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some one can help me how to test this method
My Controller Code:
... @RemoteAction
    public static List<JSStove> getStoves(Id ResellerID) {// include Id ResellerID from VF
        List<JSStove> stoves = new List<JSStove>();
        for (Product_item__c stove : [SELECT Id, Name FROM Product_item__c
                                      WHERE Reseller__c =:ResellerID ORDER BY Name ASC]) {                      
            stoves.add(new JSStove(stove.Name, stove.Id));
        return stoves;

Please help me.
Thanks in Advance
some one can help me how to test this method
My Controller Code:
... @RemoteAction
    public static List<JSStove> getStoves(Id ResellerID) {// include Id ResellerID from VF
        List<JSStove> stoves = new List<JSStove>();
        for (Product_item__c stove : [SELECT Id, Name FROM Product_item__c
                                      WHERE Reseller__c =:ResellerID ORDER BY Name ASC]) {                      
            stoves.add(new JSStove(stove.Name, stove.Id));
        return stoves;

Please help me.
Thanks in Advance