Group_Member__r){ if(objGM.Status__c.equals(actv)){ flag = true; accActv.add(objAcc.id); break; } else{ if(cnclgmList.contains(objGM.Id) && !processAccIds.contains(objAcc.id) ){ objAcc.CovCancelDate__c=objGM.cancelDate__c; objAcc.RecordTypeId =acctClientInt; objAcc.Account_Status__c=inactv; objAcc.EnrollDate__c=null; acntIdsToPrcs.add(objAcc); processAccIds.add(objAcc.id); } } } } } if(accActv.size() > 0){ processAccIds.removeAll(accActv); } for(Account accCus : acntIdsToPrcs){ if(processAccIds.contains(accCus.id)){ finalacntIdsToPrcs.add(accCus); } } if(finalacntIdsToPrcs.size()>0 ){ Database.update(acntIdsToPrcs); } } isExecuting=true; } public static void UpdateEndDate(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,map<id,Group_Members> grpmemListOld){ List<id> gsIdLst = new List<id>(); List<History__c> TCList = new List<History__c>(); for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { if(grpmemListOld!=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpmemListOld.get(grp.Id); if(grp.History__c <> grpOld.History__c){ gsIdLst.add(grpOld.History__c); } } } if(!gsIdLst.isEmpty()){ for(History__c tp : [select id,EndDateTC__c,GA_TPB_Start_Date__c from History__c where ID IN : gsIdLst Limit 50000]){ tp.EndDateTC__c = system.today()-1; TCList.add(tp); } Database.update(TCList); } } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- December 06, 2019
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test class for unlocking record on batch
global class UnlockRecordBatchJob implements Database.batchable<sObject> { //Start of this batch job global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String query = 'SELECT Id FROM Case LIMIT 50000000 '; //50 Million records return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } //Exeution of batch job global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> scope) { //Scope max = 2000 //List<Case> caseList = [SELECT Id From CaseLimit 2]; case already in scope varible //Check locked records List<Case> caseLockList = new List<Case>(); for(Case c : scope) { if(Approval.isLocked(c.id)){ caseLockList.add(c); } } if(!caseLockList.isEmpty()){ //Unlock records List<Approval.UnlockResult> ulrList = Approval.unlock(caseLockList, false); // Iterate through each returned result for(Approval.UnlockResult ulr : ulrList) { if (ulr.isSuccess()) { //Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed System.debug('Successfully locked account with ID: ' + ulr.getId()); } else { //Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : ulr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); } } } } } //finish job global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
I am stuck at 22% the Execute is not being covered
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 31, 2019
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unlock all records in case using batch job
Hi can you revise my code if it is not correct wherein I want to update all case records wherein I will unlock all of them. I tested one record and its updating but I think when its all or bulk its not updating.
global class UnlockRecordBatchJob implements Database.batchable<sObject> { //Start of this batch job global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String query = 'SELECT Id from Case Limit 2'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } //Exeution of batch job global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> scope) { List<Case> caseList = [SELECT Id From CaseLimit 2]; //Check locked records List<Case> caseLockList = new List<Case>(); for(Case c : caseList) { if(Approval.isLocked(c.id)){ caseLockList.add(c); } } if(!caseLockList.isEmpty()){ //Unlock records List<Approval.UnlockResult> ulrList = Approval.unlock(caseLockList, false); // Iterate through each returned result for(Approval.UnlockResult ulr : ulrList) { if (ulr.isSuccess()) { //Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed System.debug('Successfully locked account with ID: ' + ulr.getId()); } else { //Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : ulr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); } } } } } //finish job global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 24, 2019
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How to simplify this method to avoid cpu limit when bulk loading
public static void removeold(Set<Id> oldRecords){ try{ ShareListoAgent = New List<SObject> (); ObjectName=new List<Id>(oldRecords).get(0).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); String queryStr ='select id,UserOrGroupId,parentid,RowCause from'; if(ObjectName == MemberUpper){ queryStr = queryStr + ' MemberUpper_Share '; } if(ObjectName == MemberLower){ queryStr = queryStr + ' MemberLower_Share '; } if(ObjectName == 'Account'){ queryStr = 'select id,UserOrGroupId,AccountId,RowCause from' + ' AccountShare where AccountId in:oldRecords and RowCause = \'Manual\''; } if(ObjectName == MemberLower || ObjectName == MemberUpper){ queryStr = queryStr+'where ParentId in:oldRecords and RowCause = \'Manual\''; } ShareListoAgent.addAll(Database.query(queryStr)); //ShareListoAgent = [select id,UserOrGroupId,parentid,RowCause from MemberUpper_Share where parentid in: oldRecords and RowCause = 'Manual' ]; system.debug('*******ShareListoAgent*******'+ShareListoAgent); if(ShareListoAgent !=null && ShareListoAgent.size()>0){ delete ShareListoAgent; } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 09, 2019
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apex cpu limit how to optimize 3 for loops
public static void insertSharedRecord(Map<Id,Set<Id>>conRepMap, Map<Id,Set<ID>> conCovMemIDS){ try{ createShareRecords = New List<Sobject>(); for(id agentConId: conCovMemIDS.keyset()){ if(conRepMap.containsKey(agentConId)){ for(id covRecID: conCovMemIDS.get(agentConId)){ for(id covUsrID: conRepMap.get(agentConId)){ SObject shareOBJ; if(ObjectName == coverageMem){ shareOBJ = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Coverage_Member__share').newSObject(); } if(ObjectName == coverage){ shareOBJ = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Coverage__share').newSObject(); } shareOBJ.put('ParentId', covRecId); shareOBJ.put('UserOrGroupId', covUsrID); shareOBJ.put('AccessLevel', 'Read'); shareOBJ.put('RowCause', 'Manual'); createShareRecords.add(shareOBJ); } } } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 08, 2019
