- Harsh Vardhan Agrawal 6
- 0 Points
- Member since 2018
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Custom Label translations
I have to send email to contacts from an APEX batch class using a Custom Email template.
I have a custom email template. I have created multiple custom labels to create the email template as ours is a multi country org.
The requirement is to acheive the ability to send email to Contacts based upon a custom field called language__c. I have translations in custom label for countries - German, English.
If the language__c has de - the German translation of email template should be sent to the contact.
If the language__c has en - the English translation of email template should be sent to the contact.
How can I map the custom label that I have created and its translations to the custom field language__c on Contact so that the system understands which contact should receive which language in the email.
I have a custom email template. I have created multiple custom labels to create the email template as ours is a multi country org.
The requirement is to acheive the ability to send email to Contacts based upon a custom field called language__c. I have translations in custom label for countries - German, English.
If the language__c has de - the German translation of email template should be sent to the contact.
If the language__c has en - the English translation of email template should be sent to the contact.
How can I map the custom label that I have created and its translations to the custom field language__c on Contact so that the system understands which contact should receive which language in the email.
- Harsh Vardhan Agrawal 6
- March 14, 2019
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- 0
Access Check Failed! AttributeSet.get(): attribute 'carType' of component 'markup://c:CarSearchForm {326:0}' is not visible to 'markup://c:CarSearchForm {326:0}'.
I am getting the above error for my code below. Can someone please explain what the issue might be ?
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId">
<aura:attribute name="buttonlabel1" type="String" default="Search Button"/>
<aura:attribute name="buttonlabel2" type="String" default="New Button"/>
<aura:attribute name="isNewAvailable" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="carTypes" type="String[]" default="['Hatchback','Sedan','Sports','SUV']"/>
<lightning:layout horizontalAlign="center">
<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-medium">
<lightning:select name="selectItem" aura:id = "carType" label="Select Car Type" variant="label-hidden" class="label-hidden" value="1">
<option value ="1" text = "All Types"/>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.carTypes}" var="carType">
<option value ="{!v.carType}" text="{!v.carType}"/>
<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-medium">
<lightning:button label="{!v.buttonlabel1}" variant="brand"/>
<!-- display new button on availibility-->
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.isNewAvailable}">
<lightning:button label = "{!v.buttonlabel2}" variant="neutral"/>
<aura:set attribute = "else">
New Button cannot be added here
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId">
<aura:attribute name="buttonlabel1" type="String" default="Search Button"/>
<aura:attribute name="buttonlabel2" type="String" default="New Button"/>
<aura:attribute name="isNewAvailable" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="carTypes" type="String[]" default="['Hatchback','Sedan','Sports','SUV']"/>
<lightning:layout horizontalAlign="center">
<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-medium">
<lightning:select name="selectItem" aura:id = "carType" label="Select Car Type" variant="label-hidden" class="label-hidden" value="1">
<option value ="1" text = "All Types"/>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.carTypes}" var="carType">
<option value ="{!v.carType}" text="{!v.carType}"/>
<lightning:layoutItem padding="around-medium">
<lightning:button label="{!v.buttonlabel1}" variant="brand"/>
<!-- display new button on availibility-->
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.isNewAvailable}">
<lightning:button label = "{!v.buttonlabel2}" variant="neutral"/>
<aura:set attribute = "else">
New Button cannot be added here
- Harsh Vardhan Agrawal 6
- February 03, 2019
- Like
- 0
Why an after update trigger is fired after an after insert trigger completes execution without updating a record?
