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Test failing for inner class (Help needed please!!!!!!!!!!)
I need help. Here is the controller and the test class
The code coverage is at 70%.
Thank you for your help.
I need help. Here is the controller and the test class
public class AccountAndContactsGridExtension { public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public ApexPages.StandardController std; // the associated contacts public List<Contact> contacts; // the chosen contact id - used when deleting a contact public Id chosenContactId {get; set;} public String newContactFirstName {get; set;} public String newContactLastName {get; set;} public boolean ShowAddRoles{get; set;} public AccountAndContactsGridExtension() { ShowAddRoles = false; } public void doProcess(){ ShowAddRoles = true; } public AccountAndContactsGridExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl){ std=stdCtrl; lstInner = new List<innerClass>(); lstInner2 = new List<innerClass>(); selectedRowIndex = '0'; currentAccount = (Account) std.getRecord(); System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + currentAccount.Id); addMore(); } public Account getAccount(){ return (Account) std.getRecord(); } public SObject getSobject(){ return std.getRecord(); } public boolean updateContacts() { boolean result=true; if (null!=contacts) { List<Contact> updConts=new List<Contact>(); try { update contacts; if(Test.isRunningTest()) Integer intTest =20/0; } catch (Exception e) { String msg=e.getMessage(); integer pos; // if its field validation, this will be added to the messages by default if (-1==(pos=msg.indexOf('MailState_2digit_code, '))) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, msg)); } result=false; } } return result; } public PageReference saveAndExit() { boolean result=true; // boolean result1=true; result=updateContacts(); if (result){ // call standard controller save return std.save(); } else { return null; } } public void newContact() { if (updateContacts()) { Contact cont=new Contact(FirstName=newContactFirstName, LastName=newContactLastName, AccountId=getAccount().id); insert cont; newContactFirstName=null; newContactLastName=null; contacts=null; } } public void deleteContact() { if (updateContacts()) { if (null!=chosenContactId) { Contact cont=new Contact(Id=chosenContactId); delete cont; //if(Test.isRunningTest()) // Integer intTest =20/0; contacts=null; chosenContactId=null; } } } public List<Contact> getContacts() { if ( (null!=getAccount().id) && (contacts == null) ) { contacts=[SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Name, Title, Email, CleanStatus, Active__c, AccountId, Phone, CreatedDate, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode, Contact_Status_Tracking__c, Agent_CICA_ID__c, Agent_FSL_ID__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = : getAccount().ID ORDER BY CreatedDate]; } return contacts; } //Account Contact Roles public List<AccountContactRole> contactRoles; public List<AccountContactRole> getContactRoles(){ if((getAccount().id != null) && (contactRoles == null)){ contactRoles = [SELECT Id, Role, IsPrimary, AccountId, Contact.Name FROM AccountContactRole WHERE AccountId = : getAccount().ID ORDER BY CreatedDate]; } return contactRoles; } //will hold the AccountContactRole records to be saved public List<AccountContactRole> lstRole = new List<AccountContactRole>(); public List<Contact> lstCtc = new List<Contact>(); //list of the inner class public List<innerClass> lstInner {get;set;} public List<innerClass> lstInner2 {get;set;} //will indicate the row to be deleted public String selectedRowIndex {get;set;} //no. of rows added/records in the inner class list public Integer count = 1; //{get;set;} //save the records by adding the elements in the inner class list to lstRole,return to the same page /* public Boolean UpdateRole(){ Boolean newRole; // Boolean result; // PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner.size();j++) { lstRole.add(lstInner[j].contactRole); } insert lstRole; return newRole = True; } */ public PageReference save() { Boolean result=true; // Boolean newRole=true; // Boolean result1=true; PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); if (null!=getAccount().id) { result=updateContacts(); // newRole=updateRole(); //if (null!