• umair khan 15
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Create a new Custom objects Application and BlackList
 Object Name                           Field Names
Create a new Custom objects Application and BlackList
 Object Name                           Field Names
Application                               Name,Pancard ,Phone
BlacKList                                    Name,Pancard,phone
a. When ever we are inserting new Application it has to check pancard no of the new application record is 
in the Blakc list or not .
b.If the pancard of the Appliction is in the blacklist object then update the blackList phone with new application phone no  and throw error
Application                               Name,Pancard ,Phone
BlacKList                                    Name,Pancard,phone
a. When ever we are inserting new Application it has to check pancard no of the new application record is 
in the Blakc list or not .
b.If the pancard of the Appliction is in the blacklist object then update the blackList phone with new application phone no  and throw error

// This is the Code I have tried.
It is throwing error where there is duplicate but not Updating the Blacklist phone number.

I am trying to create a project but it seems there's something wrong with the path.
can anyone solve this issue?
This the problem I am getting...User-added image
I just set-up a visual studio code but when I am trying to create a project it is not working no folder is created. No errors showing up.
I have reinstalled the tool multiple times. 
Note: All extensions are installed properly and I have JDK8 installed.
Delegated approver not getting approval request, chatter message or Email notification.
I checked The approver's delegate may also approve this request Checkbox.
Note: Actual approver is receiving the request, email and chatter notifications. 
I created a  queue in which I assigned two users CEO and MAnager and I assigned that queue to a Public Group with two users(Clerk and Manager) but the public group members are not able to see the records of the queue.
while selecting the queue list from the list page it is showing insufficient privileges.

Note: OWD is private and all the user has at least read and write access on the profile/object level.

Create a new Custom objects Application and BlackList
 Object Name                           Field Names
Create a new Custom objects Application and BlackList
 Object Name                           Field Names
Application                               Name,Pancard ,Phone
BlacKList                                    Name,Pancard,phone
a. When ever we are inserting new Application it has to check pancard no of the new application record is 
in the Blakc list or not .
b.If the pancard of the Appliction is in the blacklist object then update the blackList phone with new application phone no  and throw error
Application                               Name,Pancard ,Phone
BlacKList                                    Name,Pancard,phone
a. When ever we are inserting new Application it has to check pancard no of the new application record is 
in the Blakc list or not .
b.If the pancard of the Appliction is in the blacklist object then update the blackList phone with new application phone no  and throw error

// This is the Code I have tried.
It is throwing error where there is duplicate but not Updating the Blacklist phone number.

I am trying to create a project but it seems there's something wrong with the path.
can anyone solve this issue?
This the problem I am getting...User-added image
I just set-up a visual studio code but when I am trying to create a project it is not working no folder is created. No errors showing up.
I have reinstalled the tool multiple times. 
Note: All extensions are installed properly and I have JDK8 installed.

i am a newbie to salesforce and trying to complete this trailhead challenge and unable to find a way through apex to generate this method for creating new contacts with unique id. as one requirement to pass the challenge is "The 'generateRandomContacts' method must be capable of consistently generating contacts with unique first names."

If somebody successfully completed the task kindly help me.
