- Chrisludovice
- 44 Points
- Member since 2019
- Salesforce Consultant
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DATETIMEVALUE reminder at fixed time, relative date
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the DATETIMEVALUE function. I'm creating a task each time a projects starts, and i would like to set the reminder at 09:30:00. So the date is based on a field, but the time should be fixed. I have tried multiple formulas, currently i have the following:
DATETIMEVALUE(Customfield__c & " " & 09:30:00)
However, i receive an error that i miss a bracket:
The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error. Missing ')'
Anyone any ideas?
Kind regards, Loran
- Loran Seuters
- April 15, 2019
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- 0
too many nested getContentCalls (VF as PDF)
I am creating a custom button and when clicked, it generates the PDF and saves it in attachment but am encountering an error:
Too many nested getContent calls
Below is my Apex extension for the VF:
public class attachPDFToAccount {
private final Account a; //Account object
public String pdfContent = '<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1><h4>"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."</h4><h5>"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."</h5>';
public attachPDFToAccount(ApexPages.StandardController standardPageController) {
a = (Account)standardPageController.getRecord(); //instantiate the Account object for the current record
//method called from the Visualforce's action attribute
public PageReference attachPDF() {
//generate and attach the PDF document
PageReference pdfPage = new PageReference('/apex/GenerateSOA'); //create a page reference to our pdfDemo Visualforce page, which was created from the post https://interactiveties.com/blog/2015/render-visualforce-pdf.php
Blob pdfBlob; //create a blob for the PDF content
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { //if we are not in testing context
pdfBlob = pdfPage.getContent(); //generate the pdf blob
} else { //otherwise, we are in testing context and getContent() gets funky so create the blob manually
pdfBlob = Blob.valueOf(pdfContent);
Attachment attach = new Attachment(parentId = a.Id, Name = 'accSOA -' + DateTime.now().formatLong() + '.pdf', body = pdfBlob); //create the attachment object
insert attach; //insert the attachment
//redirect the user
PageReference pageWhereWeWantToGo = new ApexPages.StandardController(a).view(); //we want to redirect the User back to the Account detail page
pageWhereWeWantToGo.setRedirect(true); //indicate that the redirect should be performed on the client side
return pageWhereWeWantToGo; //send the User on their way
Here's my VF:
<apex:page action="{!attachPDF}" extensions="attachPDFToAccount" standardController="Account">
Created by: Chris Ludovice
Last Update: 10 May 2019 by Chris Ludovice
- Visualforce page for creating a PDF file and attaching to Account
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages><!-- included for display of errors should they occur -->
<apex:detail inlineEdit="true" relatedList="true"></apex:detail> <!-- included so Account detail information is visible when errors occur -->
Chris L.
- Chrisludovice
- May 10, 2019
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- 0
Scheduled Apex Test Class - some lines are not covered
I am only getting 36% of my test class. Can you help me on this one?
*author Chris Ludovice
*@date 4.15.2019
*description Schedulable apex class(invokable) responsible for missed invoices email alert.
global class SS_EscalationAlertsMIR implements Schedulable {
// initialize email related variables
public String htmlSP = '';
public String htmlMgr = '';
public String htmlClevel = '';
public String htmlSend = '';
public String subjectSP = 'First Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectMgr = 'Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectClevel = 'Third Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectSend = '';
public String htmlAppendSP = '----------First Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices----------</br>';
public String htmlAppendMgr = '----------Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices----------</br>';
public String htmlMgr15 = '';
public String htmlMgr30 = '';
public String htmlC15 = '';
public String htmlC30 = '';
public String dateFormatString = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
public String[] toAddressesSP = new List<String>(); // holds SP's email...
public String[] toAddressesMgr = new List<String>(); // holds Manager's email...
public String[] toAddressesClevel = new List<String>(); // holds Clevel's email...
public String[] toAddresses = new List<String>(); // holds the actual email recipient..