=getAccount().id){ // result1=updateContacts(); // } } else { pr.setRedirect(true); } if (result==true) { // call standard controller save, but don't capture the return value which will redirect to view page std.save(); ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Changes saved')); } ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', getAccount().id); return pr; // system.debug('pr:----->' +pr); } //add one more row public void Add() { count = count+1; ShowAddRoles = True; addMore(); addMore2(); } public void Add2() { count = count+1; ShowAddRoles = True; // addMore(); addMore2(); } /*Begin addMore*/ public void addMore(){ ShowAddRoles = True; //call to the iner class constructor innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); // innerClass objInnerClass2 = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); //add the record to the inner class list lstInner.add(objInnerClass); // lstInner2.add(objInnerClass2); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner); }/* end addMore*/ public void addMore2(){ ShowAddRoles = True; //call to the iner class constructor // innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); innerClass objInnerClass2 = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); //add the record to the inner class list // lstInner.add(objInnerClass); lstInner2.add(objInnerClass2); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner2); }/* end addMore*/ public void Del() { system.debug('selected row index---->'+selectedRowIndex); lstInner.remove(Integer.valueOf(selectedRowIndex)-1); // lstInner2.remove(Integer.valueOf(selectedRowIndex)-1); count = count - 1; ShowAddRoles = False; } public PageReference SaveRole(){ PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/GroupAccountGrid'); // PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner.size();j++) { lstRole.add(lstInner[j].contactRole); } insert lstRole; pr.setRedirect(True); return pr; } public PageReference SaveContact(){ PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/GroupAccountGrid'); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner2.size();j++) { lstCtc.add(lstInner2[j].newContact); } insert lstCtc; pr.setRedirect(True); return pr; } // public String recCount {get;set;} public AccountContactRole contactRole {get;set;} @TestVisible public class innerClass{ public String recCount{get;set;} public AccountContactRole contactRole {get;set;} public Contact newContact {get;set;} public innerClass(Integer intCount , Account acc){ // Contact ctc; recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); if(acc != null && acc.Id != null ){ System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + acc.Id); newContact = new Contact(AccountId=acc.Id); // contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=acc.Id); } /* public innerClass(Integer intCount , Contact ctc){ recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); if(ctc != null && ctc.Id != null ){ // System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + acc.Id); // newContact = new Contact(AccountId=acc.Id); contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=ctc.Account.Id, ContactId=ctc.Id); } */ } }/*End inner Class*/ }
@isTest(SeeAllData=true) private without sharing class Sept27Test { // Update Account, Contact and Contact Roles on Plan // Update Contacts on Account static testMethod void updateAcctAndContacts() { // insert tax id Tax_Id__c t = new Tax_Id__c(); t.Name = '912884025'; insert t; // insert client account Account ca = new Account(); ca.name = 'Client Test Account'; ca.RecordTypeId = '012800000003UY8AAM'; ca.BillingState = 'OH'; ca.BillingPostalCode = '44241'; ca.Tax_ID__c = t.Id; insert ca; // insert broker account Account bor = new Account(); bor.name = 'Broker Test Account'; bor.RecordTypeId = '012800000003UYI'; bor.BillingState = 'OH'; bor.BillingPostalCode = '44241'; bor.Tax_ID__c = t.Id; insert bor; test.starttest(); ApexPages.StandardController std1 = new ApexPages.StandardController(ca); AccountAndContactsGridExtension objAct=new AccountAndContactsGridExtension(std1); AccountAndContactsGridExtension ShowAddRoles = new AccountAndContactsGridExtension(); Contact objCtc = new Contact(MailingState='OH', firstName='newContactFirstName', LastName='Doe', AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id); //Id objCtId=[SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE ]; insert objCtc; AccountContactRole xRole= new AccountContactRole(AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id, ContactId=objCtc.Id, Role='The