• Beth Walter
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I am really tired of having issues with and being sent flow application errors. Please help.

Error element myRule_1_A1 (FlowActionCall).
An error occurred when executing a flow interview.

Flow Details
Flow API Name: Add_Product_to_Ticket
Type: Record Change Process
Version: 7
Status: Active
Org: AAON, Inc. (00Dj0000001ri7u)

Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Add_Product_to_Ticket-7_InterviewLabel
Current User: Beth Walter (005j000000CM2Ow)
Start time: 2/25/2021 10:36 AM
Duration: 0 seconds

How the Interview Started
Beth Walter (005j000000CM2Ow) started the flow interview.
API Version for Running the Flow: 49
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
myVariable_old = null
myVariable_current = Ticket__c (a003Z00000nREnfQAG)

ASSIGNMENT: myVariable_waitStartTimeAssignment
{!myVariable_waitStartTimeVariable} Equals {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}
{!myVariable_waitStartTimeVariable} = "2/25/2021 10:36 AM"

DECISION: myDecision
Outcome executed: myRule_1
Outcome conditions:
{!myVariable_current.Part_Number__c} (ASM01635) Does not equal OE332-23P-VCMX-MOD-A

DECISION: myRule_1_pmetdec
Outcome executed: myRule_1_pmetnullrule
Outcome conditions:
{!myVariable_old} (null) Is null true

TicketID = {!myVariable_current.Id} (a003Z00000nREnfQAG)
PartNumber = {!myVariable_current.Part_Number__c} (ASM01635)

Error Occurred: An error occurred when executing a flow interview.

Not sure what is going on, but I keep receiving this error when I try to create a new ticket from the Navigation Bar. I can create a ticket from a contact still though. It is not giving an error on any other object. 

This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. First, would you give us some details? (We're reporting this as error ID: 1765483779)
Whenever I try to go to the Reports in Salesforce Lightning, I get the following error. It has worked fine up until the last couple of days.

This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. First, would you give us some details? (We're reporting this as error ID: 467755781)

When you click technical stuff, it shows the below: 

Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'MultiBlockService' of undefined]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.analytics.reporting.runpage.ReportPageController/ACTION$runReport
throws at https://aaon.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/E2OJpiob8DqmgDSgi4K91g/aura_prod.js:35:15. Caused by: Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'MultiBlockService' of undefined]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.analytics.reporting.runpage.ReportPageController/ACTION$runReport
When you create an opportunity in a contact record page, it returns to the contact page after the opportunity is saved. Ideally I want an option right before you save the opportunity to create a quote, maybe added as a button that allows you to create a quote with that opportunity information. This might need coding or maybe there is a flow that can be created that will give me similar results. 

I DON'T KNOW how to use code or how to create a workflow. I have looked through different help articles and information on these subjects and I am still not sure how to do what I need. If someone can give me the super similified solution or where I can find simple  instruction on how to create this, it would be amazing.
When I create a new ticket (which is a custom object) from the related list on the Conact record page in Lightning, the lookup field for Company Name doesn't auto populate. I want to make this happen and I am not sure how. I have read some other similar issues, but I am still not sure what I should be doing. I am new to developing. So if anyone has code for a trigger or if a flow is better, I would appreciate it. 

when you create an opportunity in a contact record page, can you make a flow that directs it to the opportunity page instead of the contact page? If so, how can I do it. 

I am new to using this feature, so I would appreciate any help. 
This is all new to me. I don't know why I am getting error messages. Can someone please help fix the issue. 

Error: Send_Email line 37, column 17: The element type "apex:page" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:page>"
Error: The element type "apex:page" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:page>".








var records = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Ticket__c )};


if(records[0] == null)


alert("Please select at least one record.")







for(var i=0; i</records.length>; i++)


var objTicket = new sforce.SObject("Ticket__c");

objTicket.Id = records[i];


var saveRes=sforce.connection.update([objTicket]);


if (saveRes[0].success=='false')







alert("Error while Sending Email:=="+error);



I am trying to create a visual force page, so I can create a custom button that allows me to create a quote right after saving an opportunity. I placed the code in a visual force page. When I try to save it, it gives me an error message. See everything below. How do I fix the error? 