// initialize sp <td> variables...
public Date dSP = system.today();
public Datetime dtSP = system.now();
public String dateStringSP = '';
public Set<String> uniqueSP = new Set<String>();
// initialize mgr <td> variables...
public Decimal s = 0.00;
public Date dMgr = system.today();
public Datetime dtMgr = system.now();
public String dateStringMgr = '';
public Set<String> uniqueMgr = new Set<String>();
// initialize clevel <td> variables...
public Decimal m = 0.00;
Date dClevel = system.today();
Datetime dtClevel = system.now();
String dateStringClevel = '';
global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) {
// remove Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice after testing...
// render sp missed invoice (>=15days overdue) and < 30?
List<Account> spList = [SELECT Id, Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Email, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND (Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 15 AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c < 30) AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// render mgr missed invoice (>=30days overdue) and < 45?
List<Account> mgrList = [SELECT Id, Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Manager.Email, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND (Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 30 AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c < 45) AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// render clevel missed invoice (>=45days overdue)
List<Account> cList = [SELECT Id, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 45 AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// initialize html table variables for each email body...
if(spList.size()>0){ // check if SP missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlSP = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+spList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accSP:spList)
toAddressesSP.Add(accSP.Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Email); // add emails in SP array..
dSP = accSP.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
Datetime dtSP = Datetime.newInstance(dSP.year(), dSP.month(),dSP.day());
dateStringSP = dtSP.format(dateFormatString);
htmlSP += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accSP.Id+'">'+ accSP.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accSP.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringSP + '</td><td>'+accSP.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
//close table...
htmlSP += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
// get unique SP emails in the array...
subjectSend = subjectSP;
htmlSend = htmlSP;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for SP...
if(mgrList.size()>0){ // check if Mgr missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlMgr = '<p>Being the manager of the identified account managers, listed accounts have not been billed for at least 30 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+mgrList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlMgr15 = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+mgrList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-15).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accMgr:mgrList)
toAddressesMgr.Add(accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Manager.Email); // add emails in Mgr array..
dMgr = accMgr.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
dtMgr = Datetime.newInstance(dMgr.year(), dMgr.month(),dMgr.day());
dateStringMgr= dtMgr.format(dateFormatString);
s = accMgr.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-15;
htmlMgr += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accMgr.Id+'">'+accMgr.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringMgr + '</td><td>'+accMgr.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
htmlMgr15 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accMgr.Id+'">'+accMgr.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringMgr).format() + '</td><td>'+s+'</td></tr>';
//close table...
htmlMgr += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlMgr15 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlAppendSP += htmlMgr15;
htmlMgr += htmlAppendSP;
// get unique Mgr emails in the array...
subjectSP = 'Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
subjectSend = subjectMgr;
htmlSend = htmlMgr;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for Mgr...
if(cList.size()>0){ // check if Clevel missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlClevel = '<p>Escalating to Senior Executive Group as accounts listed below have not been billed for at least 45 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlC30 = '<p>Being the manager of the identified account managers, listed accounts have not been billed for at least 30 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-15).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlC15 = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-30).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accClevel:cList)
dClevel = accClevel.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
dtClevel = Datetime.newInstance(dClevel.year(), dClevel.month(),dClevel.day());
dateStringClevel= dtClevel.format(dateFormatString);
s = accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-30;
m = accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-15;
htmlClevel += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringClevel + '</td><td>'+accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
htmlC15 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringClevel).format() + '</td><td>'+s+'</td></tr>';
htmlC30 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringClevel).format() + '</td><td>'+m+'</td></tr>';
// Select all user emails from Clevel PG...
Group grp = [SELECT Id FROM Group Where DeveloperName ='Clevel_Users']; // fetch PG Id
List<GroupMember> grpm = [SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember Where GroupId =:grp.Id]; // fetch Group Users Id...
Set<Id> grpmIds = new Set<Id>();
for(GroupMember grpmSet :grpm){
List<User> cUsers = [SELECT Email FROM User Where Id=:grpmIds]; // fetch cleveluser's email.
for(User cu: cUsers) {
toAddressesClevel.Add(cu.Email); // add emails in clevel array..
system.debug('Clevel Emails: '+toAddressesClevel);
//close table...
htmlClevel += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
toAddresses = toAddressesClevel;
subjectClevel = 'Third Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
subjectSend = subjectClevel;
htmlC15 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlC30 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlAppendSP += htmlC15;
htmlAppendMgr += htmlC30;
htmlAppendMgr += htmlAppendSP;
htmlClevel += htmlAppendMgr;
htmlSend = htmlClevel;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for Clevel...