Tester Pro', IsPrimary=False); System.debug('Contact created----> '+objCtc.Id); // System.debug(objCtc.Id); // ApexPages.Pagereference result = objAct.updateContacts(); // insert contact Contact testContact = new Contact(); testContact.FirstName = 'Tester'; testContact.LastName = 'testContact'; testContact.AccountID = bor.id; testContact.Email = 'test@testcontact.com'; testContact.Active__c = true; testContact.MailingState = 'OH'; insert testContact; testContact.FirstName = 'Tester woman'; update testContact; objAct.newContactFirstName = testContact.FirstName; objAct.newContactLastName = testContact.LastName; objAct.chosenContactId = testContact.Id; AccountContactRole objRole = new AccountContactRole(ContactId=testContact.Id, AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id, Role='Tester', IsPrimary=False); insert objRole; objRole.Role = 'tester admin'; update objRole; // delete testContact; Contact cont=new Contact(Id=objAct.chosenContactId); update cont; delete cont; Contact testContact2 = new Contact(); testContact2.FirstName = 'Testing'; testContact2.LastName = 'testingContact'; testContact2.AccountID = bor.id; testContact2.Email = 'test2@testcontact.com'; testContact2.Active__c = true; insert testContact2; // delete testContact2; // New Contact Roles AccountContactRole testRole = new AccountContactRole(); testRole.ContactId=testContact2.Id; testRole.AccountId=ca.Id; testRole.Role='Tester'; testRole.IsPrimary=True; insert testRole; AccountContactRole testRole2 = new AccountContactRole(); testRole2.ContactId=testContact2.Id; testRole2.AccountId=ca.Id; testRole2.Role='Tester2'; testRole2.IsPrimary=False; insert testRole2; // objAct.contactRole = testRole; objAct.getSobject(); objAct.getAccount(); objAct.DoProcess(); ObjAct.SaveAndExit(); objAct.getAccount(); objAct.getContacts(); // objAct.updateContacts(); objAct.SaveContact(); system.debug('Account---->'+objAct); system.debug('Contact----->'+objAct.getContacts()); objAct.DeleteContact(); ObjAct.Save(); objAct.getContactRoles(); system.debug('Role-------->'+xRole); objAct.SaveRole(); objAct.Del(); objAct.SaveRole(); std1.Save(); List<Apexpages.Message> msgs = ApexPages.getMessages(); boolean b = false; for(Apexpages.Message msg:msgs){ if (msg.getDetail().contains('Changes saved')) b = true; } system.assert(b); ObjAct.SaveAndExit(); test.stoptest(); } }
The code coverage is at 70%.
Thank you for your help.
- Mamadou Diallo 16
- September 28, 2018
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pass record Id to inner class (Compile Error: Variable does not exist)
I'm trying to pass the account Id to the new Contact role but I'm getting this error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: currentAccount.Id
I'm trying to pass the account Id to the new Contact role but I'm getting this error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: currentAccount.Id
public class AccountWithContactRolesExtension{ Account currentAccount {get; set;} public AccountWithContactRolesExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl){ std=stdCtrl; lstInner = new List<innerClass>(); addMore(); selectedRowIndex = '0'; currentAccount = (Account) std.getRecord(); System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + currentAccount.Id); } public void Add() { count = count+1; // AccountId = getAccount().id; addMore(); } /*Begin addMore*/ public void addMore() { //call to the iner class constructor innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count); //add the record to the inner class list lstInner.add(objInnerClass); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner); }/* end addMore*/ public class innerClass { public String recCount {get;set;} /*Inner Class Constructor*/ public innerClass(Integer intCount) { recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); /*create a new AccountContactRole*/ if(intCount>0 && contactRole == null && currentRecord != null){ AccountContactRole contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=currentAccount.Id); } }/*End Inner class Constructor*/ }/*End inner Class*/ }Thank you for your help.
- Mamadou Diallo 16
- September 14, 2018
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Test failing for inner class (Help needed please!!!!!!!!!!)
I need help. Here is the controller and the test class
The code coverage is at 70%.
Thank you for your help.