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Attempt to deReference a Null Object when billing country is null please help
global class ChangingCapsLock{ global static void Change( Account [] acc){ for(Account a :acc){ if(a.BillingPostalCode !=null ) a.BillingPostalCode = allUpper(a.BillingPostalCode); if(a.BillingCountry !=null ) a.BillingCountry= formatToUpper(a.BillingCountry); a.BillingCountry= formatToUpperLower(a.BillingCountry); if(a.BillingCountry ==null ) String.isEmpty(a.BillingCountry); if(a.ShippingPostalCode !=null ) a.ShippingPostalCode = allUpper(a.ShippingPostalCode); if(a.ShippingCountry !=null ) a.ShippingCountry= formatToUpper(a.ShippingCountry); a.ShippingCountry= formatToUpperLower(a.ShippingCountry); } } public static String formatToUpper (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()) + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ' '; } } return result; } public static String allUpper (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()).toUpperCase() + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ' '; } } return result; } public static String formatToUpperLower (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()).toLowerCase() + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toLowercase() + ' '; } } return result; } }
trigger AccountChangerFirstLetter on Account (before insert, before update) { ChangingCapsLock.Change(trigger.new); if(trigger.isBefore ) if(trigger.IsInsert ||trigger.IsUpdate ) ChangingCapsLock.Change(trigger.new); }
- SF Beginner 2019
- September 20, 2019
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Check if the value is same just update else delete
I have this code, wherein it deletes the record when there is a value, how can I achieve to update if the values like UserIdforCsr is just the same?
public static void NewSharing(Set<Id> oldRecords){ try{ CSRShareList = New List<SObject> (); ObjectName=new List<Id>(oldRecords).get(0).getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); String strqy ='select id,UserIdforCSR,parentid,RowCause from'; if(ObjectName == assMember){ strqy = strqy + ' Assistant_Sharing '; } if(ObjectName == secMember){ strqy = strqy + ' Secretary_Sharing '; } if(ObjectName == 'Account'){ strqy = 'select id,UserIdforCSR,AccountId,RowCause from' + ' AccountShare where AccountId in:oldRecords'; } if(ObjectName == secMember || ObjectName == assMember){ strqy = strqy+'where ParentId in:oldRecords '; } CSRShareList.addAll(Database.query(strqy)); if(CSRShareList !=null && CSRShareList.size()>0){ delete CSRShareList; } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- September 11, 2019
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accountcontact issue
Issue is that sometimes it deletes sometime it doesn't delete or update.
global class AccountContactTriggerHandler implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { List<AccountContactRelation> ListtoInsert = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); Set<accountContactRelation> ListToDelete = new Set<accountContactRelation>(); Map<String, Account> accCodeMap = new Map<String,Account>(); map<string,Contact> contactAccountMap = new map<string, Contact>(); String query = 'Select Id,Name,License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE License_ID__c != null AND IsPartner = true AND License_ID__c LIKE \'__\''; final String CLSSNAME = 'AccountContactTriggerHandler'; global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<Account> batch){ try{ for(Account a : batch) accCodeMap.put(a.License_ID__c, a); for (Contact c : [Select ID, Name, Accountid, Person_ID__c, ABS_Person_ID__c, (SELECT AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelations) from Contact WHERE (ABS_Person_ID__c != null AND ABS_Person_ID__c LIKE '__') OR (Person_ID__c != null AND Person_ID__c LIKE '__')]){ Set<String> acrIdList =new Set<String>(); List<AccountContactRelation> acrList = c.AccountContactRelations; for(AccountContactRelation acrId : acrList){ contactAccountMap.put(acrId.AccountId, c); // Used for deleting code soql acrIdList.add(acrId.AccountId); } Account a, a2; if(c.Person_ID__c != null) a = accCodeMap.get(c.Person_ID__c); if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c != null) a2 = accCodeMap.get(c.ABS_Person_ID__c); if(a != null && a2 != null && a == a2){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } else { // Checks if the AccountContactRelations already connected to the Contact if(a != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a.Id)){ if(c.Person_ID__c == a.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } if(a2 != null){ if(!acrIdList.contains(a2.Id)){ if(c.ABS_Person_ID__c == a2.License_ID__c){ AccountContactRelation acr = new AccountContactRelation(); acr.AccountId = a2.id; acr.contactId = c.Id; ListtoInsert.add(acr); } } } } } insert ListtoInsert; //loop only the accounts that are related/connected to AccountContactRelation Object map<string,Account> accountMap = new map<string, Account>(); for(Account Acc: [SELECT id, Name, License_ID__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: contactAccountMap.keySet()]) { accountMap.put(Acc.Id,acc); } //loop the AccountContactRelation to get the records where isDirect is not true for(AccountContactRelation AccountConDelete : [SELECT Id, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE Accountid =: contactAccountMap.keySet() AND isDirect != TRUE]) { Account acc = accountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); contact con = contactAccountMap.get(AccountConDelete.AccountId); if(acc.License_ID__c != con.Person_ID__c && acc.License_ID__c != con.ABS_Person_ID__c) { ListToDelete.add(AccountConDelete); } } System.debug('TO BE DELETED: '+ListToDelete); List<AccountContactRelation> AccountConNew = new List<AccountContactRelation>(); for (AccountContactRelation acr : ListToDelete) AccountConNew.add(acr); delete AccountConNew; } catch(Exception e){ } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) { //DoNothing. } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 13, 2020
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The Owner of the account is not updating correctly.
