- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- 25 Points
- Member since 2019
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getting value of Id from @wire method
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;
There is an Id value in recorddetails. I need to pass this value of Id in another variable for another invocation.
Could you please mention, how can i retrieve the value of recorddetails.Id
I shall be grateful to you for your kind cooperation.
Thanks and regards
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- June 20, 2022
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- 0
Records in Lightening Web Component is retrieving as string not as record
</lightning-card> <lightning-card title="Record Details" icon-name="custom:custom63"> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <lightning-input type="search" onchange={handleKeyChange} class="slds-m-bottom_small" label="Search" value={searchKey}></lightning-input> <template if:true={recorddetails.data}> <template for:each={recorddetails.data} for:item="datas"> <p key={datas.Id}>{datas.Name}</p> </template> </template> </div> </lightning-card>
Javascript Code :
import { LightningElement, api, wire, track } from 'lwc'; import methodName from '@salesforce/apex/MoveAttachment.methodName'; import fetchRecord from '@salesforce/apex/MoveAttachment.fetchRecord'; handleChange(event) { this.selectedLabel = event.detail.value; } //@wire(fetchRecord, {CustomWrapper:'$parameterObject'})recorddetails; @wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails; @wire(fetchRecord) wiredRecordDetails({errors, datas}){ if(datas){ if(datas.length>0){ for(let i=0;i<datas.length;i++) { this.records.push ({label: datas[i].Name, value: datas[i].Id }); console.log('check=====>', this.records[i]); } } this.results = this.records; } else if (errors){ this.errors = errors; this.results = undefined; } } handleKeyChange(event) { // Debouncing this method: Do not update the reactive property as long as this function is // being called within a delay of 500ms. This is to avoid a very large number of Apex method calls. window.clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout); const searchKey = event.target.value;//this.template.querySelector('lightning-input').value; this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.searchKey = searchKey; }, ); this.results; }I shall be grateful to you for your kind assistance.
Thanks and regards
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- June 16, 2022
- Like
- 0
Lightening Web component combobox is not working
I am trying to create a lightening web component combobox but it's not working. Please check the code
import { LightningElement, api, wire, track } from 'lwc';
import methodName from '@salesforce/apex/MoveAttachment.methodName';
export default class attachmentMove extends LightningElement {
@track record;
@track result;
@track error;
wiredsobjectName({error, data}){
this.arrays.array.forEach(element => {
this.record.push ({label: record[i].Id, value: record[i].Name });
console.log('check=====>', this.result);
this.result = record;
this.error = undefined;
} else if (error){
this.error = error;
this.result = undefined;
get options() {
console.log('option--->', this.sobjectName.data);
return this.sobjectName.data;
get values(){
return this.result;
handleChange(event) {
this.value = event.detail.value;
<lightning-card title="Combo Box_Type Values" icon-name="custom:custom67">
<template if:true={sobjectName.data}>
name="List of Object"
label="List of Object"
placeholder="Select Object"
options = {options}
onchange={handleChange} >
<p>Selected value is: {options}</p>
If use get option then it shows blank value in dropdown, if i use this.result. then it does not work. say this.result is undefined and also this.result. Please help me to fix it.
Thanks and regards
Nishant Shrivastava
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- June 12, 2022
- Like
- 0
access variable value of the flow in the end of flow
I need variable value geturl from the end of flow but I am not getting the variable value from the end of flow. Please suggest.
VF page :
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="GetListViewUrl">
<flow:interview name="MediaServiceListView" interview="{!TeamView}" finishLocation="{!NewListView}">
Apex Controller :
public class GetListViewUrl {
Public case objAcc ;
public Flow.Interview.MediaServiceListView TeamView { get; set; }
//Constructor for Controller extension
public GetListViewUrl(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
public PageReference getNewListView(){
string listId;
listId = Teamview.getUrl;
Pagereference pg = new Pagereference('https://--uat.lightning.force.com/lightning/o/Case/list?filterName=' + listId);
return pg;
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- February 28, 2022
- Like
- 0
I am not able to get code coverage for my sql query, i shall be grateful to you for any help
Public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
Public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
Public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
Public static string querystr;
Public integer counter = 0;
Public integer list_size=100;
Static set<Id> ids = New set<Id>();
Public Invoice_details() {
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c , kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: List_size ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void display() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
//string Query = 'SELECT kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c,(select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = '+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c= '+EndDate+' ';
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public class VoiceWrapper {
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
Public Pagereference Previous() {
counter = counter-list_size;
return null;
Public pagereference Next() {
counter = counter + list_size;
system.debug( InvoiceList);
return null;
Public boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter<=0) {
return True;
else return false;
Public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter > = InvoiceList.size()-list_size) {
return true;
else return false;
My test class---------------------
public class Invoice_detailsTestClass {
public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
public boolean selected{get;set;}
public static integer counter = 0;
Public static integer list_size=20;
Public integer total_size ;
static testMethod void Invoice_details() {
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(TestAcco.Id));
Invoice_details testAccPlan = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper( k);
static testMethod void testdisplay() {
DAte StartDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
Date endDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
//list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
opp.rechnung_per_email__c = 'abv@gmail.com';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter];
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Account__c = testAcco.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = 'post';
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = StartDate;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c = EndDate;
insert KI;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = StartDate+15;
update KI;
user u = [select id from user where username = 'finance@softgarden.de' limit 1];
System.runAs(u) {
Invoice_details Id = New Invoice_details();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper IV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(KI);
I shall be grateful to you for your kind consideration and input
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- January 21, 2020
- Like
- 0
in my test Class i am not getting coverage for Soql query
I shall be grateful to you if you take time and could help me in finding problem. i am not able to get the code coverage for my soql query in test class....
