• Eric Chan 45
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I have a trigger that copies AccountTeam to OpportunityTeam After Insert

However, im getting a referencing null exception error when there are no AccountTeamMembers to copy


How do i change this to only run if there are AccountTeamMembers to copy over?


trigger AcctTeamtoOpp on Opportunity (after insert) {

    List<OpportunityTeamMember> oppTeamMembersList = new List<OpportunityTeamMember>();

Map< Id , Id > opportunityIdToAccountId = new Map< Id , Id >();
for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new)  {
        opportunityIdToAccountId.put(o.Id,  o.AccountId );

Map<id, List<AccountTeamMember > > accountIdToAccountTeamMembers = new    Map<id,  List<AccountTeamMember > > ();
for(AccountTeamMember accountTeamMember : [SELECT a.UserId,a.User.Name,a.TeamMemberRole, a.Id, a.AccountId
                        FROM AccountTeamMember a])   {

        List<AccountTeamMember > accountTeamMembers = ( accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.get(accountTeamMember.Accountid) == null) ?
                                                       new  List<AccountTeamMember >() :

        accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.put(accountTeamMember.Accountid, accountTeamMembers);


for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {
        Id accountId  = opportunityIdToAccountId.get(o.Id);
        for ( AccountTeamMember accountTeamMember : accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.get(accountId) )  {
            OpportunityTeamMember opportunityTeamMember  = new OpportunityTeamMember();
            opportunityTeamMember.UserId = accountTeamMember.UserId;
            opportunityTeamMember.TeamMemberRole = accountTeamMember.TeamMemberRole;
            opportunityTeamMember.OpportunityId = o.ID;

insert oppTeamMembersList;

Hello, im trying to write this trigger for ContentDocuments on Cases

but it seems when i try to locate the Content im not getting any results for my query. 
FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

What am i doing wrong here??


trigger JiraAttachmentTrigger on ContentDocument (after insert, after update) {
     // create a set of all the account ids for SOQL below
    Set<id> caseIds = new Set<id>();
    for (ContentDocument c : Trigger.new)    
    for (ContentDocument att:Trigger.new)
        String id = att.id;
        String parentObjId = att.ParentId;
        // create a map so that the account is locatable by its Id
        Map<id, Case> caseMap = new Map<id, Case>(
        [Select id, Jira_Key__c FROM Case WHERE Id = :parentObjId LIMIT 1]);
        //Map<id, ContentVersion> cv = new Map<id, ContentVersion>(
        //[SELECT id,VersionData,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :id AND IsLatest = true LIMIT 1]);
        ContentVersion cv = [SELECT id,VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :id AND IsLatest = true LIMIT 1];
        String key = caseMap.Get(parentObjId).Jira_Key__c;
        String file_name = att.title;
        Blob file_body = cv.VersionData;
        System.debug('Size of upload file: ' + att.ContentSize);
        JiraAttachment.uploadFile(file_body, file_name, key);

Hey all I just installed Account Contact Relationship Hierarchy by Salesforce Labs

Its a great app honestly and it does mostly what i want it to do, but it feels like an unfinished product.
I know salesforce labs doesnt offer support and i cant find the source code of this app.

1. whats the point of having a general empty silhouette picture of a head without letting you populate a picture there?
Is there any one that know how i can get this picture to populate form my Linkedin Sales navigator integration?

2. How can i copy the "contact hierarchy" button or have another button link to it? my URL hacking skills are not there.



I have a trigger that copies AccountTeam to OpportunityTeam After Insert

However, im getting a referencing null exception error when there are no AccountTeamMembers to copy


How do i change this to only run if there are AccountTeamMembers to copy over?


trigger AcctTeamtoOpp on Opportunity (after insert) {

    List<OpportunityTeamMember> oppTeamMembersList = new List<OpportunityTeamMember>();

Map< Id , Id > opportunityIdToAccountId = new Map< Id , Id >();
for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new)  {
        opportunityIdToAccountId.put(o.Id,  o.AccountId );

Map<id, List<AccountTeamMember > > accountIdToAccountTeamMembers = new    Map<id,  List<AccountTeamMember > > ();
for(AccountTeamMember accountTeamMember : [SELECT a.UserId,a.User.Name,a.TeamMemberRole, a.Id, a.AccountId
                        FROM AccountTeamMember a])   {

        List<AccountTeamMember > accountTeamMembers = ( accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.get(accountTeamMember.Accountid) == null) ?
                                                       new  List<AccountTeamMember >() :

        accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.put(accountTeamMember.Accountid, accountTeamMembers);


for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {
        Id accountId  = opportunityIdToAccountId.get(o.Id);
        for ( AccountTeamMember accountTeamMember : accountIdToAccountTeamMembers.get(accountId) )  {
            OpportunityTeamMember opportunityTeamMember  = new OpportunityTeamMember();
            opportunityTeamMember.UserId = accountTeamMember.UserId;
            opportunityTeamMember.TeamMemberRole = accountTeamMember.TeamMemberRole;
            opportunityTeamMember.OpportunityId = o.ID;

insert oppTeamMembersList;

Hello, im trying to write this trigger for ContentDocuments on Cases

but it seems when i try to locate the Content im not getting any results for my query. 
FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

What am i doing wrong here??


trigger JiraAttachmentTrigger on ContentDocument (after insert, after update) {
     // create a set of all the account ids for SOQL below
    Set<id> caseIds = new Set<id>();
    for (ContentDocument c : Trigger.new)    
    for (ContentDocument att:Trigger.new)
        String id = att.id;
        String parentObjId = att.ParentId;
        // create a map so that the account is locatable by its Id
        Map<id, Case> caseMap = new Map<id, Case>(
        [Select id, Jira_Key__c FROM Case WHERE Id = :parentObjId LIMIT 1]);
        //Map<id, ContentVersion> cv = new Map<id, ContentVersion>(
        //[SELECT id,VersionData,ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :id AND IsLatest = true LIMIT 1]);
        ContentVersion cv = [SELECT id,VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = :id AND IsLatest = true LIMIT 1];
        String key = caseMap.Get(parentObjId).Jira_Key__c;
        String file_name = att.title;
        Blob file_body = cv.VersionData;
        System.debug('Size of upload file: ' + att.ContentSize);
        JiraAttachment.uploadFile(file_body, file_name, key);

Hey all I just installed Account Contact Relationship Hierarchy by Salesforce Labs

Its a great app honestly and it does mostly what i want it to do, but it feels like an unfinished product.
I know salesforce labs doesnt offer support and i cant find the source code of this app.

1. whats the point of having a general empty silhouette picture of a head without letting you populate a picture there?
Is there any one that know how i can get this picture to populate form my Linkedin Sales navigator integration?

2. How can i copy the "contact hierarchy" button or have another button link to it? my URL hacking skills are not there.