I have this code below - After inserting a new record, the values are getting overridden with another value as an after update is fired as soon as an after insert operation is complete.
trigger TPI_Update_MCCP_Prod_GoalEdit_on_MCCP on MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c (after update, after insert) {
set<Id> prod_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id=new set<Id>();
List<Id> target_id=new List<Id>();
set<Id> target_id2=new set<Id>();
set<Id> plan_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id1=new set<Id>();
set<Id> prod_id1=new set<Id>();
decimal before_val;
decimal after_val;
string prod_name;
AggregateResult[] groupedResults;
integer aggregated_goal_val;
decimal old_goal_val;
decimal new_goal_val;
set<Id> sum = new Set<Id>();
boolean flag;
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcptoUpdate = New List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c p: trigger.new)
prod_name = Trigger.newMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
flag = true;
else if(trigger.isUpdate){
old_goal_val = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
prod_name = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
system.debug('MCCP product - ' + prod_id);
System.debug('Old value of MCCP product - '+old_goal_val);
//hold values of channels related to products in set 'channel_id' where channel is 'Interaction'
system.debug('MCCP channel - ' + channel_id);
//hold values of target in 'target_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t= [select Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Id IN: channel_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc : t)
system.debug('MCCP Target - ' + target_id);
//hold values of plan in 'plan_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> t2 = [select id,Cycle_Plan_vod__r.id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Id IN : target_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc2 : t2)
system.debug('MC Cycle Plan - ' + plan_id);
//hold values of all target in 'target_id2'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> plan_1 = [select id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_vod__c in : plan_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc3 : plan_1)
//hold values of all channels of above targets where channel is 'Interaction' in 'channel_id1'
system.debug('All MCCP Targets of above MC Cycle Plan - ' + target_id2);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t3 = [select id,Channel_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c IN : target_id2];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc4 : t3)
system.debug('All MCCP Channels of above MCCP Target - ' + channel_id1);
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> p1 = [select id,Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c in : channel_id1];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c mc5 : p1)
system.debug('All MCCP Products of above MCCP Channels - '+ prod_id1);
Set<id> result = prod_id1.clone();
system.debug('Removing the product where the value of goal is changed - ' + result.removeall(prod_id));
system.debug('Resulting set of products where goal is not changed -'+result);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> mcp1 =[select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in: result];
// Aggregation of goals grouped by product with no change is stored in 'groupedResults'
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c aq : mcp1)
if(aq.Product_Name_vod__c ==prod_name)
groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c)aver FROM MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in : sum];
system.debug('Sum of goals grouped by product with no change - ' + integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver')) );
// typecasting the result into integer data type (aggregated_goal_val = total of all goals which are not edited)
aggregated_goal_val = integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver'));
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
//Old sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
before_val = aggregated_goal_val;
System.debug('Before Value in Insert - '+before_val);
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
before_val = aggregated_goal_val + old_goal_val;
system.debug('Old value of edit goals -'+before_val);
//New sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
after_val= aggregated_goal_val + new_goal_val;
system.debug('New value of edit goals -'+after_val);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcp =[select Product_1_TPI__c,Product_2_TPI__c,Product_3_TPI__c,Product_4_TPI__c,HQ_Target_1_TPI__c,HQ_Target_2_TPI__c,HQ_Target_3_TPI__c,HQ_Target_4_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c Where Id IN :plan_id];
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c mc:mcp){
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c cyclprod : [Select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c WHERE ID =:prod_id]){
if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c == ''){
System.debug('Inserting in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_1_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 1');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 2');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_2_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_3_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_4_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
update mcptoUpdate;
system.debug('\n mc cycle plan after update -> '+mcptoUpdate);
catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('\n exception aa => '+ex.getMessage());
trigger TPI_Update_MCCP_Prod_GoalEdit_on_MCCP on MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c (after update, after insert) {