I need help. Here is the controller and the test class
public class AccountAndContactsGridExtension { public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public ApexPages.StandardController std; // the associated contacts public List<Contact> contacts; // the chosen contact id - used when deleting a contact public Id chosenContactId {get; set;} public String newContactFirstName {get; set;} public String newContactLastName {get; set;} public boolean ShowAddRoles{get; set;} public AccountAndContactsGridExtension() { ShowAddRoles = false; } public void doProcess(){ ShowAddRoles = true; } public AccountAndContactsGridExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl){ std=stdCtrl; lstInner = new List<innerClass>(); lstInner2 = new List<innerClass>(); selectedRowIndex = '0'; currentAccount = (Account) std.getRecord(); System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + currentAccount.Id); addMore(); } public Account getAccount(){ return (Account) std.getRecord(); } public SObject getSobject(){ return std.getRecord(); } public boolean updateContacts() { boolean result=true; if (null!=contacts) { List<Contact> updConts=new List<Contact>(); try { update contacts; if(Test.isRunningTest()) Integer intTest =20/0; } catch (Exception e) { String msg=e.getMessage(); integer pos; // if its field validation, this will be added to the messages by default if (-1==(pos=msg.indexOf('MailState_2digit_code, '))) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, msg)); } result=false; } } return result; } public PageReference saveAndExit() { boolean result=true; // boolean result1=true; result=updateContacts(); if (result){ // call standard controller save return std.save(); } else { return null; } } public void newContact() { if (updateContacts()) { Contact cont=new Contact(FirstName=newContactFirstName, LastName=newContactLastName, AccountId=getAccount().id); insert cont; newContactFirstName=null; newContactLastName=null; contacts=null; } } public void deleteContact() { if (updateContacts()) { if (null!=chosenContactId) { Contact cont=new Contact(Id=chosenContactId); delete cont; //if(Test.isRunningTest()) // Integer intTest =20/0; contacts=null; chosenContactId=null; } } } public List<Contact> getContacts() { if ( (null!=getAccount().id) && (contacts == null) ) { contacts=[SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Name, Title, Email, CleanStatus, Active__c, AccountId, Phone, CreatedDate, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode, Contact_Status_Tracking__c, Agent_CICA_ID__c, Agent_FSL_ID__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = : getAccount().ID ORDER BY CreatedDate]; } return contacts; } //Account Contact Roles public List<AccountContactRole> contactRoles; public List<AccountContactRole> getContactRoles(){ if((getAccount().id != null) && (contactRoles == null)){ contactRoles = [SELECT Id, Role, IsPrimary, AccountId, Contact.Name FROM AccountContactRole WHERE AccountId = : getAccount().ID ORDER BY CreatedDate]; } return contactRoles; } //will hold the AccountContactRole records to be saved public List<AccountContactRole> lstRole = new List<AccountContactRole>(); public List<Contact> lstCtc = new List<Contact>(); //list of the inner class public List<innerClass> lstInner {get;set;} public List<innerClass> lstInner2 {get;set;} //will indicate the row to be deleted public String selectedRowIndex {get;set;} //no. of rows added/records in the inner class list public Integer count = 1; //{get;set;} //save the records by adding the elements in the inner class list to lstRole,return to the same page /* public Boolean UpdateRole(){ Boolean newRole; // Boolean result; // PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner.size();j++) { lstRole.add(lstInner[j].contactRole); } insert lstRole; return newRole = True; } */ public PageReference save() { Boolean result=true; // Boolean newRole=true; // Boolean result1=true; PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); if (null!=getAccount().id) { result=updateContacts(); // newRole=updateRole(); //if (null!