My Apex Class
Public class Invoice_details {
Public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
Public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
Public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
Public static string querystr;
Public integer counter = 0;
Public integer list_size=100;
Static set<Id> ids = New set<Id>();
Public Invoice_details() {
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c , kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: List_size ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void display() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailListsStatus() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailListsStatustrue() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=true AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostListsStauts() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostListsStautstrue() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=true AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void displayDownload(){
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public class VoiceWrapper {
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
Public Pagereference Previous() {
counter = counter-list_size;
return null;
Public pagereference Next() {
counter = counter + list_size;
system.debug( InvoiceList);
return null;
Public boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter<=0) {
return True;
else return false;
Public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter > = InvoiceList.size()-list_size) {
return true;
else return false;
test class
public class Invoice_detailsTestClass {
public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
public boolean selected{get;set;}
public static integer counter = 0;
Public static integer list_size=20;
Public integer total_size ;
static testMethod void Invoice_details() {
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(TestAcco.Id));
Invoice_details testAccPlan = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper( k);
static testMethod void testdisplay() {
DAte StartDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
Date endDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
opp.rechnung_per_email__c = 'abv@gmail.com';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Account__c = testAcco.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = StartDate;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c = EndDate;
insert KI;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(TestAcco.Id));
Invoice_details AccPlan = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testdisplayDownload(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
// Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testemailLists(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testPostLists(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
private class VoiceWrapper{
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
for the constructor i got complete coverage but i am not getting soql coverage for the methods. I shall be grateful to you for your kind cooperation. Thanks :)
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- January 20, 2020
- Like
- 0
I am not getting complete coverage for soql query
My class
Public class Invoice_details {
Public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
Public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
Public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
Public static string querystr;
Public integer counter = 0;
Public integer list_size=100;
Static set<Id> ids = New set<Id>();
Public Invoice_details() {
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c , kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: List_size ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void display() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
//string Query = 'SELECT kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c,(select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = '+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c= '+EndDate+' ';
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
//string Query = 'SELECT kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c,(select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = '+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c= '+EndDate+' ';
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
//string Query = 'SELECT kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c,(select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = '+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c= '+EndDate+' ';
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void displayDownload(){
* InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c where Downloaded__c =true AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: List_size ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
//string Query = 'SELECT kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c,(select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = '+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c= '+EndDate+' ';
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public class VoiceWrapper {
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
Public Pagereference Previous() {
counter = counter-list_size;
return null;
Public pagereference Next() {
counter = counter + list_size;
system.debug( InvoiceList);
return null;
Public boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter<=0) {
return True;
else return false;
Public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter > = InvoiceList.size()-list_size) {
return true;
else return false;
my test class
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- January 17, 2020
- Like
- 0
i am not able to update the field namely status
function updateRecords() {
const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox].invoiceCheckBox:checked');
var recordsData = [];
for (let i = 0, l = checkboxes.length; i < l; i++) {
recordsData.push({id: checkboxes[i].dataset.id,});
let query = `SELECT id, Downloaded__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c where id='${recordsData[i].id}'`;
let result = sforce.connection.query(query);
result.Downloaded__c = true;
var result1 = sforce.connection.update([result]);
i shall be grateful to you for your kind consideration.