I have this issue wherein the account owner are not updating correctly, wherein, this lookup in a territoty object and user.
ex, the shipping country is united states, but the account owner is germany. how come that happen? I am not sure what to check in here, wherein when I update the record it will update correctly same goes with the batch. are there discrepancies in my apex class? thanks for the help!!
I have this trigger
I have this class
ex, the shipping country is united states, but the account owner is germany. how come that happen? I am not sure what to check in here, wherein when I update the record it will update correctly same goes with the batch. are there discrepancies in my apex class? thanks for the help!!
I have this trigger
trigger TerritoryAssignmentTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) { Set<Account> sIntAccountsCanada = new Set<Account>(); Set<Account> sAccounts = new Set<Account>(); /* if(RecursionBlocker.flag){ if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){ AccountTriggerHandler.InsertAccountOwner(trigger.new); } if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isUpdate){ AccountTriggerHandler.UpdateAccountOwner(trigger.new); } } */ if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert){ for(Account acc : Trigger.new) { if(acc.ShippingPostalCode != null ){ sAccounts.add(acc); } } } if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isUpdate){ for(Account acc : Trigger.new) { system.debug(acc); if(acc.ShippingPostalCode != null ){ sAccounts.add(acc); } } } Triggers__c t = Triggers__c.getInstance(); if (t == null || t.Territory__c) { if(!sAccounts.isEmpty()){ AccountTriggerHandler.InsertAccountOwner(sAccounts); } AccountTriggerHandler.insertAccountOwnerCanada(sIntAccountsCanada); } }
I have this class
public static void insertAccountOwner(Set<Account> accList){ set<String> TerritoryIds = new Set<String>(); Map<Id, String> mapAccountTerritory = new Map<Id, String>(); Set<String> PostalCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> CountryCodes = new Set<String>(); Set<String> MarketSegments = new Set<String>(); Map<String,String> TerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> MolTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> DhlTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> SpgTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> ETeTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); Map<String,String> IKAMTerrToAccMap = new Map<String,String>(); for(Account acc :accList){ //Add account zipcode if not international //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode == null) { acc.ShippingPostalCode = ''; PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode); } if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.Group__c == 'Corporate' ) PostalCodes.add('99999'); if (acc.ShippingPostalCode != null && acc.ShippingCountry =='Canada' ) PostalCodes.add(acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3)); if (acc.ShippingCountry != null) CountryCodes.add(acc.ShippingCountry); if (acc.MarketSegment__c != null) MarketSegments.add(acc.MarketSegment__c); } if (!PostalCodes.isEmpty()) { for(Territory__c t: [SELECT Id, Name, Territory_ID__c, Market_Segment__c, IKAM__c, MOL__C, DHL__C, ZipCode_Unique__c, Country__c, RSC__C, ETE__C FROM Territory__c WHERE Name in :PostalCodes and Country__c in :CountryCodes LIMIT 4000 ]){ if(t.Territory_ID__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.Territory_ID__c); } if(t.MOL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.MOL__C); } if(t.DHL__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.DHL__C); } if(t.RSC__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.RSC__C); } if(t.ETE__C != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.ETE__C); } if(t.IKAM__c != null){ TerritoryIds.add(t.IKAM__c); } String zipMktSeg = t.ZipCode_Unique__c; TerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.Territory_ID__c); MolTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.MOL__C); DhlTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.DHL__C); SpgTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.RSC__C); ETeTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.ETE__C); IKAMTerrToAccMap.put(zipMktSeg, t.IKAM__c); } } //if (TerritoryIds.IsEmpty()) TerritoryIds.add('99999'); TerritoryIds.add('99999'); System.debug('@@ TerritoryIds: '+ TerritoryIds); Map<String, Id> mapTerritoryUser = new Map<String, Id>(); for(User u: [SELECT Id, Name, Assigned_Territory_ID__c FROM User WHERE (Assigned_Territory_ID__c =:TerritoryIds) LIMIT 200]) { mapTerritoryUser.put(u.Assigned_Territory_ID__c, u.Id); } ///if(!mapTerritoryUser.IsEmpty()) { for(Account acc :accList){ String zipMktSegAcc = acc.ShippingPostalCode; String zipMktSegAcccanada = acc.ShippingPostalCode.left(3); //if(acc.Group__c != 'International') { //String t = mapAccountTerritory.get(acc.Id); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAcc: '+zipMktSegAcc); System.debug('@@ zipMktSegAccCAnada: '+zipMktSegAcccanada); String tc = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcccanada); String t = TerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String m = MolTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String d = DhlTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String s = SpgTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String e = ETeTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); String k = IKAMTerrToAccMap.get(zipMktSegAcc); //Group is Key Accounts if(acc.Group__c == 'Key Accounts') { // Check if Accoutn Executive is Empty System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c1: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c1: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); if(acc.IDN_HSD__c != null){ acc.OwnerId = acc.IDN_HSD__c; System.debug('@@ acc.IDN_HSD__c: '+acc.IDN_HSD__c); //Check if Ref Lab Director }else if(acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c != null){ System.debug('@@ text test '); System.debug('@@ acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c: '+acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c); acc.OwnerId = acc.Ref_Lab_Dir__c; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Owned Accounts'){ if(t == null) { t = '99999'; } }else if(acc.Group__c == 'Corporate'){ t = '99999'; } /*else if(acc.Group__c == 'International'){ t = '99999'; }*/ System.debug('@@ testMap: '+mapTerritoryUser); if(!mapTerritoryUser.isEmpty()){ //assign the owner id based on the territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(t) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(t); } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(tc) && (acc.Group__c != 'Key Accounts')) { acc.OwnerId = mapTerritoryUser.get(tc); } //assign the Molecular Director based on the Mol Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(m)) { acc.MD__C = mapTerritoryUser.get(m); } else { acc.MD__C = Null; } //assign the DHI Specialist based on the DHI Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(d)) { acc.DHL__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(d); } else { acc.DHL__c = Null; } //assign the SPG Rep on the Reasearch Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(s)) { acc.SPG__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(s); } else { acc.SPG__c = Null; } //assign the Eye Health based on the Eye Territory id in territory object if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(e)) { acc.ETE_Rep__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(e); } else { acc.ETE_Rep__c = Null; } if(mapTerritoryUser.containsKey(k)) { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = mapTerritoryUser.get(k); } else { acc.Key_Account_Manager__c = Null; } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- February 15, 2020
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DML Error Problem
I am experiencing DML Error 10001 , can you spot on which is needed to be optimize more in here. public with sharing class UpdateStatus { public static final String ClsName = 'UpdateStatus'; public static boolean isExecuting=false; public static boolean isInvoked = false; public static boolean isCnclGSChkd = false; public static final String UpdateActiveStatus = 'ActiveStatus' ; public static final String UpdateCancelStatus = 'CancelStatus' ; public static final String UpdateRecType = 'RecTypeStat' ; public static final String UpdateCancelBff = 'CancelStats'; public static final String UpdateEndDate = 'UpdateEndDate'; public static final string acctClient =Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account - Client').getRecordTypeId(); public static final string acctClientInt = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Account - InactiveClient').getRecordTypeId(); public static final String actv='Active'; public static final String cancl='Canceled'; public static final String pendng = 'Pending'; public static final String accntCst= 'Account_Client'; public static final String cncled= 'Canceled'; public static final String inactv= 'Inactive'; public static final Date enddateFuture = Date.newInstance(2100, 12, 31); public static List<Id> cnclgmList = new List<Id>(); public static final string profIntUser='Integration User'; public static final string categNet='Verizon'; public static void ActiveStatus(List<Group_Members> gmList) { Date EndDateFr; map<id,integer> prcOpn=new map<id,integer>(); list<id> gpToProc=new list<id>(); String profileName = [Select Name from Profile where Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId() limit 1].Name; for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ if(objGM.Status__c==pendng ){ gpToProc.add(objGM.Id); } } list<aggregateResult> PrcssLst=[select GM_ID,count(Id) OpenGM from WF_GM__c where GM_ID in:gpToProc and (GA_Status__c='Closed') and GM_NS__c=null and GM_Sid__c !=null group by GM_ID limit 2000]; for(aggregateResult agRst:PrcssLst) { prcOpn.put(string.valueof(agRst.get('GM_ID')),integer.valueof(agRst.get('OpenGM'))); } for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ if(objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today() && objGM.cancelDate__c==null){ EndDateFr = enddateFuture; } else{ EndDateFr = objGM.cancelDate__c; } if(objGM.Status__c==pendng && objGM.Network__c==categNet){ if(prcOpn.get(objGM.Id)>0) objGM.Status__c=actv; } if(objGM.Status__c==pendng && (objGM.Trans__c || objGM.Post__c)){ if(prcOpn.get(objGM.Id)>0) objGM.Status__c=actv; } if(profileName==profIntUser){ if(objGM.Status__c==cncled && EndDateFr>system.today() && objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today()) { objGM.Status__c=actv; } } } } public static void RecTypeStat(List<Group_Members> gmList) { set<id> accIds=new set<id>(); Date gmEndDateFr; boolean isChnge=false; String profileName = [Select Name from Profile where Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId() limit 1].Name; Map<Id, Date> gmACCMap = new Map<Id, Date>(); for(Group_Members objGM : gmList){ gmACCMap.put(objGM.Account_c,objGM.EffDate__c); if(objGM.Status__c==actv && objGM.Network__c==categNet) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } if(objGM.Status__c==actv && (objGM.Trans__c || objGM.Post__c)) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } if(profileName==profIntUser){ if(objGM.Status__c==cncled && gmEndDateFr>system.today() && objGM.EffDate__c<=system.today()) { accIds.add(objGM.Account_c); } } } List<Account> accLst =[Select id,RecordType.DeveloperName from Account WHERE ID IN :accIds Limit 50000] ; List<Account> updtAccLst = New List<Account>(); if(!accIds.isEmpty()){ for(Account objAcc : accLst){ if(objAcc.RecordType.DeveloperName != accntCst){ objAcc.RecordTypeId = acctClient; objAcc.Account_Status__c=actv; objAcc.CovCancelDate__c=null; objAcc.EnrollDate__c = gmACCMap.get(objAcc.Id); updtAccLst.add(objAcc); } } } if(!updtAccLst.isEmpty()){ Database.update(updtAccLst); } isInvoked= true; } } public static void CancelStats(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,map<id,Group_Members> grpmemListOld) { for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { boolean CnclChk=false; boolean CnclDteChk=false; if(grpmemListOld!