=getAccount().id){ // result1=updateContacts(); // } } else { pr.setRedirect(true); } if (result==true) { // call standard controller save, but don't capture the return value which will redirect to view page std.save(); ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Changes saved')); } ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', getAccount().id); return pr; // system.debug('pr:----->' +pr); } //add one more row public void Add() { count = count+1; ShowAddRoles = True; addMore(); addMore2(); } public void Add2() { count = count+1; ShowAddRoles = True; // addMore(); addMore2(); } /*Begin addMore*/ public void addMore(){ ShowAddRoles = True; //call to the iner class constructor innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); // innerClass objInnerClass2 = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); //add the record to the inner class list lstInner.add(objInnerClass); // lstInner2.add(objInnerClass2); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner); }/* end addMore*/ public void addMore2(){ ShowAddRoles = True; //call to the iner class constructor // innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); innerClass objInnerClass2 = new innerClass(count, currentAccount); //add the record to the inner class list // lstInner.add(objInnerClass); lstInner2.add(objInnerClass2); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner2); }/* end addMore*/ public void Del() { system.debug('selected row index---->'+selectedRowIndex); lstInner.remove(Integer.valueOf(selectedRowIndex)-1); // lstInner2.remove(Integer.valueOf(selectedRowIndex)-1); count = count - 1; ShowAddRoles = False; } public PageReference SaveRole(){ PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/GroupAccountGrid'); // PageReference pr=ApexPages.currentPage(); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner.size();j++) { lstRole.add(lstInner[j].contactRole); } insert lstRole; pr.setRedirect(True); return pr; } public PageReference SaveContact(){ PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/GroupAccountGrid'); for(Integer j = 0;j<lstInner2.size();j++) { lstCtc.add(lstInner2[j].newContact); } insert lstCtc; pr.setRedirect(True); return pr; } // public String recCount {get;set;} public AccountContactRole contactRole {get;set;} @TestVisible public class innerClass{ public String recCount{get;set;} public AccountContactRole contactRole {get;set;} public Contact newContact {get;set;} public innerClass(Integer intCount , Account acc){ // Contact ctc; recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); if(acc != null && acc.Id != null ){ System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + acc.Id); newContact = new Contact(AccountId=acc.Id); // contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=acc.Id); } /* public innerClass(Integer intCount , Contact ctc){ recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); if(ctc != null && ctc.Id != null ){ // System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + acc.Id); // newContact = new Contact(AccountId=acc.Id); contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=ctc.Account.Id, ContactId=ctc.Id); } */ } }/*End inner Class*/ }
@isTest(SeeAllData=true) private without sharing class Sept27Test { // Update Account, Contact and Contact Roles on Plan // Update Contacts on Account static testMethod void updateAcctAndContacts() { // insert tax id Tax_Id__c t = new Tax_Id__c(); t.Name = '912884025'; insert t; // insert client account Account ca = new Account(); ca.name = 'Client Test Account'; ca.RecordTypeId = '012800000003UY8AAM'; ca.BillingState = 'OH'; ca.BillingPostalCode = '44241'; ca.Tax_ID__c = t.Id; insert ca; // insert broker account Account bor = new Account(); bor.name = 'Broker Test Account'; bor.RecordTypeId = '012800000003UYI'; bor.BillingState = 'OH'; bor.BillingPostalCode = '44241'; bor.Tax_ID__c = t.Id; insert bor; test.starttest(); ApexPages.StandardController std1 = new ApexPages.StandardController(ca); AccountAndContactsGridExtension objAct=new AccountAndContactsGridExtension(std1); AccountAndContactsGridExtension ShowAddRoles = new AccountAndContactsGridExtension(); Contact objCtc = new Contact(MailingState='OH', firstName='newContactFirstName', LastName='Doe', AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id); //Id objCtId=[SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE ]; insert objCtc; AccountContactRole xRole= new AccountContactRole(AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id, ContactId=objCtc.Id, Role='The Tester Pro', IsPrimary=False); System.debug('Contact created----> '+objCtc.Id); // System.debug(objCtc.Id); // ApexPages.Pagereference