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- January 06, 2020
- Like
- 0
I want to update the field in database on the bases of checkboxes. i have a field Downloaded__c datatype checkbox, i need to make it true if the checkboxes are processed. it to be done through javascript in appended code. I shall be grateful to you
<apex:includeScript value="/soap/ajax/47.0/connection.js"/>
<apex:includeScript value="/soap/ajax/47.0/apex.js"/>
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jszip}"/>
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.FileSaver2}"/>
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display: block;
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margin-left: 50px;
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Width: 50rem;
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margin-top: 120px;
width: 100%;
.space {
font-style: italic;
font-size: 25px;
margin-left: 50px;
margin-top: 20px;
.slds-form-element__label slds-m-bottom_none {
font-size: 2rem;
.nishant {
font .
size: 1rem;
input.date {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 18px;
margin: 12px;
padding: 4px;
width: auto;
text-align: center;
<apex:form title="form" styleClass="Showall" forceSSL="true" id="A">
<div class="slds-form-element">
<div class="slds-p-left_xx-large">
<label class="slds-checkbox_toggle slds-grid">
<span class="slds-form-element__label slds-m-bottom_none" style="font-size:.90rem"> Show All </span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-toggle-15" value="checkbox-toggle-15" aria-describedby="checkbox-toggle-15" onclick="getdata()" checked=""/>
<span id="checkbox-toggle-15" class="slds-checkbox_faux_container" aria-live="assertive" style="margin-left:15px">
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<span class="slds-checkbox_off">Disabled</span>
<div class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-space">
<div class="slds-p-top_xx-large">
<span>Date From
<apex:inputfield value="{!InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" label="Start Date" id="datefrom"/>
<div class="slds-p-top_xx-large">
<span>Date To
<apex:inputfield value="{!InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c}" label="End Date"/>
<div class="slds-p-top_xx-large">
<apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!display}" reRender="B"/>
<div class="slds-p-top_xx-large">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection showHeader="false" id="B" columns="1" >
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!InvoiceList}" var="rs" id="A">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<input type="checkbox" id="selectAllCheckbox" onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this)" />
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" onSubmit="return selectAllCheckboxes(this)" />
<apex:repeat value="{!rs.KI.attachments}" var="C">
<input type="checkbox" value="{!C.Id}" data-date="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" data-account="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Account__c}" data-opportunity="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c}" data-Status="{!rs.KI.Downloaded__c}" Id="inputId" class="invoiceCheckBox" onClick="unselectSelectAllCheckboxes(this)" />
<apex:column value="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" headerValue="DATE"/>
<apex:column value="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Account__c}" headerValue="Account"/>
<apex:column value="{!rs.KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c}" headerValue="Opportunity"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Files">
<apex:repeat value="{!rs.KI.attachments}" var="C">
<apex:outputLink value="https://c.cs101.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!C.Id}&operationContext=S1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
<apex:column value="{!rs.KI.Downloaded__c}" headerValue="Status"/>
<apex:panelGrid columns="5" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<div class="slds-p-left_xx-large">
<apex:commandbutton value="Download" onclick="return downloadZip(this)" />
<apex:commandbutton value="Previous" action="{!previous}" disabled="{!DisablePrevious}" reRender="A,B"/>
<apex:commandbutton value="Next" action="{!next}" reRender="A,B"/>
<apex:actionStatus id="status" startText="Loading"/>
// select / unselect All
function selectAllCheckboxes(checkbox) {
var invoiceCheckBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName('invoiceCheckBox');
for(var i=0; i<invoiceCheckBoxes.length; i++){
invoiceCheckBoxes[i].checked = checkbox.checked;
// unselect selectAll-checkbox
function unselectSelectAllCheckboxes(checkbox) {
if(!checkbox.checked) {
var selectAllCheckBox = document.getElementById('selectAllCheckbox');
selectAllCheckBox.checked = false;
//Get the attachment ids of all selected checkboxes/records
function getCheckedRecordsData() {
const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox].invoiceCheckBox:checked');
let recordsData = [];
for (let i = 0, l = checkboxes.length; i < l; i++) {
recordsData.push({date: checkboxes[i].dataset.date, account: checkboxes[i].dataset.account, opportunity: checkboxes[i].dataset.opportunity, attachmentId: checkboxes[i].value, Status : checkboxes[i].Downloaded__c,});
return recordsData;
//Generating and download the zip files with all attachments
function downloadZip(btnElement) {
//Make btn disabled while generating zip with all attachments
btnElement.disabled = true;
const zip = new JSZip();
let promises = [];
let checkedRecordsData = this.getCheckedRecordsData();
if(!checkedRecordsData.length) {
btnElement.disabled = false;
console.log('CHECK DATA', checkedRecordsData);
for (let i = 0, l = checkedRecordsData.length; i < l; i++) {
promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
//Get attachment id and set salesforce sessionId
const recordData = checkedRecordsData[i]; //Change it to Account Id
sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
//Call webservice and get the base64 coded attachment data
const response = sforce.apex.execute("WS_ZipUtil", "getAttachmentById", {sfdcId: recordData.attachmentId});
const respObj = JSON.parse(response);
// If an error occures, break
if (respObj['status'] !== '200') {
reject(respObj ['error']);
// If status is 200, mark this record as downloaded
// markAsDownloaded(recordData.q);
const fileData = respObj['data'];
//Add all attachments to the zip
for (let j = 0, l2 = fileData.length; j < l2; j++) {
zip.file(fileData[j]['Name'] + ' - ' + recordData.account + ' - ' + recordData.opportunity, fileData[j]['Body'].toString(), {base64: true});
} catch (e) {
//Wait for all async calls and zip is finally generated and download it
Promise.all(promises).then(values => {
zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"}).then(function (content) {
saveAs(content, "download.zip");
btnElement.disabled = false;
let checkedRecords = this.getCheckedRecordsData();
sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
result = sforce.connection.query("select Downloaded__c from kognoz1__Invoice2__c");
records = result.getArray("records");
for (let i = 0, l = checkedRecords.length; i < l; i++){
records = true;
last 4 lines of javascript codes, i tried to update the field in backend if downloaded function is called. I am completely out of idea. i shall be grateful to you for any input. Thanks :)
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- December 17, 2019
- Like
- 0
i am not able to see my code coverage
first Apex Class
global class WS_ZipUtil {
* Receive Attachments info from Attachment ParentId
webService static String getAttachmentById( String sfdcId ){
if( String.isEmpty( sfdcId ) ) return WS_Util.errorJson('Parameter sfdcId is required.');
List<Attachment> attachmentList = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE Id = :sfdcId];
if( attachmentList == null || attachmentList.size() == 0 ) return WS_Util.errorJson('Attachment not found.');
return wrapAttachmentList( attachmentList );
//Format JSON String from AttachmentList
private static String wrapAttachmentList( List<Attachment> attachmentList ){
List<Object> dataList = new List<Object>();
for( Attachment at : attachmentList ){
Map<String, String> atMap = new Map<String, String>();
//atMap.put( 'Id', at.Id );
atMap.put( 'Name', at.Name );
atMap.put( 'Body', EncodingUtil.base64Encode( at.Body ) );
//atMap.put( 'ContentType', at.ContentType );
dataList.add( atMap );
return WS_Util.normalJson( dataList );
Second Apex Class
public class WS_Util {
//Normal Status Code
private static String API_STATUS_NORMAL = '200';
//Error Status Code
private static String API_STATUS_ERROR = '400';
* Normal JSON Response
public static String normalJson( Object respData ) {
Map<String, Object> response = new Map<String, Object>();
response.put('status', API_STATUS_NORMAL);
if( respData != null ) response.put('data', respData);
return JSON.serialize( response );
* Error JSON Response
public static String errorJson( String message ) {
Map<String, Object> response = new Map<String, Object>();
response.put('status', API_STATUS_ERROR);
if( message != null ) response.put('error', message);
return JSON.serialize( response );
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- November 19, 2019
- Like
- 0
visualforce pagination
my visualforce page codes are
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Width : 50rem;
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font-style: bold;
margin-left : 160px;
margin-top : 120px;
width : 50rem;
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font-style: italic;
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font-size : 2 rem;
font.size : 1 rem;
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<div class="slds-col">
<span >Date From
<apex:inputfield value="{!InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" id="datefrom"/>
<div class="slds-col" >
<span >Date To
<apex:inputfield value="{!InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" id="dateto" onSelect="display()" />
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function changeValue(radioButton) {
var chk = document.getElementsByClassName('selection');
for (var i=0; i<chk.length; i++) {
if(radioButton.value == chk[i].value) {
chk[i].checked = true;
} else {
chk[i].checked = false;
Controller class
Public without sharing class Invoice_details {
public List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList {get;set;}
public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
public static String StartDate {get;set;}
public List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> getKognozdetails { get;set;}
public static String EndDate {get;set;}
public static string querystr;
private integer counter = 0;
private integer list_size=20;
private integer total_size = 20;
public Invoice_details(){
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c ();
InvoiceList = [SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c limit 1000];
//InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
//List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> KI = [SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ];
/* public PageReference runSearch(){
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null & InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ){
String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c ='+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c='+ endDate;
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
return null;
} */
/*public void Invoicedetails () {
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null & InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ){
String startDate=String.valueOf(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c).left(10);
String endDate=String.valueOf(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c).left(10);
String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c ='+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c='+ endDate;
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
Public List <kognoz1__Invoice2__c> getinvoicedetails()
/*String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c';
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
system.debug(InvoiceList); */
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> KON = [select Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c from kognoz1__Invoice2__c order by kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c limit : list_size offset : total_size ];
return null;
public integer Beginning() {
counter = 0;
List_size = 20;
return null;
public integer Previous() {
counter -= list_size;
return null;
public integer Next() {
counter += list_size;
return null;
public integer End() {
counter = total_size - math.mod(total_size, list_size);
return null;
public Boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter>0) {
return false;
} else return true;
public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter + list_size < total_size){
return false;} else return true;
public Integer getTotal_size() {
return total_size;
public Integer getPageNumber() {
return counter/list_size + 1;
public Integer getTotalPages() {
if (math.mod(total_size, list_size) > 0) {
return total_size/list_size + 1;
} else {
return (total_size/list_size);
i know, i click on next button, it does not take me anywhere..i messed up a lot out of frustation but your input will be helpful and valuable for me. Thanks in advance.
