• Jon Simmonds 11
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As System Admins we have the authority to Login as another user using the 'Login' button on the users page.

Is it possible to give the 'Login as Another User' permission to a user who is not on the System Admin profile? So add it via a permission set so a few normal users can also have this ability to login as other users?
Has anyone written scripts using SFDX commands to automate deployments?

I am using VS Code and currently manually type the SFDX commands to retrieve and deploy to orgs.

If I wanted to write a script to run multiple SFDX commands together, what type of file would the script be written in and how would you run the script within a VS Code project?
Are records only created in the EmailMessage object for ceertain types of emails sent from the org?

I have read somewhere that an EmailMessage record is only created when sending an email from the org if the email is asscoiated with object such as Case or Policy.

We have a community which sends an email to a Person Account email address, the setTargetObjectId() method is set to the Person Account ContactId.
The email is sent and recieved at the email address, yet there is no EmailMessage record created. Is this correct and how it works?

Is it possible to asscoiate an EmailMessage to a Person Account record and see it on an associated related list?
Hello there,

I have a LWC that uses a lightning-datatable and I am loading the data via a wired Apex call to a controller.

The tables contains a number of records that represent questions. I want the user to answer the questions by ticking checkboxs that are on each row (question).

When first loaded none of the questions will have been answered but I need to ensure the user puts an answer for each question. So I have allowed inline editing so the user can update multiple rows in the table.

So my validation in the hnadleSave method has to check the values in draftvalues, but also has to check the exisitng values in the lightning-table as it needs to ensure ALL rows have a checkbox ticked.

Whats the easiest way to handle this?

I thought about looping through all the draftvalues but that only tells you the column values that have changed value, not all column values. And I need to check all the column values to do the validation.

I could also pull through the exisitng values using something like getElementId for the lightning- table but is this the easiest way of doing it?

Is there an easy way to be able to compare existing lighting-table values AND the new values in draft-values?
Is there a specific permission required to deploy Lightning Web Components to a sandbox using sfdx deploy from VS Code?
We have created a custom profile that a developer is using, they have connected to a sandbox and are trying to deploy Lightning Web Components to that sandbox using the sfdx force:source:deploy command.
We get the following error:
Error when deploying a LWC
We need to call an API that has a Content Type of multipart/form-data which means that the body of the request needs to be split into individual sections.

Part of this request is a file that needs to be sent in a binary format.

These files are reciepts that are stored in Salesforce as Files which are Type Base64 (VersionData)

However we are struggling to understand how to convert the files from Base64 to binary for the API calls?

Any help appreciated.
Hello there,
We have a strange situation where all our Lightning Components have stopped working in one of our sandboxes?
When you try to open a field to edit a value the component just goes blank?
Anyone else had this issue?
Any idea what it could be?
As System Admins we have the authority to Login as another user using the 'Login' button on the users page.

Is it possible to give the 'Login as Another User' permission to a user who is not on the System Admin profile? So add it via a permission set so a few normal users can also have this ability to login as other users?
I am trying to deploy a community from one sandbox to another sandbox using the sfdx force:source:deploy command from with VS Code.
I have successfully retrieved the community components using a manifest file into a VS Code project.
However when deploying these components to a different sandbox I get the error below:
ExperienceBundle  force-app\main\default\experiences\Self_Service_Portal1.site-meta.xml  You seem to be missing the property componentAttributes in Self_Service_Portal1/themes/ember.json with component ID: 06515b9d-2dcf-4ac4-9b20-7371a1274f93

I have looked at the ember.json file and the component with the ID is named "siteforce:themeLayoutStarter".
I have looked at the ember.json file in the target sandbox and the values are exactly the same, so it exists in the target sandbox?
So it would seem I need the component within my project and part of the deployment?
Any help appreciated.
  • August 21, 2020
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