• Spencer Edie
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If I have a formula field whose formula is "= TODAY() - Account.Last_Contact_Date__c", is there a way for me to use apex/soql to access that field such that it returns the formula as a string rather than the date it would otherwise return?
Hello all,
I'm getting the error in subject when I try to run this code:
public static void Equalize(string campaignsStr){
    string[] campaigns = (string[])JSON.deserialize(campaignsStr, list<String>.class);

    //Will hold the opportunities to update
    list<opportunity> updates = new list<opportunity>();

    //Will keep track of user ids and opp counts
    map<string, integer> owners = new map<string, integer>();	//String = OwnerID	Integer = opp count

    list<opportunity> opps = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Campaign_Filter__c IN :campaigns LIMIT 9999];
    System.debug('opps size: ' + opps.size());

    //Initializing the values of the owners map
    for(opportunity o: opps){
            owners.put(o.ownerID, owners.get(o.ownerID) + 1);
            owners.put(o.ownerID, 1);
            System.debug('Adding owner ' + o.ownerId);

    //For each opportunity, if that owner already has more than the average,
    //give it to the person with the lowest opportunity count.
    integer threshold = opps.size()/owners.size() + 2;
    for(opportunity o: opps){
        if(owners.get(o.OwnerID) > threshold){
            string lowest = GetLowest(owners);
            owners.put(o.OwnerID, owners.get(o.OwnerID) - 1);
            owners.put(lowest, owners.get(lowest) + 1);
            o.OwnerID = lowest;

    System.debug('updates size: ' + updates.size());
    try{update updates;}
    catch(exception e){
        System.debug('exception: ' + e);
I have seen solutions for Lightning Components (like https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000917DIAQ), but none that apply to Lightning Web Components. This is part of a component that has multiple other apex methods being called, and they all update fine.

Can anyone help me identify where the problem is?

Hello all,
I'm getting the error in subject when I try to run this code:
public static void Equalize(string campaignsStr){
    string[] campaigns = (string[])JSON.deserialize(campaignsStr, list<String>.class);

    //Will hold the opportunities to update
    list<opportunity> updates = new list<opportunity>();

    //Will keep track of user ids and opp counts
    map<string, integer> owners = new map<string, integer>();	//String = OwnerID	Integer = opp count

    list<opportunity> opps = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM Opportunity WHERE Primary_Campaign_Filter__c IN :campaigns LIMIT 9999];
    System.debug('opps size: ' + opps.size());

    //Initializing the values of the owners map
    for(opportunity o: opps){
            owners.put(o.ownerID, owners.get(o.ownerID) + 1);
            owners.put(o.ownerID, 1);
            System.debug('Adding owner ' + o.ownerId);

    //For each opportunity, if that owner already has more than the average,
    //give it to the person with the lowest opportunity count.
    integer threshold = opps.size()/owners.size() + 2;
    for(opportunity o: opps){
        if(owners.get(o.OwnerID) > threshold){
            string lowest = GetLowest(owners);
            owners.put(o.OwnerID, owners.get(o.OwnerID) - 1);
            owners.put(lowest, owners.get(lowest) + 1);
            o.OwnerID = lowest;

    System.debug('updates size: ' + updates.size());
    try{update updates;}
    catch(exception e){
        System.debug('exception: ' + e);
I have seen solutions for Lightning Components (like https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000917DIAQ), but none that apply to Lightning Web Components. This is part of a component that has multiple other apex methods being called, and they all update fine.

Can anyone help me identify where the problem is?