set<Id> prod_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id=new set<Id>();
List<Id> target_id=new List<Id>();
set<Id> target_id2=new set<Id>();
set<Id> plan_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id1=new set<Id>();
set<Id> prod_id1=new set<Id>();
decimal before_val;
decimal after_val;
string prod_name;
AggregateResult[] groupedResults;
integer aggregated_goal_val;
decimal old_goal_val;
decimal new_goal_val;
set<Id> sum = new Set<Id>();
boolean flag;
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcptoUpdate = New List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c p: trigger.new)
prod_name = Trigger.newMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
flag = true;
else if(trigger.isUpdate){
old_goal_val = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
prod_name = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
system.debug('MCCP product - ' + prod_id);
System.debug('Old value of MCCP product - '+old_goal_val);
//hold values of channels related to products in set 'channel_id' where channel is 'Interaction'
system.debug('MCCP channel - ' + channel_id);
//hold values of target in 'target_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t= [select Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Id IN: channel_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc : t)
system.debug('MCCP Target - ' + target_id);
//hold values of plan in 'plan_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> t2 = [select id,Cycle_Plan_vod__r.id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Id IN : target_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc2 : t2)
system.debug('MC Cycle Plan - ' + plan_id);
//hold values of all target in 'target_id2'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> plan_1 = [select id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_vod__c in : plan_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc3 : plan_1)
//hold values of all channels of above targets where channel is 'Interaction' in 'channel_id1'
system.debug('All MCCP Targets of above MC Cycle Plan - ' + target_id2);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t3 = [select id,Channel_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c IN : target_id2];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc4 : t3)
system.debug('All MCCP Channels of above MCCP Target - ' + channel_id1);
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> p1 = [select id,Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c in : channel_id1];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c mc5 : p1)
system.debug('All MCCP Products of above MCCP Channels - '+ prod_id1);
Set<id> result = prod_id1.clone();
system.debug('Removing the product where the value of goal is changed - ' + result.removeall(prod_id));
system.debug('Resulting set of products where goal is not changed -'+result);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> mcp1 =[select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in: result];
// Aggregation of goals grouped by product with no change is stored in 'groupedResults'
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c aq : mcp1)
if(aq.Product_Name_vod__c ==prod_name)
groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c)aver FROM MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in : sum];
system.debug('Sum of goals grouped by product with no change - ' + integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver')) );
// typecasting the result into integer data type (aggregated_goal_val = total of all goals which are not edited)
aggregated_goal_val = integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver'));
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
//Old sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
before_val = aggregated_goal_val;
System.debug('Before Value in Insert - '+before_val);
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
before_val = aggregated_goal_val + old_goal_val;
system.debug('Old value of edit goals -'+before_val);
//New sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
after_val= aggregated_goal_val + new_goal_val;
system.debug('New value of edit goals -'+after_val);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcp =[select Product_1_TPI__c,Product_2_TPI__c,Product_3_TPI__c,Product_4_TPI__c,HQ_Target_1_TPI__c,HQ_Target_2_TPI__c,HQ_Target_3_TPI__c,HQ_Target_4_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c Where Id IN :plan_id];
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c mc:mcp){
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c cyclprod : [Select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c WHERE ID =:prod_id]){
if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c == ''){
System.debug('Inserting in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_1_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 1');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 2');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_2_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_3_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_4_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
update mcptoUpdate;
system.debug('\n mc cycle plan after update -> '+mcptoUpdate);
catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('\n exception aa => '+ex.getMessage());
- Harsh Vardhan Agrawal 6
- November 25, 2018
- Like
- 0
Why an after update trigger is fired after an after insert trigger completes execution without updating a record?
I have this code below - After inserting a new record, the values are getting overridden with another value as an after update is fired as soon as an after insert operation is complete.