} // end of execute constructor...
} // end of main class..
private class SS_EscalationAlertsMIRTest {
// Dummy CRON expression: midnight on May 1.
// Because this is a test, job executes
// immediately after Test.stopTest().
public static String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 1 5 ? 2019';
static testmethod void testScheduledJob() {
// Create test Account record
Account accs = new Account();
Date servDate = Date.today().addDays(-45);
accs.Name = 'Test';
accs.Latest_Service_End_Date__c = servDate;
// select profile.....
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
User ManagerToCreate = new User(); //Create a manager user
ManagerToCreate.Alias = 'standard';
ManagerToCreate.LastName='Manager Test';
ManagerToCreate.ProfileId = p.Id;
insert ManagerToCreate;
User userToCreate = new User(); // Create an Employee
userToCreate.Alias = 'standard';
userToCreate.LastName='User Test';
userToCreate.ManagerId = ManagerToCreate.Id; // Assign Manager to an Employee
userToCreate.ProfileId = p.Id;
insert userToCreate;
// Setup shipserv person test data
ShipServ_People__c sp = new ShipServ_People__c(Name='last', User_account__c=userToCreate.Id);
insert sp;
system.debug('id of user:'+sp.User_account__c+sp.User_account__c);
accs.Sales_Rep__c = sp.Id;
insert accs;
// Get the accounts that were just inserted
list<Account> uRetrieve = [select id from account]; //retrieve the record
integer acc = uRetrieve.size();
system.assertEquals(1,acc);//Test that the record is inserted
//Create public group...
Group gp = new Group(Name = 'Test', DeveloperName='test');
insert gp;
// Create group member...
GroupMember gpm = new GroupMember();
gpm.GroupId = gp.Id;
gpm.UserOrGroupId = userToCreate.Id;
system.debug('group member inserted:'+gpm.id);
// Get the group member that's just inserted
list<GroupMember>gpmRetrieve = [select id from GroupMember where Group.DeveloperName='test']; //retrieve the record
integer gpm2 = gpmRetrieve.size();
system.assertEquals(1,gpm2);//Test that the record is inserted
Id[] fixedSearchResults = new Id[2];
fixedSearchResults[0] = accs.Id;
// create an instance of the class...
SS_EscalationAlertsMIR mir = new SS_EscalationAlertsMIR();
mir.htmlSP += 'test'+acc+datetime.now().format();
} // end of system.runAs...
// Schedule the test job
String jobId = System.schedule('ScheduledApexTest',
new SS_EscalationAlertsMIR());
// SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail('Unit Test X', new List<String>{'test@test.com'});
- Chrisludovice
- April 15, 2019
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- 0
too many nested getContentCalls (VF as PDF)
I am creating a custom button and when clicked, it generates the PDF and saves it in attachment but am encountering an error:
Too many nested getContent calls
Below is my Apex extension for the VF:
public class attachPDFToAccount {
private final Account a; //Account object
public String pdfContent = '<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1><h4>"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."</h4><h5>"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."</h5>';
public attachPDFToAccount(ApexPages.StandardController standardPageController) {
a = (Account)standardPageController.getRecord(); //instantiate the Account object for the current record
//method called from the Visualforce's action attribute
public PageReference attachPDF() {
//generate and attach the PDF document
PageReference pdfPage = new PageReference('/apex/GenerateSOA'); //create a page reference to our pdfDemo Visualforce page, which was created from the post https://interactiveties.com/blog/2015/render-visualforce-pdf.php
Blob pdfBlob; //create a blob for the PDF content
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { //if we are not in testing context
pdfBlob = pdfPage.getContent(); //generate the pdf blob
} else { //otherwise, we are in testing context and getContent() gets funky so create the blob manually
pdfBlob = Blob.valueOf(pdfContent);
Attachment attach = new Attachment(parentId = a.Id, Name = 'accSOA -' + DateTime.now().formatLong() + '.pdf', body = pdfBlob); //create the attachment object
insert attach; //insert the attachment
//redirect the user
PageReference pageWhereWeWantToGo = new ApexPages.StandardController(a).view(); //we want to redirect the User back to the Account detail page
pageWhereWeWantToGo.setRedirect(true); //indicate that the redirect should be performed on the client side
return pageWhereWeWantToGo; //send the User on their way
Here's my VF:
<apex:page action="{!attachPDF}" extensions="attachPDFToAccount" standardController="Account">
Created by: Chris Ludovice
Last Update: 10 May 2019 by Chris Ludovice
- Visualforce page for creating a PDF file and attaching to Account
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages><!-- included for display of errors should they occur -->
<apex:detail inlineEdit="true" relatedList="true"></apex:detail> <!-- included so Account detail information is visible when errors occur -->
Chris L.
