• Jake Jeon
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  • Member since 2018

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Whenever I run MassQuoteDocumentSender, there are few quotes always failed(document status turns into failed).

In order to try to find an error on batch execution, I look into apex job, and I found they failed on running calculation. I don't understand I update same content for creating quotes for testing purpose, but some data fail because of the below issue

Executed MassQuoteDocumentSender after creating 50 quotes with the same data (few failed but the majority of data's document status is sent which is succeed without error)

Calculation error on quote Q-01635: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Is there anyone facing the same trouble?
Hi all,

I’m a middle of make some trigger classes and found that trigger.new return list of sobject
What kind of situation would return size 2?
it would be much appreciated if someone give any examples of that

In order to implement my question, I tried overriding SiteLoginController like as below.
global PageReference login() {
    User getProfile = [SELECT ProfileId FROM User WHERE Username=:username]; 
    if(getProfile.ProfileId == '00e9D000000LswSQAS' || getProfile.ProfileId =='00e9D000000LtAZQA0'){
      String tempUrl = '/lightning/n/(pageName)';
        return Site.login(username, password, tempUrl);
       String startUrl = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('startURL');
        return Site.login(username, password, startUrl);

It worked without any problem at first. but when I login again after logout, It seems like forcing to get to the latest page I saw.
Is there any way to make user always redirect to the page I set after login?
Hi all,

I would like to implement component having a background color change feature.
I tried to get some information on how to change CSS using Lightning Component controller, I couldn't get much about it.
Please advise me if you have any idea to solve this.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Component :
        <lightning:input type="color" label="Color" name="color" value="" onchange="{!c.colorChanger}" aura:id="color"/>
Controller :
	colorChanger : function(component, event, helper) {
		var color = component.find("color").get("v.value");
        this.css({"background" : color})
*tried this.style.background = color;
Hi All,

I'm having trouble bringing all the events users create.
As I understand, Once I settled role hierarchy, low-level role couldn't access its superior's data.
Even though I query all the events, it's affected by the role setting. (unable to show all the events to low-level role user)
In case of this situation, How do I make it able to show all the events?

Please let me know if my explanation is not enough to understand.

Thanks for your help in advance.

I'm trying to set sharing rule on the particular profile for the opportunity.
when I'm trying to set criteria, couldn't find amount field (all fields are able to choose except amount field).

my scenario is same as below
when Opportunity amount exceeds 50k, make it able to edit.

In this case, do I need to use other setup menus?

Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi all,

I would like to implement component having a background color change feature.
I tried to get some information on how to change CSS using Lightning Component controller, I couldn't get much about it.
Please advise me if you have any idea to solve this.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Component :
        <lightning:input type="color" label="Color" name="color" value="" onchange="{!c.colorChanger}" aura:id="color"/>
Controller :
	colorChanger : function(component, event, helper) {
		var color = component.find("color").get("v.value");
        this.css({"background" : color})
*tried this.style.background = color;