• Narendra Reddy Gopavaram
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Hi All,

I want to track quote templtes that have selected for perticuler quote. I am not able to find any info regarding this. Please help me to find the above stated details.

Thanks in Advance!
Hi All,

Need to display time value in account detail page based in billingstate. I have tried below code but final output getting in seconds, but i want to display complete time based on billing state.
public static String gettime(String accId) 
Account acc =[SELECT id,name,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingCountry,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,Time_Zone__c FROM Account WHERE Id=:accId];
Timezone tz = Timezone.getTimeZone(acc.Time_Zone__c);
DateTime dtpre = DateTime.newInstanceGMT(2000, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0);
String dt= String.valueof(tz.getOffset(dtpre));
return dt;
Output:  -18000000

I need to display in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss based on billing state. 

There is an option to get time value using google maps api, but it is paid service.

Thanks in Advance...
Hi All,

We can display background image in vf page. But how can we use video file (from video url) as vf page background. Can anybody help me to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I am not able to get drop down values inside aura iteration when onchange method calls.
Wrapper Object attribute:
<aura:attribute name="mapobject" type="object" access="global"/>

Aura Iteration Part:
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_cell-buffer" width="100%">
    <tr class="slds-text-title_caps">
    <th scope="col" width="15%" class="cbcolor">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="Brand" style="color:black"><center>Brand</center></div>
    <th scope="col" width="20%" class="cbcolor">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="Product Description" style="color:black"><center>Product Description</center></div>
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.mapobject}" var="mobj" indexVar="indx">
    <td width="15%">
    <div class="slds-form-element slds-input-custom">
    <lightning:select aura:id="selprod" name="{!indx+1}" value="{!mobj.selectedprod}" class="text_size" onchange="{!c.getmapmeth}">
    <option  text="--None--" label="--None--" />
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.brandlst}" var="pdesc">
    <option  text="{!pdesc}" label="{!pdesc}" />
    <td width="20%">
    <div class="slds-form-element">
    <lightning:select value="{!mobj.selectedproddesc}" class="text_size">
    <option text="--None--" label="--None--" />
    <aura:iteration items="{!mobj.proddesclist}" var="pdesc">
    <option text="{!pdesc}" label="{!pdesc}" />

Helper method:
var prbwrp = component.get("v.mapobject");
        for(var n=0;n<prbwrp.length;n++)
            if(index == n)
                for(var k=0;k<helpervalues.length;k++)
                alert('Index #: '+index+' = List Values: '+prbwrp[n].proddesclist);

Wrapper Class:
public class productdetailwrap
        @AuraEnabled public String brandlist{set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String proddesc{set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public list<String> proddesclist{set;get;}
        public productdetailwrap()
            proddesclist=new list<String>();
I am seleting brand, based on selected brand i need to petch prod desc values. Values are getting js controller, but not displaying in cmp. Can anybody help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I have implimented custom lookup component, it is working fine to search records and select record from list.

I am looking for below extra functionality:
When no data matched with entered search text, i need to insert new account. Before inserting i need to check if it is selected existing record or not. I have searched a lot in google, i didn't find any answer. Can any one please help me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

I am facing issue with ui:inputDate format and validation in desktop and mobile browser.

When selecting date from date picker it is working fine without any change action, but when entered date manually it is not validating.

For change action i have written below Cmpctrl.js
<ui:inputDate aura:id="bdate" change="{!c.datehandler}" class="slds-input select-auto-width" value="{!v.con.Birthdate}" displayDatePicker="true"/>

datehandler : function(component, event, helper) {
        var dob = new Date(component.find("bdate").get("v.value"));
        var formattedDoB = dob.getMonth()+1+ '/' + dob.getDate() + '/' +  dob.getFullYear();

With above ctrl.js when selecting date from datepicker or entering manually it display unknown value, see below image.
User-added image

Please help me to resolve my issue. Advanced Thanks...
Hi All,

Can any one help me to calculate number of sunday's in a given month and year using apex and vf page.

Ex: If i select March 2017 from vf page, i need to calculate number of sunday's from selected month and year.

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I have designed a lightning component to insert products under one of custom object.

I can use same component in any custom objects without changing piece of code, i am storing the parent object fields api names in custom setting,

when inserting products i need to bind parent fields api names from custom settings.

I have searched a lot in google, still i am not able to find solution to achive this.

Hi All,

I want to integrate salesforce with bitly. With this integration need to generate short url from salesforce and track the summary (like clicks, location etc,.) of short url in salesforce.

Thanks in Advance,
Hi All,

Need to display time value in account detail page based in billingstate. I have tried below code but final output getting in seconds, but i want to display complete time based on billing state.
public static String gettime(String accId) 
Account acc =[SELECT id,name,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingCountry,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,Time_Zone__c FROM Account WHERE Id=:accId];
Timezone tz = Timezone.getTimeZone(acc.Time_Zone__c);
DateTime dtpre = DateTime.newInstanceGMT(2000, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0);
String dt= String.valueof(tz.getOffset(dtpre));
return dt;
Output:  -18000000

I need to display in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss based on billing state. 

There is an option to get time value using google maps api, but it is paid service.

Thanks in Advance...
Hi All,

We can display background image in vf page. But how can we use video file (from video url) as vf page background. Can anybody help me to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I am not able to get drop down values inside aura iteration when onchange method calls.
Wrapper Object attribute:
<aura:attribute name="mapobject" type="object" access="global"/>

Aura Iteration Part:
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_cell-buffer" width="100%">
    <tr class="slds-text-title_caps">
    <th scope="col" width="15%" class="cbcolor">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="Brand" style="color:black"><center>Brand</center></div>
    <th scope="col" width="20%" class="cbcolor">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="Product Description" style="color:black"><center>Product Description</center></div>
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.mapobject}" var="mobj" indexVar="indx">
    <td width="15%">
    <div class="slds-form-element slds-input-custom">
    <lightning:select aura:id="selprod" name="{!indx+1}" value="{!mobj.selectedprod}" class="text_size" onchange="{!c.getmapmeth}">
    <option  text="--None--" label="--None--" />
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.brandlst}" var="pdesc">
    <option  text="{!pdesc}" label="{!pdesc}" />
    <td width="20%">
    <div class="slds-form-element">
    <lightning:select value="{!mobj.selectedproddesc}" class="text_size">
    <option text="--None--" label="--None--" />
    <aura:iteration items="{!mobj.proddesclist}" var="pdesc">
    <option text="{!pdesc}" label="{!pdesc}" />

Helper method:
var prbwrp = component.get("v.mapobject");
        for(var n=0;n<prbwrp.length;n++)
            if(index == n)
                for(var k=0;k<helpervalues.length;k++)
                alert('Index #: '+index+' = List Values: '+prbwrp[n].proddesclist);

Wrapper Class:
public class productdetailwrap
        @AuraEnabled public String brandlist{set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public String proddesc{set;get;}
        @AuraEnabled public list<String> proddesclist{set;get;}
        public productdetailwrap()
            proddesclist=new list<String>();
I am seleting brand, based on selected brand i need to petch prod desc values. Values are getting js controller, but not displaying in cmp. Can anybody help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I have designed a lightning component to insert products under one of custom object.

I can use same component in any custom objects without changing piece of code, i am storing the parent object fields api names in custom setting,

when inserting products i need to bind parent fields api names from custom settings.

I have searched a lot in google, still i am not able to find solution to achive this.