- Chrisludovice
- May 10, 2019
- Like
- 0
Salesforce Connector for MuleSoft
Can someone tell me if there is Salesforce Connector for MuleSoft that is compatible with vesrion 45.0 of Salesforce.
Thank you.
- AichaSF
- April 25, 2019
- Like
- 0
How to turn off system validations??
Please let me know if there is any way to turn off system validations.
- vineet kumar
- April 25, 2019
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- 0
how to create Email-to-case with attachment
I have created web serivce for Email-to-case and enable "Save Email-to-Case attachments as Salesforce Files" but Ticket not created with attachment .
- Sebastian Page
- April 22, 2019
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- 0
Scheduled Apex Test Class - some lines are not covered
I am only getting 36% of my test class. Can you help me on this one?
*author Chris Ludovice
*@date 4.15.2019
*description Schedulable apex class(invokable) responsible for missed invoices email alert.
global class SS_EscalationAlertsMIR implements Schedulable {
// initialize email related variables
public String htmlSP = '';
public String htmlMgr = '';
public String htmlClevel = '';
public String htmlSend = '';
public String subjectSP = 'First Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectMgr = 'Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectClevel = 'Third Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
public String subjectSend = '';
public String htmlAppendSP = '----------First Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices----------</br>';
public String htmlAppendMgr = '----------Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices----------</br>';
public String htmlMgr15 = '';
public String htmlMgr30 = '';
public String htmlC15 = '';
public String htmlC30 = '';
public String dateFormatString = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
public String[] toAddressesSP = new List<String>(); // holds SP's email...
public String[] toAddressesMgr = new List<String>(); // holds Manager's email...
public String[] toAddressesClevel = new List<String>(); // holds Clevel's email...
public String[] toAddresses = new List<String>(); // holds the actual email recipient..
// initialize sp <td> variables...
public Date dSP = system.today();
public Datetime dtSP = system.now();
public String dateStringSP = '';
public Set<String> uniqueSP = new Set<String>();
// initialize mgr <td> variables...
public Decimal s = 0.00;
public Date dMgr = system.today();
public Datetime dtMgr = system.now();
public String dateStringMgr = '';
public Set<String> uniqueMgr = new Set<String>();
// initialize clevel <td> variables...
public Decimal m = 0.00;
Date dClevel = system.today();
Datetime dtClevel = system.now();
String dateStringClevel = '';
global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) {
// remove Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice after testing...
// render sp missed invoice (>=15days overdue) and < 30?
List<Account> spList = [SELECT Id, Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Email, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND (Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 15 AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c < 30) AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// render mgr missed invoice (>=30days overdue) and < 45?