Error: Create_Quote line 55, column 13: The element type "quote" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</quote>"
Error: The element type "quote" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</quote>".

trigger QuoteCreate on Opportunity (after insert) {

        List<Id> oppIdsList = new List<Id>();

        List<Quote> quoteList = new List<Quote>();

         for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {

        if(o.FME_AMC_Renewal__c == True)


        Opportunity[] oppList = [SELECT name, id, account.billingStreet, account.billingCity,

                                    account.billingState, account.billingCountry

                                FROM Opportunity

                                WHERE id IN :oppIdsList];

        for (Opportunity o : oppList) {

        Quote q = new Quote();

        q.name = o.name;

        q.opportunityId = o.id;

        q.billingStreet = o.account.billingStreet;

        q.billingCity = o.account.billingCity;

        q.billingState = o.account.billingState;

        q.billingCountry = o.account.billingCountry;



    insert quoteList;


I was sent here by someone on the Salesforce support team. She informed me that I need to create a visualforce page, so that I can create a custom button. I want to create a button or action that gives me the option to create a quote right after creating (saving) an opportunity. Do I need to create a Visual Force page, then a custom button or do I need to do something with the Opportunity object workflow? I need help creating these things, either way. 
Whenever I try to go to the Reports in Salesforce Lightning, I get the following error. It has worked fine up until the last couple of days.

This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. First, would you give us some details? (We're reporting this as error ID: 467755781)

When you click technical stuff, it shows the below: 

Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'MultiBlockService' of undefined]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.analytics.reporting.runpage.ReportPageController/ACTION$runReport
throws at https://aaon.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/E2OJpiob8DqmgDSgi4K91g/aura_prod.js:35:15. Caused by: Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'MultiBlockService' of undefined]
Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.analytics.reporting.runpage.ReportPageController/ACTION$runReport
This is all new to me. I don't know why I am getting error messages. Can someone please help fix the issue. 

Error: Send_Email line 37, column 17: The element type "apex:page" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:page>"
Error: The element type "apex:page" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:page>".








var records = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Ticket__c )};


if(records[0] == null)


alert("Please select at least one record.")







for(var i=0; i</records.length>; i++)


var objTicket = new sforce.SObject("Ticket__c");

objTicket.Id = records[i];


var saveRes=sforce.connection.update([objTicket]);


if (saveRes[0].success=='false')







alert("Error while Sending Email:=="+error);



I am trying to create a visual force page, so I can create a custom button that allows me to create a quote right after saving an opportunity. I placed the code in a visual force page. When I try to save it, it gives me an error message. See everything below. How do I fix the error? 

Error: Create_Quote line 55, column 13: The element type "quote" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</quote>"
Error: The element type "quote" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</quote>".

trigger QuoteCreate on Opportunity (after insert) {

        List<Id> oppIdsList = new List<Id>();

        List<Quote> quoteList = new List<Quote>();

         for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {

        if(o.FME_AMC_Renewal__c == True)


        Opportunity[] oppList = [SELECT name, id, account.billingStreet, account.billingCity,

                                    account.billingState, account.billingCountry

                                FROM Opportunity

                                WHERE id IN :oppIdsList];

        for (Opportunity o : oppList) {

        Quote q = new Quote();

        q.name = o.name;

        q.opportunityId = o.id;

        q.billingStreet = o.account.billingStreet;

        q.billingCity = o.account.billingCity;

        q.billingState = o.account.billingState;

        q.billingCountry = o.account.billingCountry;



    insert quoteList;


I was sent here by someone on the Salesforce support team. She informed me that I need to create a visualforce page, so that I can create a custom button. I want to create a button or action that gives me the option to create a quote right after creating (saving) an opportunity. Do I need to create a Visual Force page, then a custom button or do I need to do something with the Opportunity object workflow? I need help creating these things, either way.