=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpmemListOld.get(grp.Id); if(grp.cancelDate__c <> grpOld.cancelDate__c) CnclChk=true; if((grp.Status__c <> grpOld.Status__c) && grp.Status__c==cancl) { CnclDteChk=true; } } else { CnclChk=true; if(grp.Status__c==cancl) { CnclDteChk=true; } } if(grp.cancelDate__c<=system.today() && CnclChk) { grp.Status__c=cancl; cnclgmList.add(grp.Id); } } isCnclGSChkd = true; } } public static void CancelStatus(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,Map<ID,Group_Members> grpOldMap) { set<id> cnclAccIdsToPrcss=new set<id>(); boolean isChnge=false; for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { if(grpOldMap !=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpOldMap.get(grp.Id); if(grpOld.cancelDate__c !=grp.cancelDate__c || grpOld.Status__c !=grp.Status__c){ isChnge=true; } } else { isChnge=true; } if(grp.cancelDate__c<=system.today() && isChnge) { cnclAccIdsToPrcss.add(grp.Account_c); } } if(cnclAccIdsToPrcss.size() > 0){ List<Account> accLst = [Select Id,Account_Status__c,RecordType.DeveloperName ,CovCancelDate__c, (select Status__c,cancelDate__c from Group_Member__r ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC) from Account where id in:cnclAccIdsToPrcss Limit 50000]; List<Account> acntIdsToPrcs = new List<Account>(); List<Account> finalacntIdsToPrcs = new List<Account>(); Set<Id> processAccIds = New Set<Id>(); boolean flag = false; Set<Id> accActv = New Set<Id> (); for(Account objAcc :accLst){ if(!objAcc.Group_Member__r.isEmpty()){ for(Group_Members objGM : objAcc.Group_Member__r){ if(objGM.Status__c.equals(actv)){ flag = true; accActv.add(objAcc.id); break; } else{ if(cnclgmList.contains(objGM.Id) && !processAccIds.contains(objAcc.id) ){ objAcc.CovCancelDate__c=objGM.cancelDate__c; objAcc.RecordTypeId =acctClientInt; objAcc.Account_Status__c=inactv; objAcc.EnrollDate__c=null; acntIdsToPrcs.add(objAcc); processAccIds.add(objAcc.id); } } } } } if(accActv.size() > 0){ processAccIds.removeAll(accActv); } for(Account accCus : acntIdsToPrcs){ if(processAccIds.contains(accCus.id)){ finalacntIdsToPrcs.add(accCus); } } if(finalacntIdsToPrcs.size()>0 ){ Database.update(acntIdsToPrcs); } } isExecuting=true; } public static void UpdateEndDate(List<Group_Members> grpmemList,map<id,Group_Members> grpmemListOld){ List<id> gsIdLst = new List<id>(); List<History__c> TCList = new List<History__c>(); for(Group_Members grp:grpmemList) { if(grpmemListOld!=null) { Group_Members grpOld=grpmemListOld.get(grp.Id); if(grp.History__c <> grpOld.History__c){ gsIdLst.add(grpOld.History__c); } } } if(!gsIdLst.isEmpty()){ for(History__c tp : [select id,EndDateTC__c,GA_TPB_Start_Date__c from History__c where ID IN : gsIdLst Limit 50000]){ tp.EndDateTC__c = system.today()-1; TCList.add(tp); } Database.update(TCList); } } } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- December 06, 2019
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unlock all records in case using batch job
Hi can you revise my code if it is not correct wherein I want to update all case records wherein I will unlock all of them. I tested one record and its updating but I think when its all or bulk its not updating.
global class UnlockRecordBatchJob implements Database.batchable<sObject> { //Start of this batch job global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String query = 'SELECT Id from Case Limit 2'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } //Exeution of batch job global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> scope) { List<Case> caseList = [SELECT Id From CaseLimit 2]; //Check locked records List<Case> caseLockList = new List<Case>(); for(Case c : caseList) { if(Approval.isLocked(c.id)){ caseLockList.add(c); } } if(!caseLockList.isEmpty()){ //Unlock records List<Approval.UnlockResult> ulrList = Approval.unlock(caseLockList, false); // Iterate through each returned result for(Approval.UnlockResult ulr : ulrList) { if (ulr.isSuccess()) { //Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed System.debug('Successfully locked account with ID: ' + ulr.getId()); } else { //Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : ulr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); } } } } } //finish job global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- October 24, 2019
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Attempt to deReference a Null Object when billing country is null please help
global class ChangingCapsLock{ global static void Change( Account [] acc){ for(Account a :acc){ if(a.BillingPostalCode !=null ) a.BillingPostalCode = allUpper(a.BillingPostalCode); if(a.BillingCountry !=null ) a.BillingCountry= formatToUpper(a.BillingCountry); a.BillingCountry= formatToUpperLower(a.BillingCountry); if(a.BillingCountry ==null ) String.isEmpty(a.BillingCountry); if(a.ShippingPostalCode !=null ) a.ShippingPostalCode = allUpper(a.ShippingPostalCode); if(a.ShippingCountry !=null ) a.ShippingCountry= formatToUpper(a.ShippingCountry); a.ShippingCountry= formatToUpperLower(a.ShippingCountry); } } public static String formatToUpper (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()) + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ' '; } } return result; } public static String allUpper (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()).toUpperCase() + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ' '; } } return result; } public static String formatToUpperLower (String Str) { String result = ''; for (String iter : Str.split('[ ]+')) { if (iter != null && iter != '') { if (iter.length() > 1) { result += iter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + iter.substring(1,iter.length()).toLowerCase() + ' '; } else result += iter.substring(0,1).toLowercase() + ' '; } } return result; } }
trigger AccountChangerFirstLetter on Account (before insert, before update) { ChangingCapsLock.Change(trigger.new); if(trigger.isBefore ) if(trigger.IsInsert ||trigger.IsUpdate ) ChangingCapsLock.Change(trigger.new); }
- SF Beginner 2019
- September 20, 2019
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- 0
calling a class to make it batch apex class/ job
How to call this apex class to make it a batch job?