List<Account> mgrList = [SELECT Id, Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Manager.Email, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND (Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 30 AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c < 45) AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// render clevel missed invoice (>=45days overdue)
List<Account> cList = [SELECT Id, Name,Latest_Service_End_Date__c,Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c,Sales_Rep__r.Name FROM Account
WHERE Name='Report-Scheduler-Missed-Invoice' AND Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c >= 45 AND Current_Contract_Status__c = 'Active'];
// initialize html table variables for each email body...
if(spList.size()>0){ // check if SP missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlSP = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+spList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accSP:spList)
toAddressesSP.Add(accSP.Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Email); // add emails in SP array..
dSP = accSP.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
Datetime dtSP = Datetime.newInstance(dSP.year(), dSP.month(),dSP.day());
dateStringSP = dtSP.format(dateFormatString);
htmlSP += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accSP.Id+'">'+ accSP.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accSP.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringSP + '</td><td>'+accSP.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
//close table...
htmlSP += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
// get unique SP emails in the array...
subjectSend = subjectSP;
htmlSend = htmlSP;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for SP...
if(mgrList.size()>0){ // check if Mgr missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlMgr = '<p>Being the manager of the identified account managers, listed accounts have not been billed for at least 30 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+mgrList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlMgr15 = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+mgrList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-15).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accMgr:mgrList)
toAddressesMgr.Add(accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.User_account__r.Manager.Email); // add emails in Mgr array..
dMgr = accMgr.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
dtMgr = Datetime.newInstance(dMgr.year(), dMgr.month(),dMgr.day());
dateStringMgr= dtMgr.format(dateFormatString);
s = accMgr.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-15;
htmlMgr += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accMgr.Id+'">'+accMgr.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringMgr + '</td><td>'+accMgr.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
htmlMgr15 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accMgr.Id+'">'+accMgr.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accMgr.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringMgr).format() + '</td><td>'+s+'</td></tr>';
//close table...
htmlMgr += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlMgr15 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlAppendSP += htmlMgr15;
htmlMgr += htmlAppendSP;
// get unique Mgr emails in the array...
subjectSP = 'Second Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
subjectSend = subjectMgr;
htmlSend = htmlMgr;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for Mgr...
if(cList.size()>0){ // check if Clevel missed invoice SOQL has returned row(s)..
htmlClevel = '<p>Escalating to Senior Executive Group as accounts listed below have not been billed for at least 45 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlC30 = '<p>Being the manager of the identified account managers, listed accounts have not been billed for at least 30 days.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-15).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
htmlC15 = '<p>You are receiving this email as one of your accounts may not have billed at least 15 days after its expected subscription end date. Please raise corresponding subscription/membership opportunity.</p><table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;text-align:left"><caption style="text-align:left"><u><b>Missed Invoice Summary Data:</b></u></br>Total Records: '+cList.size()+'</br><i>As of: '+datetime.now().addDays(-30).format()+'</i></caption><tr style="text-align:left"><th>Account Name</th><th>Account Owner</th><th>Last Service EndDate</th><th>Days Overdue</th></tr>';
for(Account accClevel:cList)
dClevel = accClevel.Latest_Service_End_Date__c;
dtClevel = Datetime.newInstance(dClevel.year(), dClevel.month(),dClevel.day());
dateStringClevel= dtClevel.format(dateFormatString);
s = accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-30;
m = accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c-15;
htmlClevel += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + dateStringClevel + '</td><td>'+accClevel.Days_Overdue_Missed_Invoice__c+'</td></tr>';
htmlC15 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringClevel).format() + '</td><td>'+s+'</td></tr>';
htmlC30 += '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href=""'+system.label.Salesforce_Instance_URL+accClevel.Id+'">'+accClevel.Name + '</a></td><td>'+accClevel.Sales_Rep__r.Name+'</td><td>' + Date.valueOf(dateStringClevel).format() + '</td><td>'+m+'</td></tr>';
// Select all user emails from Clevel PG...
Group grp = [SELECT Id FROM Group Where DeveloperName ='Clevel_Users']; // fetch PG Id
List<GroupMember> grpm = [SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember Where GroupId =:grp.Id]; // fetch Group Users Id...
