• Philippe Prosper
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  • Member since 2019
  • Airbus SLC

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The lighting-datatable component uses lightning-formatted-text component to display date in a text type column. This component automatically removes leading space of the string value before rendering.
How can I avoid this behavior ?
Here is the exemple code for ligthning component combobox:
<lightning-combobox class="progress-combo" name="progress" label="Status"
placeholder="Select Progress" options={options}></lightning-combobox>

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
export default class ComboboxBasic extends LightningElement {
 get options() {
  return [{ label: 'New', value: 'new' },{  label: 'In Progress', value: 'inProgress' },{ label: 'Finished', value: 'finished' },];
  let selected = this.template.querySelector(".progress-combo").value;
  • if an option is selected then the selected variable will be a string
  • if none option is selected then the selected variable will be an object.

Is there any mean to test if a option has been selected or not ?

Hi all

I would like to customized built-in aura components available in the community builder. As they are not design to allow all types of modifications, I am wondering if the source code of these components is open and if yes where and how it is possible to get it ?


I use a recordEditForm component to display case details on a community site. A help text has been defined for the country field of this object. On Sales Cloud, the text appears in a blue bubble when the user move the mouse pointer over the help icon 
User-added image

The text does not appear on the community page
User-added image
Why is there a different behavior ?

Hi all

I would like to customized built-in aura components available in the community builder. As they are not design to allow all types of modifications, I am wondering if the source code of these components is open and if yes where and how it is possible to get it ?

The lighting-datatable component uses lightning-formatted-text component to display date in a text type column. This component automatically removes leading space of the string value before rendering.
How can I avoid this behavior ?