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- October 24, 2019
- Like
- 0
i want to open commandbutton in new tab. please guide me
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<apex:form >
<apex:actionFunction name="updateLineItem" action="{!getLineItemDetails}" rerender="serviceDetails" >
<apex:param name="OppId" value="" />
<apex:actionFunction name="getAccDetails" action="{!getAccountDetails}" rerender="accountDetails,opportunityDetails,serviceDetails,accountCheckId" oncomplete="checkAccount()">
<apex:param name="accId" value="" />
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<div class="slds-form-element__control" >
<apex:inputText style="margin-left: 20px;height: 34px;width: 30%;background-color: grey;color:white" id="accSearchBox" value="{!searchTerm}" styleClass="placeHolder" >
<apex:inputHidden id="searchAccId" value="{!searchedRecordId}" >
<apex:outputPanel id="accountDetails">
<form >
<fieldset style="width: 35%;border: 2px solid black;margin-left:20px;">
<legend style="margin-left: 34px;" >Account Details</legend>
<div style="margin-left: 12px;padding:5px">
<div class="slds-text-body--regular" title="Planning Id"><b>Account Id</b></div>
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<apex:inputText Styleclass="slds-input" style="width: 90%;background-color:white" value="{!accObj.Id}" disabled="true">
<div style="margin-left: 12px;padding:5px">
<label class="slds-text-body--regular" title="Account Name"><b>Account Name</b></label>
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<apex:inputText Styleclass="slds-input" style="width: 90%;background-color:white" value="{!accObj.Name}" disabled="true">
<div style="margin-left: 12px;padding:5px">
<label class="slds-text-body--regular" title="Account Type"><b>Account Type</b></label>
<div class="slds-form-element__control" >
<apex:inputText Styleclass="slds-input" style="width: 90%;background-color:white" value="{!accObj.Account_Type__c}" disabled="true">
<apex:outputPanel id="opportunityDetails">
<form >
<fieldset style="border: 2px solid black;width: 59.5%;margin-top: -205px;margin-left: 950px;">
<legend style="margin-left: 24px;" >Opportunities</legend>
<tr><th>Opp. Nr.</th><th>Opportunity Name</th> <th>Opportunity Case</th><th>Stage</th><th>Creation Date</th><th>Close Date</th></tr>
<apex:repeat value="{!oppList}" var="oppObj" >
<tr><th>{!oppObj.OppNumber__c}</th><th id="{!oppObj.Id}" onclick="updateLineItem(this.id)"><a href="#">{!oppObj.Name}</a></th> <th>{!oppObj.FC_Opportunity_Status__c}</th><th>{!oppObj.StageName}</th>
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd'.'MM'.'yyyy}" >
<apex:param value="{!oppObj.CreatedDate}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd'.'MM'.'yyyy}" >
<apex:param value="{!oppObj.CloseDate}"/>
<div style="margin-top: 167px;">
<apex:outputPanel id="serviceDetails">
<form style="width: 93%; margin-top: 210px;">
<fieldset style="border: 2px solid black; margin-left: 20px;">
<legend style="margin-left: 24px;" >Services</legend>
<tr><th>Service Id</th><th>Service Name</th> <th>Product Id</th><th>Product Name</th><th>Publisher</th></tr>
<apex:repeat value="{!serviceList}" var="serObj" >
<tr><th>{!serObj.Id}</th><th >{!serObj.Name}</th> <th>{!serObj.Product__c}</th><th>{!serObj.Product__r.Name}</th><th>{!serObj.Publisher__c}</th><th>
<button id="ButtonId" class="slds-button slds-float--right slds-button--icon-border slds-not-selected" Style="background-color:grey;height: 34px;width:100%;color: white; border-radius: 21px;" name="Text" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='https://{!serObj.externallink__c}' , '_blank'"> publisher </button>
</th> </tr>
function updateVal(Id){
<apex:outputPanel id="accountCheckId">
function checkAccount(){
alert('Selected Account is not Customer Account');
<script type="text/javascript">
var PLACEHOLDER = 'Search for Account(Type Customer)';
var movieObjects;
var queryTerm;
minLength: 2,
source: function(request, response) {
queryTerm = request.term;
Search_Account_Controller.searchAccount(request.term, function(result, event){
if(event.type == 'exception') {
} else {
movieObjects = result;
focus: function( event, ui ) {
$('[id$=accSearchBox]').val( ui.item.Name );
return false;
select: function( event, ui ) {
$('[id$=accSearchBox]').val( ui.item.Name );
$('[id$=searchAccId]').val( ui.item.Id );
return false;
.data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
var entry = "<a>" + item.Name;
entry = entry + "</a>";
entry = entry.replace(queryTerm, "<b>" + queryTerm + "</b>");
return $( "<li></li>" )
.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