Set<Id> grpmIds = new Set<Id>();
for(GroupMember grpmSet :grpm){
List<User> cUsers = [SELECT Email FROM User Where Id=:grpmIds]; // fetch cleveluser's email.
for(User cu: cUsers) {
toAddressesClevel.Add(cu.Email); // add emails in clevel array..
system.debug('Clevel Emails: '+toAddressesClevel);
//close table...
htmlClevel += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
toAddresses = toAddressesClevel;
subjectClevel = 'Third Escalation: Accounts with Missed Invoices';
subjectSend = subjectClevel;
htmlC15 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlC30 += '</table></br>************************************************</br>This is an auto-generated email, please DO NOT REPLY.</br> ************************************************</br></br>';
htmlAppendSP += htmlC15;
htmlAppendMgr += htmlC30;
htmlAppendMgr += htmlAppendSP;
htmlClevel += htmlAppendMgr;
htmlSend = htmlClevel;
SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail(htmlSend, toAddresses, subjectSend);
} // end of IF for Clevel...
} // end of execute constructor...
} // end of main class..
private class SS_EscalationAlertsMIRTest {
// Dummy CRON expression: midnight on May 1.
// Because this is a test, job executes
// immediately after Test.stopTest().
public static String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 1 5 ? 2019';
static testmethod void testScheduledJob() {
// Create test Account record
Account accs = new Account();
Date servDate = Date.today().addDays(-45);
accs.Name = 'Test';
accs.Latest_Service_End_Date__c = servDate;
// select profile.....
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
User ManagerToCreate = new User(); //Create a manager user
ManagerToCreate.Alias = 'standard';
ManagerToCreate.LastName='Manager Test';
ManagerToCreate.ProfileId = p.Id;
insert ManagerToCreate;
User userToCreate = new User(); // Create an Employee
userToCreate.Alias = 'standard';
userToCreate.LastName='User Test';
userToCreate.ManagerId = ManagerToCreate.Id; // Assign Manager to an Employee
userToCreate.ProfileId = p.Id;
insert userToCreate;
// Setup shipserv person test data
ShipServ_People__c sp = new ShipServ_People__c(Name='last', User_account__c=userToCreate.Id);
insert sp;
system.debug('id of user:'+sp.User_account__c+sp.User_account__c);
accs.Sales_Rep__c = sp.Id;
insert accs;
// Get the accounts that were just inserted
list<Account> uRetrieve = [select id from account]; //retrieve the record
integer acc = uRetrieve.size();
system.assertEquals(1,acc);//Test that the record is inserted
//Create public group...
Group gp = new Group(Name = 'Test', DeveloperName='test');
insert gp;
// Create group member...
GroupMember gpm = new GroupMember();
gpm.GroupId = gp.Id;
gpm.UserOrGroupId = userToCreate.Id;
system.debug('group member inserted:'+gpm.id);
// Get the group member that's just inserted
list<GroupMember>gpmRetrieve = [select id from GroupMember where Group.DeveloperName='test']; //retrieve the record
integer gpm2 = gpmRetrieve.size();
system.assertEquals(1,gpm2);//Test that the record is inserted
Id[] fixedSearchResults = new Id[2];
fixedSearchResults[0] = accs.Id;
// create an instance of the class...
SS_EscalationAlertsMIR mir = new SS_EscalationAlertsMIR();
mir.htmlSP += 'test'+acc+datetime.now().format();
} // end of system.runAs...
// Schedule the test job
String jobId = System.schedule('ScheduledApexTest',
new SS_EscalationAlertsMIR());
// SS_EmailUtility.SendEmail('Unit Test X', new List<String>{'test@test.com'});
- Chrisludovice
- April 15, 2019
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- 0
DATETIMEVALUE reminder at fixed time, relative date
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the DATETIMEVALUE function. I'm creating a task each time a projects starts, and i would like to set the reminder at 09:30:00. So the date is based on a field, but the time should be fixed. I have tried multiple formulas, currently i have the following:
DATETIMEVALUE(Customfield__c & " " & 09:30:00)
However, i receive an error that i miss a bracket:
The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error. Missing ')'
Anyone any ideas?
Kind regards, Loran
- Loran Seuters
- April 15, 2019
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- 0
__r not working in test class
Childrecord__c child = [ select Parentobj__r.Account__c from childobject__c where name ='Test' limit 1 ];
if(child.Parentobj__r.Account__c != null)
do something();
In test class i have created parent and child record ,
but value of Parentobj__r.Account__c always giving null value while debug please help here ,
- Shiv Kumar 45
- October 08, 2015
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