• Trent Childers 17
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Hello everyone!
My organization is attempting to transition our code base to SFDX. One of the things I wanted to implement was an automated process that would set up a scratch org. However, I'm not sure that's possible. I am following the instructions laid out in this doc:

So, first question, I have an install link to the health cloud package, is there any way to install that package from the command line using force:package:intall? I have tried to pull the package into my local environment and then push that to a scratch org, but I get errors (field tracking isn't enbled for some objects). I'm trying to find a way to eradicate manual steps in scratch org setup.

Secondly, there is a configuration step that requires going to Account Settings in Setup and enabling 'Allow Users to relate a contact to multiple accounts'. Is it possible to somehow enable this in the SFDX projects configuration file?

Thanks so much!
Hello everyone!
My organization is attempting to transition our code base to SFDX. One of the things I wanted to implement was an automated process that would set up a scratch org. However, I'm not sure that's possible. I am following the instructions laid out in this doc:

So, first question, I have an install link to the health cloud package, is there any way to install that package from the command line using force:package:intall? I have tried to pull the package into my local environment and then push that to a scratch org, but I get errors (field tracking isn't enbled for some objects). I'm trying to find a way to eradicate manual steps in scratch org setup.

Secondly, there is a configuration step that requires going to Account Settings in Setup and enabling 'Allow Users to relate a contact to multiple accounts'. Is it possible to somehow enable this in the SFDX projects configuration file?

Thanks so much!