• Andre Khoi Nguyen Do
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Hi guys, I am currently testing Salesforce API with Postman.

There are some API clarifications to be sought:
1. How to remove an entitlement from a user - permission set to be specific?
2. How to remove all the members of a particular permission set - say StandardEinsteinActivityCapturePsl?
3. How to remove a single member from a particular entitlement?
4. Is the patch replace on members of an entitlement supposed to replace the existing members with the provided set?
   example, say a Permission P1 having [A1, A2, A3, A4] is provided a PATCH(replace on members, [A1, A2]) should reflect
   P1 [A1, A2]?
5. For changing the "Profile" P1 to P2 of a user U1, does P1 needs to be removed from U1 and the P2 needs to be added? or only 
   PATCH(replace on members, P2)?

Thanks a lot.

1. How can we set work/ phone/fax phoneNumber when we createUser? As it only allows us to have one of them when we do createUser using postman.
Same goes with email.
2. Are enterprise attributes modifyable?
I failed to modify employeeNumber, organization, division, department using Patch replace
What is the access token expiry duration? (Obtained by user-password flow or jwt flow)