• sadesh warnakualsooriya
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<li><dl class="Url_Menu"><dt><a href="#!"><span>URL LIST</span></a></dt>
        <apex:repeat var="x" value="{!Objects2}" rendered="{!Objects2!=null && Objects2.size>0}">
          <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!(x.obj2==null||x.obj2.size=0)}">
          <apex:repeat var="y" value="{!x.obj2}" rendered="{!x.obj2!=null && x.obj2.size>0}">
       <!-- This doesnt show the values becasue of dd tag -->   
         <dd><a href="{!y.Url__c}" class="linkTxt">{!y.Name}</a></dd>

          <dd><a href="#!" class="linkTxt">LInk01</a></dd>
          <dd><a href="#!" class="linkTxt2">LInk01</a></dd>
Hi, im new to salesforce vf pages, currenlt trying using the above code and get the Url list values as in the insde HTML <dl> and <dd> tags, but it doens't show, is there any Apex input is missing to show values inside the <dd> tag ?