trigger TPI_Update_MCCP_Prod_GoalEdit_on_MCCP on MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c (after update, after insert) {
set<Id> prod_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id=new set<Id>();
List<Id> target_id=new List<Id>();
set<Id> target_id2=new set<Id>();
set<Id> plan_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id1=new set<Id>();
set<Id> prod_id1=new set<Id>();
decimal before_val;
decimal after_val;
string prod_name;
AggregateResult[] groupedResults;
integer aggregated_goal_val;
decimal old_goal_val;
decimal new_goal_val;
set<Id> sum = new Set<Id>();
boolean flag;
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcptoUpdate = New List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c p: trigger.new)
prod_name = Trigger.newMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
flag = true;
else if(trigger.isUpdate){
old_goal_val = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
prod_name = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
system.debug('MCCP product - ' + prod_id);
System.debug('Old value of MCCP product - '+old_goal_val);
//hold values of channels related to products in set 'channel_id' where channel is 'Interaction'
system.debug('MCCP channel - ' + channel_id);
//hold values of target in 'target_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t= [select Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Id IN: channel_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc : t)
system.debug('MCCP Target - ' + target_id);
//hold values of plan in 'plan_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> t2 = [select id,Cycle_Plan_vod__r.id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Id IN : target_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc2 : t2)
system.debug('MC Cycle Plan - ' + plan_id);
//hold values of all target in 'target_id2'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> plan_1 = [select id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_vod__c in : plan_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc3 : plan_1)
//hold values of all channels of above targets where channel is 'Interaction' in 'channel_id1'
system.debug('All MCCP Targets of above MC Cycle Plan - ' + target_id2);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t3 = [select id,Channel_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c IN : target_id2];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc4 : t3)
system.debug('All MCCP Channels of above MCCP Target - ' + channel_id1);
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> p1 = [select id,Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c in : channel_id1];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c mc5 : p1)
system.debug('All MCCP Products of above MCCP Channels - '+ prod_id1);
Set<id> result = prod_id1.clone();
system.debug('Removing the product where the value of goal is changed - ' + result.removeall(prod_id));
system.debug('Resulting set of products where goal is not changed -'+result);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> mcp1 =[select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in: result];
// Aggregation of goals grouped by product with no change is stored in 'groupedResults'
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c aq : mcp1)
if(aq.Product_Name_vod__c ==prod_name)
groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c)aver FROM MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in : sum];
system.debug('Sum of goals grouped by product with no change - ' + integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver')) );
// typecasting the result into integer data type (aggregated_goal_val = total of all goals which are not edited)
aggregated_goal_val = integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver'));
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
//Old sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
before_val = aggregated_goal_val;
System.debug('Before Value in Insert - '+before_val);
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
before_val = aggregated_goal_val + old_goal_val;
system.debug('Old value of edit goals -'+before_val);
//New sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
after_val= aggregated_goal_val + new_goal_val;
system.debug('New value of edit goals -'+after_val);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcp =[select Product_1_TPI__c,Product_2_TPI__c,Product_3_TPI__c,Product_4_TPI__c,HQ_Target_1_TPI__c,HQ_Target_2_TPI__c,HQ_Target_3_TPI__c,HQ_Target_4_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c Where Id IN :plan_id];
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c mc:mcp){
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c cyclprod : [Select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c WHERE ID =:prod_id]){
if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c == ''){
System.debug('Inserting in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_1_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 1');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 2');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_2_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_3_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_4_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
update mcptoUpdate;
system.debug('\n mc cycle plan after update -> '+mcptoUpdate);
catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('\n exception aa => '+ex.getMessage());
trigger TPI_Update_MCCP_Prod_GoalEdit_on_MCCP on MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c (after update, after insert) {
set<Id> prod_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id=new set<Id>();
List<Id> target_id=new List<Id>();
set<Id> target_id2=new set<Id>();
set<Id> plan_id=new set<Id>();
set<Id> channel_id1=new set<Id>();
set<Id> prod_id1=new set<Id>();
decimal before_val;
decimal after_val;
string prod_name;
AggregateResult[] groupedResults;
integer aggregated_goal_val;
decimal old_goal_val;
decimal new_goal_val;
set<Id> sum = new Set<Id>();
boolean flag;
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcptoUpdate = New List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c p: trigger.new)