public class ApplicationYearsinService{ public static void YearsinService(List<Application__c> appList){ //Declares the Variables, List, ID to be used Date dat = System.today(); Integer yr = dat.year(); Map<Id, Set<Integer>> setofYear = new Map<Id, Set<Integer>>(); Set<Id> accountIdSet = new set<Id>(); //Gets the values of the Account(Account__c from the Application for(Application__c cs: appList ){ accountIdSet.add(cs.Account__c); } //Query in the Application to get the value from the Account for(Application__c p : [SELECT ID, Account__c, Received_Date__c from Application__c where Account__c IN : accountIdSet ]){ if(p.Received_Date__c != null){ if(setofYear.containskey(p.Account__c)){ if(p.Received_Date__c != NULL) { setofYear.get(p.Account__c).add(p.Received_Date__c.Year()); } } else { setofYear.put(p.Account__c, new Set<Integer>{p.Received_Date__c.Year()}); } } } Map<String, List<Application__c>> appMap = new Map<String ,List<Application__c>>(); Map<String, Account> lisAcct = new Map<String, Account>(); List<Account> acctToUpdate = new List<Account>(); List<Account> accountListToLoop = [Select Id, YearsinService__c, (Select Id FROM Applications__r LIMIT 1) from Account where Id=:accountIdSet]; for(Account acc: accountListToLoop){ lisAcct.put(acc.Id+'', acc); } for(Account act : accountListToLoop ){ if(setofYear.containskey(act.id)){ act.YearsinService__c = setofYear.get(act.id).size(); acctToUpdate.add(act); lisAcct.remove(act.Id+''); } else { act.YearsinService__c = 0; acctToUpdate.add(act); } } Database.upsert(acctToUpdate, false); } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 18, 2019
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- 0
assigning permission set on newly created partner user
How do I assign a permission set on newly created partner user?
public class AssignPermissionSet { public static void assignperm(List<user> userlist){ Set<ID> usersId = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> contactIdsSet = new Set<Id>(); List<PermissionSetAssignment> permissionSetList = new List<PermissionSetAssignment>(); for (User u : [Select Id, Name, ProfileId FROM User Where Id IN : userlist]){ // Add fields as per your requirement... if(u.ProfileId == '00e360003429432'){ PermissionSetAssignment psa = new PermissionSetAssignment (PermissionSetId = '0PS33609skjojsae', AssigneeId = u.Id); permissionSetList.add(psa); } } insert permissionSetList; } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 16, 2019
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- 0
apex cpu limit loading around 1.2M record
I am encountering and error while doing a data load.
here is my code when dataloading. is there anything that needs to be optimize in here so far?
I am encountering and error while doing a data load.
here is my code when dataloading. is there anything that needs to be optimize in here so far?
public class depToAccount { public static void deptpAccountV1(List<Dependent__c> depmem) { Set<Id> accountIdSet = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> coverIdSet = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> atoDep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> ctomeddep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> cto19belowdep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> ato19belowdep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> cto20belowdep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>(); Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>> ato20updep = new Map<Id, List<Dependent__c>>();// List<CampaignMember> cmList = new List<CampaignMember>(); Map<Id, Account> accountToUpdateMap = new Map<Id, Account>(); for(Dependent__c depm : depmem){ if(depm.status__c == 'ACTIVE' && depm.Catg__c == 'Vision'){ if(depm.Account__c != null){ accountIdSet.add(depm.Account__c); } if(depm.Cover__c != null){ coverIdSet.add(depm.Cover__c); } } } List<Dependent__c> existingDependent = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Account__r.Name, Cover__c, Cover__r.Comply__c,Rel__c, status__c, Catg__c, Age_Today__c FROM Dependent__c WHERE ((Cover__c IN: coverIdSet AND Cover__c != null) OR (Account__c IN: accountIdSet AND Account__c != null)) AND status__c ='ACTIVE' AND Plan_Name__c != NULL aND Catg__c != NULL]; for(Dependent__c depM : existingDependent){ if(depM.Age_Today__c < 19){ if(cto19belowdep.containsKey(depM.Cover__c)){ cto19belowdep.get(depM.Cover__c).add(depM); } else { cto19belowdep.put(depM.Cover__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } if(ato19belowdep.containsKey(depM.Account__c)){ ato19belowdep.get(depM.Account__c).add(depM); } else { ato19belowdep.put(depM.Account__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } } if(depM.Age_Today__c >= 19){ if(cto20belowdep.containsKey(depM.Cover__c)){ cto20belowdep.get(depM.Cover__c).add(depM); } else { cto20belowdep.put(depM.Cover__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } if(ato20updep.containsKey(depM.Account__c)){ ato20updep.get(depM.Account__c).add(depM); } else { ato20updep.put(depM.Account__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } } if(depM.Catg__c == 'Vision'){ if(ctomeddep.containsKey(depM.Cover__c)){ ctomeddep.get(depM.Cover__c).add(depM); } else { ctomeddep.put(depM.Cover__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } } if(depM.Catg__c == 'Dental'){ if(atoDep.containsKey(depM.Account__c)){ atoDep.get(depM.Account__c).add(depM); } else { atoDep.put(depM.Account__c, new List<Dependent__c>{ depM }); } } } Map<Id, Account> acctAttesAppMap = new Map<Id, Account>([Select ID,Good__c,Age_in_Numbers__pc,PersonContactId,Phone__c ,NumberofYears__c FROM Account where ID IN : accountIdSet ]); for(Id acctId : accountIdSet){ for(Dependent__c depM : existingDependent){ for(Id covId : coverIdSet){ if(cto19belowdep.containsKey(covId) && depM.Cover__c==covId){ for(Dependent__c depU19 : cto19belowdep.get(covId)){ if(depU19.Age_Today__c < 19){ if((atoDep.containsKey(acctId)) || (acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Good__c == true) || (acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId ).NumberofYears__c > 0 )){ if(ctomeddep.containsKey(covId)){ for(Dependent__c depMemMedi : ctomeddep.get(covId)){ accountToUpdateMap.put(depMemMedi.Account__c, new Account(Id=depMemMedi.Account__c, Compliant__c=true, Comply__c=false)); } } } else { if((!atoDep.containsKey(acctId)) || (acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Good__c == false) || (acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId ).NumberofYears__c == 0 )){ if(ctomeddep.containsKey(covId)){ for(Dependent__c depMemMedi : ctomeddep.get(covId)){ accountToUpdateMap.put(depMemMedi.Account__c, new Account(Id=depMemMedi.Account__c, Compliant__c=false, Comply__c=false)); } } } IF(acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Phone__c != NULL ){ { cmList.add( new CampaignMember( CampaignId = System.Label.Doctor_Campaign, ContactId = acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).PersonContactId, Status = 'Completed' )); } } IF(acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Phone__c == NULL && acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Age_in_Numbers__pc >= 19){ { cmList.add( new CampaignMember( CampaignId = System.Label.Nurse_Campaign, ContactId = acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).PersonContactId, Status = 'Completed' )); } } IF(acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Phone__c == NULL && acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).Age_in_Numbers__pc < 19){ { cmList.add( new CampaignMember( CampaignId = System.Label.Staff_Campaign, ContactId = acctAttesAppMap.get(acctId).PersonContactId, Status = 'Completed' )); } } } } } else if(cto20belowdep.containsKey(covId) && depM.Cover__c==covId){ for(Dependent__c depU20 : cto20belowdep.get(covId)){ if(depU20.Age_Today__c >= 19){ if(atoDep.containsKey(acctId) ){ if(ctomeddep.containsKey(covId)){ for(Dependent__c depMemMedi : ctomeddep.get(covId)){ accountToUpdateMap.put(depMemMedi.Account__c, new Account(Id=depMemMedi.Account__c, Compliant__c=false, Comply__c=true)); } } } } } } if(depM.Cover__r.Comply__c==true && depM.Cover__c == covId){ if(ctomeddep.containsKey(covId)) for(Dependent__c CMmed : ctomeddep.get(covId)){ accountToUpdateMap.put(CMmed.Account__c, new Account(Id=CMmed.Account__c, Compliant__c=false, Comply__c=true)); } } } } } database.insert(cmlist, false); update accountToUpdateMap.values(); } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 08, 2019
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Too Many Soql in Account Trigger
I am getting this issue to many soql, is there something wrong with my code when try to save a record this error appers that too many soql
I am getting this issue to many soql, is there something wrong with my code when try to save a record this error appers that too many soql
public class AccountTask { public static void accountTaskCopy(List<Account> acclist){ Id EmailRT = SObjectType.Task.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('Email').getRecordTypeId(); Id CallRT = SObjectType.Task.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('Call').getRecordTypeId(); Set<Id> forWhatID = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> accID = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> coverageIds = new Set<Id>(); Map<ID, List<CM__c>> accountIdToListCMOMap = new Map<Id, List<CM__c>>(); Map<ID, List<CM__c>> coverageIdToListCVMMap = new Map<Id, List<CM__c>>(); Map<ID, List<Task>> accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap = new Map<Id, List<Task>>(); Map<ID, List<Task>> accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap = new Map<Id, List<Task>>(); Map<Id, Account> accountsToUpdate = new Map<Id, Account>(); for(Account acc: acclist){ { accID.add(acc.ID); } } for(Task tsk : [SELECT ID,whatid FROM TASK where WHATID IN : accID]){ if(tsk.WhatID != Null && tsk.WhatID.getSObjectType() == Account.SobjectType){ forWhatID.add(tsk.WhatId); System.debug('forWhatID' + forWhatID); } } List<CM__c> existingCMs = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Account__r.Name, CVR__c, Coverage__r.Good__c,rel__c, status__c, BusinessType__c, Age_Today__c FROM CM__c WHERE (CVR__c != null AND Account__c IN: forWhatID AND Account__c != null) AND status__c ='ACTIVE' AND BusinessType__c = 'Medical']; for(CM__c cMo : existingCMs){ if(accountIdToListCMOMap.containsKey(cMo.Account__c)){ accountIdToListCMOMap.get(cMo.Account__c).add(cMo); } else{ accountIdToListCMOMap.put(cMo.Account__c, new List<CM__c>{cMo}); } if(coverageIdToListCVMMap.containsKey(cMo.CVR__c)){ coverageIdToListCVMMap.get(cMo.CVR__c).add(cMo); } else{ coverageIdToListCVMMap.put(cMo.CVR__c, new List<CM__c>{cMo}); } coverageIds.add(cMo.CVR__c); } List<CM__c> existingCMFromCov = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Account__r.Name, CVR__c, Coverage__r.Good__c,rel__c, status__c, BusinessType__c, Age_Today__c FROM CM__c WHERE (CVR__c != null AND CVR__c IN: coverageIds AND Account__c != null) AND status__c ='ACTIVE' AND BusinessType__c = 'Medical']; for(CM__c cMo : existingCMFromCov){ if(coverageIdToListCVMMap.containsKey(cMo.CVR__c)){ coverageIdToListCVMMap.get(cMo.CVR__c).add(cMo); } else{ coverageIdToListCVMMap.put(cMo.CVR__c, new List<CM__c>{cMo}); } } System.debug('accountIdToListCMOMap ' + accountIdToListCMOMap); System.debug('coverageIdToListCVMMap ' + coverageIdToListCVMMap); List<Task> taskCompletedOrInvalidPhone = [SELECT Id, whatid, CallCustom__c, RecordtypeId FROM Task WHERE Whatid IN :forWhatID AND (CallCustom__c = 'Completed Campaign Requirements' OR CallCustom__c = 'Invalid Phone') AND WhatID != null]; for(Task tsk : taskCompletedOrInvalidPhone){ if(accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap.containsKey(tsk.WhatId)){ accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap.get(tsk.WhatId).add(tsk); } else{ accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap.put(tsk.WhatId, new List<Task>{tsk}); } } List<Task> taskNotCompleteCampaign = [SELECT Id, whatid,CallCustom__c, RecordtypeId FROM Task WHERE Whatid IN :forWhatID AND RecordTypeID =: CallRT AND (CallCustom__c = 'Left Message' OR CallCustom__c = 'Unable to Reach') AND WhatID != null ]; for(Task tsk : taskNotCompleteCampaign){ if(accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap.containsKey(tsk.WhatId)){ accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap.get(tsk.WhatId).add(tsk); } else{ accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap.put(tsk.WhatId, new List<Task>{tsk}); } } System.debug('accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap ' + accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap); System.debug('accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap ' + accountIdToListTaskNotCompletedMap); for(Id acctId : forWhatID){ System.debug('acctId ' + acctId); if(accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap.containsKey(acctId)){ system.debug('acctIdlist' + accountIdToListTaskCompletedMap); if(accountIdToListCMOMap.containsKey(acctId)){ for(CM__c cMo : accountIdToListCMOMap.get(acctId)){ System.debug('cMo ' + cMo); if(coverageIdToListCVMMap.containsKey(cMo.CVR__c)){ for(CM__c covMem2 : coverageIdToListCVMMap.get(cMo.CVR__c)){ System.debug('covMem2 ' + covMem2); accountsToUpdate.put(covMem2.Account__c, new Account(Id=covMem2.Account__c, PDC__c=true)); } } } } } } System.debug('accountsToUpdate ' + accountsToUpdate); update accountsToUpdate.values(); } }
- SF Beginner 2019
- July 05, 2019
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Parsing XML in a stored field and store on a new custom Object
I have this Custom Object Named Stored XML.
and one of the field stores an XML strings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><consumers xmlns="http://test.com/feed/">
<SellerSKU>Test- 1111</SellerSKU>
How do I parse this and store all the field on on a new Custom Object Named XML Parsed?
Thank you!
and one of the field stores an XML strings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><consumers xmlns="http://test.com/feed/">
<SellerSKU>Test- 1111</SellerSKU>
How do I parse this and store all the field on on a new Custom Object Named XML Parsed?
Thank you!
- SF Beginner 2019
- June 12, 2019
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Help parsing xml and inserting its values into custom object
Hey Guys,
Im struggling abit with figuring out how to parse some xml into a custom object. Ive been working with the xmlstreamreader example, but I cant quite wrap my head around how step through the xml elements values that I want to insert into my custom object....
The xml response Im getting back from my webcallout looks like this:
<advertisers type="array"> <advertiser> <id type="integer">7</id> <name>ABC Telecom</name> </advertiser> <advertiser> <id type="integer">106</id> <name>ABC_Ozone</name> </advertiser><advertiser> <id type="integer">13</id> <name>Acme Corp</name> </advertiser> </advertisers>
My goal is loop through this and extract the value of id and name of each advertiser. I would then like to insert the id and name of each advertiser into a custom object. I would use the name field for the name of the advertiser and I have a custom field realationship setup to store the id value.
Any help is much appreciated.
- ismyhc
- August 05, 2011
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