.append( entry )
.appendTo( ul );
// Add or remove placeholder values
$('[id$=accSearchBox]').on("focus", function(event){
$tgt = $(event.target);
if($tgt.val() === PLACEHOLDER ){
$('[id$=accSearchBox]').on( "blur", function(event){
$tgt = $(event.target);
if($tgt.val() === '' ){
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- July 15, 2019
- Like
- 0
vf page error : attempt to dereference a null object
global class Search_Account_Controller {
public Set<string> accountSet{get;set;}
public string accName{get;set;}
public Account accObj{get;set;}
public List<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public boolean recTypeCheck{get;set;}
public List<Service__c> serviceList{get;set;}
public Search_Account_Controller() {
accountSet = new Set<String>();
List<Account> accList = [Select id, Name, Account_Type__c from Account LIMIT 30000];
if(accList!=null && accList.size()>0){
for(Account acc :accList){
public void getAccountDetails(){
oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
serviceList= new List<Service__c>();
List<Account> accList= [Select Name, Id, Account_Type__c from Account where Name=:accName LIMIT 1];
if(accList!=null && accList.size()>0)
if(accObj.Account_Type__c!='Client') {
oppList=[Select Id, OppNumber__c, FC_Opportunity_Status__c, Name, StageName, CloseDate, CreationDateTime__c from Opportunity where AccountId=:accObj.Id];
public void getLineItemDetails() {
String oppIdval = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('OppId');
serviceList=[Select Id, Product__c, Produkt_ID__c , Product__r.Name, Name from Service__c where Opportunity__c=:oppIdval];
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- July 08, 2019
- Like
- 0
i want to show child object details by selecting rows, how to fetch data of selected row and retrieve child objects in controller
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" controller="SingleRelatedListController">
<aura:attribute name="sobjectApiName" type="String" required="true" />
<aura:attribute name="relatedFieldApiName" type="String" required="true"/>
<aura:attribute name="numberOfRecords" type="Integer" default="6"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedBy" type="String" required="true"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedDirection" type="String" default="ASC"/>
<aura:attribute name="onRowActionHandler" type="Aura.Action"/>
<aura:attribute name="customActions" type="List"/>
<aura:attribute name="columns" type="List" />
<aura:attribute name="columnsWithActions" type="List" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="fields" type="String" required="true"/>
<aura:attribute name="records" type="Object" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="parentRelationshipApiName" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="sobjectLabel" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="sobjectLabelPlural" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="numberOfRecordsForTitle" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:attribute name="iconName" type="String" access="private"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}"/>
<aura:handler name="change" value="{!v.columns}" action="{! c.handleColumnsChange }"/>
<aura:handler event="force:showToast" action="{!c.handleToastEvent}"/>
<lightning:overlayLibrary aura:id="overlayLib"/>
<div class="c-container">
<lightning:card class="slds-card_boundary" iconName="{!v.iconName}">
<aura:set attribute="actions">
<lightning:button label="New" onclick="{!c.handleCreateRecord}"/>
<aura:set attribute="title">
<b><a class="slds-card__header-link" onclick="{!c.handleGotoRelatedList}">{!(v.sobjectLabelPlural) + ' (' + (v.numberOfRecordsForTitle) + ')'}</a></b>
<aura:set attribute="footer">
<aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.records))}">
<a onclick="{!c.handleGotoRelatedList}">View All</a>
<aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.records))}">
<p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
<lightning:datatable class="related-list"
columns="{! v.columnsWithActions }"
data="{! v.records }"
onrowaction="{! c.handleRowAction }"
onrowselection="{! c.selectionAction }"/>
init: function (cmp, event, helper) {
helper.fetchData(cmp, event, helper);
helper.initColumnsWithActions(cmp, event, helper)
selectionAction: function (cmp, event, helper)
var selectedRows = event.getParam('selectedRows'); // fetches the records which are selected by the user
selectedRows ="1"{}
handleColumnsChange: function (cmp, event, helper) {
helper.initColumnsWithActions(cmp, event, helper)