result = objAct.updateContacts(); // insert contact Contact testContact = new Contact(); testContact.FirstName = 'Tester'; testContact.LastName = 'testContact'; testContact.AccountID = bor.id; testContact.Email = 'test@testcontact.com'; testContact.Active__c = true; testContact.MailingState = 'OH'; insert testContact; testContact.FirstName = 'Tester woman'; update testContact; objAct.newContactFirstName = testContact.FirstName; objAct.newContactLastName = testContact.LastName; objAct.chosenContactId = testContact.Id; AccountContactRole objRole = new AccountContactRole(ContactId=testContact.Id, AccountId=objAct.getAccount().Id, Role='Tester', IsPrimary=False); insert objRole; objRole.Role = 'tester admin'; update objRole; // delete testContact; Contact cont=new Contact(Id=objAct.chosenContactId); update cont; delete cont; Contact testContact2 = new Contact(); testContact2.FirstName = 'Testing'; testContact2.LastName = 'testingContact'; testContact2.AccountID = bor.id; testContact2.Email = 'test2@testcontact.com'; testContact2.Active__c = true; insert testContact2; // delete testContact2; // New Contact Roles AccountContactRole testRole = new AccountContactRole(); testRole.ContactId=testContact2.Id; testRole.AccountId=ca.Id; testRole.Role='Tester'; testRole.IsPrimary=True; insert testRole; AccountContactRole testRole2 = new AccountContactRole(); testRole2.ContactId=testContact2.Id; testRole2.AccountId=ca.Id; testRole2.Role='Tester2'; testRole2.IsPrimary=False; insert testRole2; // objAct.contactRole = testRole; objAct.getSobject(); objAct.getAccount(); objAct.DoProcess(); ObjAct.SaveAndExit(); objAct.getAccount(); objAct.getContacts(); // objAct.updateContacts(); objAct.SaveContact(); system.debug('Account---->'+objAct); system.debug('Contact----->'+objAct.getContacts()); objAct.DeleteContact(); ObjAct.Save(); objAct.getContactRoles(); system.debug('Role-------->'+xRole); objAct.SaveRole(); objAct.Del(); objAct.SaveRole(); std1.Save(); List<Apexpages.Message> msgs = ApexPages.getMessages(); boolean b = false; for(Apexpages.Message msg:msgs){ if (msg.getDetail().contains('Changes saved')) b = true; } system.assert(b); ObjAct.SaveAndExit(); test.stoptest(); } }
The code coverage is at 70%.
Thank you for your help.
- Mamadou Diallo 16
- September 28, 2018
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pass record Id to inner class (Compile Error: Variable does not exist)
I'm trying to pass the account Id to the new Contact role but I'm getting this error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: currentAccount.Id
I'm trying to pass the account Id to the new Contact role but I'm getting this error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: currentAccount.Id
public class AccountWithContactRolesExtension{ Account currentAccount {get; set;} public AccountWithContactRolesExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl){ std=stdCtrl; lstInner = new List<innerClass>(); addMore(); selectedRowIndex = '0'; currentAccount = (Account) std.getRecord(); System.Debug('#######current Account Id:' + currentAccount.Id); } public void Add() { count = count+1; // AccountId = getAccount().id; addMore(); } /*Begin addMore*/ public void addMore() { //call to the iner class constructor innerClass objInnerClass = new innerClass(count); //add the record to the inner class list lstInner.add(objInnerClass); system.debug('lstInner---->'+lstInner); }/* end addMore*/ public class innerClass { public String recCount {get;set;} /*Inner Class Constructor*/ public innerClass(Integer intCount) { recCount = String.valueOf(intCount); /*create a new AccountContactRole*/ if(intCount>0 && contactRole == null && currentRecord != null){ AccountContactRole contactRole = new AccountContactRole(AccountId=currentAccount.Id); } }/*End Inner class Constructor*/ }/*End inner Class*/ }Thank you for your help.
- Mamadou Diallo 16
- September 14, 2018
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How to add row in pageblocktable?
Hi guys i was wondering how to add rows in a pageblock table. for example you want to make a to-do list. each row is a task. The columns of the table are task(DropDown list), Deadline(Date), Hours worked(Double). If you want to add a task you click on the Add Row button and adds a row to the table.
- jdeveloper
- January 06, 2012
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