• Kiran N
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How to add Sub-Topics to the "Post to" field in "Ask a Question" Button in communities discussions page. I'm able to see only the Main Level Navigational Topics  in the Post to Field in the Ask a Question Pop up form.
User-added image
How to send an email to internal contacts in excel format with few data fields in lightning communities. Can anyone please help me with this. Thanks in advance!!!
I have a custom formula field called Way__c in custom object(Abc__c) . On UI this field is displayed as a hyperlink.When u click on this link it takes you to a particular folder in Sharepoint. Now i want to send an email to the user using apex code(without using email template) including this field as hyperlink in the body of my email. so that user can click on the hyperlink which navigates to the folder directly in sharepoint. Here is my code...

I am actually getting the path(folder path to sharepoint) here in apex class in variable called Path. Now i have to make this path a hyperlink so that users can click and directly go to sharepoint.

Can someone please help me with this.

                 for(string s: foldermap.keyset())
                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

                    message.toAddresses = emailslist;
                    message.subject = 'Alert';
                    message.plainTextBody = 'Dear User\n';
                    message.plaintextbody+= '\n\n'+foldermap.get(s)+'\n\n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nPlease click the following URL which directs you to sharepoint folder and take appropriate action \n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nThanks\n';


We integrated Salesforce with Sharepoint. Actually When I upload using a button in salesforce it will create a folder in Sharepoint and the file will be uploaded directly in Sharepoint and we are not storing it in any object in salesforce. Implemented this thing. Problem is I'm able to send only 5 mb in classic and 3 mb in lightning. Is there any workaround where I can send like 2 GB? Uploading in Chatter or file in related list is not an option for us. We don't want any data in cloud. Can someone please help me with this...
Can someone please help me with the javascript code.I'm a newbie and couldnt figure it out.
How do i hide a custom button on detail page of a record until a value in the picklist field is changed to desired value. Here is my scenario....
I need to create and hide a custom button(eg: Color) .
When the picklist Field( things__c ) value changes to 'Fruit' .....custom buttton 'color' should be visible.
I want to do this with JavaScript only and not visualforce or pagelayouts and record types.I tried the below code but somehow its not working.

$(document).ready(function() {

  //cache the elements we will use
  var $color = $('.color');
  var $things__c = $('#things__c');

   //hide the submit button

  //bind event handler to the dropdown field
  $things__c.change(function() {

    //if the user selects what we want, show the submit button

    if ($things__c.find(':selected').val() === "fruit"){

    //if not, hide it

    else {



I'm new to salesforce. Can someone help me with Creating List of Accounts and display in the VF Page without using SOQL. We need to use an Apex class without SOQL.
I have a custom formula field called Way__c in custom object(Abc__c) . On UI this field is displayed as a hyperlink.When u click on this link it takes you to a particular folder in Sharepoint. Now i want to send an email to the user using apex code(without using email template) including this field as hyperlink in the body of my email. so that user can click on the hyperlink which navigates to the folder directly in sharepoint. Here is my code...

I am actually getting the path(folder path to sharepoint) here in apex class in variable called Path. Now i have to make this path a hyperlink so that users can click and directly go to sharepoint.

Can someone please help me with this.

                 for(string s: foldermap.keyset())
                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

                    message.toAddresses = emailslist;
                    message.subject = 'Alert';
                    message.plainTextBody = 'Dear User\n';
                    message.plaintextbody+= '\n\n'+foldermap.get(s)+'\n\n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nPlease click the following URL which directs you to sharepoint folder and take appropriate action \n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nThanks\n';


I have a custom formula field called Way__c in custom object(Abc__c) . On UI this field is displayed as a hyperlink.When u click on this link it takes you to a particular folder in Sharepoint. Now i want to send an email to the user using apex code(without using email template) including this field as hyperlink in the body of my email. so that user can click on the hyperlink which navigates to the folder directly in sharepoint. Here is my code...

I am actually getting the path(folder path to sharepoint) here in apex class in variable called Path. Now i have to make this path a hyperlink so that users can click and directly go to sharepoint.

Can someone please help me with this.

                 for(string s: foldermap.keyset())
                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

                    message.toAddresses = emailslist;
                    message.subject = 'Alert';
                    message.plainTextBody = 'Dear User\n';
                    message.plaintextbody+= '\n\n'+foldermap.get(s)+'\n\n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nPlease click the following URL which directs you to sharepoint folder and take appropriate action \n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nThanks\n';


I'm new to salesforce. Can someone help me with Creating List of Accounts and display in the VF Page without using SOQL. We need to use an Apex class without SOQL.