prod_name = Trigger.newMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
flag = true;
else if(trigger.isUpdate){
old_goal_val = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
prod_name = Trigger.oldMap.get(p.id).Product_Name_vod__c;
new_goal_val = Trigger.newMap.get(p.Id).Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c;
system.debug('MCCP product - ' + prod_id);
System.debug('Old value of MCCP product - '+old_goal_val);
//hold values of channels related to products in set 'channel_id' where channel is 'Interaction'
system.debug('MCCP channel - ' + channel_id);
//hold values of target in 'target_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t= [select Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Id IN: channel_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc : t)
system.debug('MCCP Target - ' + target_id);
//hold values of plan in 'plan_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> t2 = [select id,Cycle_Plan_vod__r.id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Id IN : target_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc2 : t2)
system.debug('MC Cycle Plan - ' + plan_id);
//hold values of all target in 'target_id2'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c> plan_1 = [select id from MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_vod__c in : plan_id];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c mc3 : plan_1)
//hold values of all channels of above targets where channel is 'Interaction' in 'channel_id1'
system.debug('All MCCP Targets of above MC Cycle Plan - ' + target_id2);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c> t3 = [select id,Channel_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Target_vod__c IN : target_id2];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c mc4 : t3)
system.debug('All MCCP Channels of above MCCP Target - ' + channel_id1);
//hold value of products edited in set 'prod_id'
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> p1 = [select id,Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Cycle_Plan_Channel_vod__c in : channel_id1];
for (MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c mc5 : p1)
system.debug('All MCCP Products of above MCCP Channels - '+ prod_id1);
Set<id> result = prod_id1.clone();
system.debug('Removing the product where the value of goal is changed - ' + result.removeall(prod_id));
system.debug('Resulting set of products where goal is not changed -'+result);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c> mcp1 =[select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in: result];
// Aggregation of goals grouped by product with no change is stored in 'groupedResults'
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c aq : mcp1)
if(aq.Product_Name_vod__c ==prod_name)
groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(Product_Activity_Goal_vod__c)aver FROM MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c where Id in : sum];
system.debug('Sum of goals grouped by product with no change - ' + integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver')) );
// typecasting the result into integer data type (aggregated_goal_val = total of all goals which are not edited)
aggregated_goal_val = integer.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('aver'));
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
//Old sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
before_val = aggregated_goal_val;
System.debug('Before Value in Insert - '+before_val);
System.debug('Aggregated_goal_val in Insert - '+aggregated_goal_val);
before_val = aggregated_goal_val + old_goal_val;
system.debug('Old value of edit goals -'+before_val);
//New sum of goals (edited and non edited) grouped by product
after_val= aggregated_goal_val + new_goal_val;
system.debug('New value of edit goals -'+after_val);
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mcp =[select Product_1_TPI__c,Product_2_TPI__c,Product_3_TPI__c,Product_4_TPI__c,HQ_Target_1_TPI__c,HQ_Target_2_TPI__c,HQ_Target_3_TPI__c,HQ_Target_4_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c,Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c Where Id IN :plan_id];
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c mc:mcp){
for(MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c cyclprod : [Select Product_Name_vod__c from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod__c WHERE ID =:prod_id]){
if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c == ''){
System.debug('Inserting in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_1_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_1_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 1st prod');
mc.Product_1_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_1_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_1_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 1');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
system.debug('satisfy 2');
else if (mc.Product_2_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_2_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 2nd prod');
mc.Product_2_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_2_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_2_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_3_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_3_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Updating in 3rd prod');
mc.Product_3_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_3_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_3_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c == '')
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
else if (mc.Product_4_TPI__c != '' && mc.Product_4_TPI__c == cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c)
System.debug('Inserting in 4th prod');
mc.Product_4_TPI__c = cyclprod.Product_Name_vod__c;
mc.HQ_Target_4_TPI__c = before_val;
mc.Proposed_Target_4_TPI__c = after_val;
update mcptoUpdate;
system.debug('\n mc cycle plan after update -> '+mcptoUpdate);
catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('\n exception aa => '+ex.getMessage());
- Harsh Vardhan Agrawal 6
- November 25, 2018
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