handleRowAction: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var action = event.getParam('action');
var row = event.getParam('row');
var onRowActionHandler = cmp.get('v.onRowActionHandler');
switch (action.name) {
case 'edit':
helper.editRecord(cmp, row)
case 'delete':
helper.removeRecord(cmp, row)
handleGotoRelatedList : function (cmp, event, helper) {
var relatedListEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToRelatedList");
"relatedListId": cmp.get("v.parentRelationshipApiName"),
"parentRecordId": cmp.get("v.recordId")
handleCreateRecord : function (cmp, event, helper) {
var createRecordEvent = $A.get("e.force:createRecord");
"entityApiName": cmp.get("v.sobjectApiName"),
"defaultFieldValues": {
[cmp.get("v.relatedFieldApiName")] : cmp.get("v.recordId")
handleToastEvent : function (cmp, event, helper) {
var eventType = event.getParam('type');
var eventMessage= event.getParam('message');
if(eventType == 'SUCCESS' && eventMessage.includes(cmp.get('v.sobjectLabel'))){
helper.fetchData(cmp, event, helper)
fetchData: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var action = cmp.get("c.initData")
var relatedFieldApiName = cmp.get("v.relatedFieldApiName")
var numberOfRecords = cmp.get("v.numberOfRecords")
var jsonData = JSON.stringify({fields:cmp.get("v.fields"),
numberOfRecords:numberOfRecords + 1,
sobjectApiName: cmp.get("v.sobjectApiName"),
sortedBy: cmp.get("v.sortedBy"),
sortedDirection: cmp.get("v.sortedDirection")
action.setParams({jsonData : jsonData});
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(response.getReturnValue())
var records = jsonData.records
if(records.length > numberOfRecords){
cmp.set('v.numberOfRecordsForTitle', numberOfRecords + "+")
cmp.set('v.numberOfRecordsForTitle', Math.min(numberOfRecords,records.length))
records.forEach(record => {
record.LinkName = '/'+record.Id
for (const col in record) {
const curCol = record[col];
if (typeof curCol === 'object') {
const newVal = curCol.Id ? ('/' + curCol.Id) : null;
helper.flattenStructure(helper,record, col + '_', curCol);
if (newVal !== null) {
record[col+ '_LinkName'] = newVal;
cmp.set('v.records', records)
cmp.set('v.iconName', jsonData.iconName)
cmp.set('v.sobjectLabel', jsonData.sobjectLabel)
cmp.set('v.sobjectLabelPlural', jsonData.sobjectLabelPlural)
cmp.set('v.parentRelationshipApiName', jsonData.parentRelationshipApiName)
}else if (state === "ERROR") {
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors) {
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
} else {
console.log("Unknown error");
flattenStructure : function (helper,topObject, prefix, toBeFlattened) {
for (const prop in toBeFlattened) {
const curVal = toBeFlattened[prop];
if (typeof curVal === 'object') {
helper.flattenStructure(helper, topObject, prefix + prop + '_', curVal);
} else {
topObject[prefix + prop] = curVal;
initColumnsWithActions: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var customActions = cmp.get('v.customActions')
if( !customActions.length){
customActions = [
{ label: 'Edit', name: 'edit' },
{ label: 'Delete', name: 'delete' }
var columns = cmp.get('v.columns')
var columnsWithActions = []
columnsWithActions.push({ type: 'action', typeAttributes: { rowActions: customActions } })
cmp.set('v.columnsWithActions', columnsWithActions)
removeRecord: function (cmp, row) {
var modalBody;
var modalFooter;
var sobjectLabel = cmp.get('v.sobjectLabel')
["c:deleteRecordFooter",{record: row, sobjectLabel:sobjectLabel}]
function(components, status){
if (status === "SUCCESS") {
modalBody = components[0];
modalFooter = components[1];
header: "Delete " + sobjectLabel,
body: modalBody,
footer: modalFooter,
showCloseButton: true
editRecord : function (cmp, row) {
var createRecordEvent = $A.get("e.force:editRecord");
"recordId": row.Id
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- July 05, 2019
- Like
- 0
getting value of Id from @wire method
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;
There is an Id value in recorddetails. I need to pass this value of Id in another variable for another invocation.
Could you please mention, how can i retrieve the value of recorddetails.Id
I shall be grateful to you for your kind cooperation.
Thanks and regards
@wire(fetchRecord, {searchKey:'$searchKey', selectedLabel:'$selectedLabel'})recorddetails;
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- June 20, 2022
- Like
- 0
in my test Class i am not getting coverage for Soql query
I shall be grateful to you if you take time and could help me in finding problem. i am not able to get the code coverage for my soql query in test class....
My Apex Class
Public class Invoice_details {
Public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
Public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
Public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
Public static string querystr;
Public integer counter = 0;
Public integer list_size=100;
Static set<Id> ids = New set<Id>();
Public Invoice_details() {
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c , kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: List_size ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void display() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailListsStatus() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void emailListsStatustrue() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=true AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c like '%' ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostLists() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostListsStauts() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void PostListsStautstrue() {
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=true AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate AND kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c = null ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public void displayDownload(){
Date startDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c;
Date endDate = InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c;
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ) {
InvoiceList = New List<VoiceWrapper>();
for(kognoz1__Invoice2__c k : [SELECT Id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, Downloaded__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE Downloaded__c=false AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter ])
InvoiceList.add(new VoiceWrapper(K));
Public class VoiceWrapper {
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
Public Pagereference Previous() {
counter = counter-list_size;
return null;
Public pagereference Next() {
counter = counter + list_size;
system.debug( InvoiceList);
return null;
Public boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter<=0) {
return True;
else return false;
Public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter > = InvoiceList.size()-list_size) {
return true;
else return false;
test class
public class Invoice_detailsTestClass {
public List<VoiceWrapper> InvoiceList {get;set;}
public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
public static Date StartDate {get;set;}
public static Date EndDate {get;set;}
public boolean selected{get;set;}
public static integer counter = 0;
Public static integer list_size=20;
Public integer total_size ;
static testMethod void Invoice_details() {
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(TestAcco.Id));
Invoice_details testAccPlan = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper( k);
static testMethod void testdisplay() {
DAte StartDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
Date endDate = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c >=: startDate AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c <=: EndDate ORDER BY kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c DESC limit: list_size offset: counter];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
opp.rechnung_per_email__c = 'abv@gmail.com';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Account__c = testAcco.Id;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = StartDate;
KI.kognoz1__Invoice_Due_Date__c = EndDate;
insert KI;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(TestAcco.Id));
Invoice_details AccPlan = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testdisplayDownload(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
// Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testemailLists(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
kognoz1__Invoice2__c K = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper TV = new Invoice_details.VoiceWrapper(k);
static testMethod void testPostLists(){
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList = [SELECT id, kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__r.rechnung_per_email__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c, (select id, name from Attachments) FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c];
Account testAcco = TestData.createAccounts(1, 'Publisher', 'Horst')[0];
insert testAcco;
Opportunity opp = TestData.createOpportunity();
opp.AccountId = testAcco.Id;
opp.StageName = 'New';
insert opp;
kognoz1__Invoice2__c ki = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c();
KI.kognoz1__Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
ki.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
insert KI;
update KI;
// ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(Ki.Id));
Invoice_details ID = new Invoice_details();
private class VoiceWrapper{
Public kognoz1__Invoice2__c KI {get;set;}
Public boolean selected {get;set;}
Public VoiceWrapper (kognoz1__Invoice2__c K) {
KI = k;
selected = false;
for the constructor i got complete coverage but i am not getting soql coverage for the methods. I shall be grateful to you for your kind cooperation. Thanks :)
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- January 20, 2020
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- 0
visualforce pagination
my visualforce page codes are
<apex:page sidebar="false" Controller="Invoice_details" showHeader="False" docType="html-5.0" readOnly = "true">
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<span >Date From
<apex:inputfield value="{!InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c}" id="datefrom"/>
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<span >Date To
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Controller class
Public without sharing class Invoice_details {
public List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> InvoiceList {get;set;}
public kognoz1__Invoice2__c InvoiceInfo { get;set;}
public static String StartDate {get;set;}
public List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> getKognozdetails { get;set;}
public static String EndDate {get;set;}
public static string querystr;
private integer counter = 0;
private integer list_size=20;
private integer total_size = 20;
public Invoice_details(){
InvoiceInfo = new kognoz1__Invoice2__c ();
InvoiceList = [SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c limit 1000];
//InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
//List<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> KI = [SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c ];
/* public PageReference runSearch(){
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null & InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ){
String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c ='+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c='+ endDate;
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
return null;
} */
/*public void Invoicedetails () {
if(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null & InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c != null ){
String startDate=String.valueOf(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c).left(10);
String endDate=String.valueOf(InvoiceInfo.kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c).left(10);
String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c WHERE kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c ='+startDate+' AND kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c='+ endDate;
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
Public List <kognoz1__Invoice2__c> getinvoicedetails()
/*String querystr='SELECT Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c FROM kognoz1__Invoice2__c';
InvoiceList = Database.query(querystr);
system.debug(InvoiceList); */
list<kognoz1__Invoice2__c> KON = [select Id,kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c, kognoz1__Account__c, kognoz1__Opportunity__c from kognoz1__Invoice2__c order by kognoz1__Invoice_Date__c limit : list_size offset : total_size ];
return null;
public integer Beginning() {
counter = 0;
List_size = 20;
return null;
public integer Previous() {
counter -= list_size;
return null;
public integer Next() {
counter += list_size;
return null;
public integer End() {
counter = total_size - math.mod(total_size, list_size);
return null;
public Boolean getDisablePrevious() {
if (counter>0) {
return false;
} else return true;
public Boolean getDisableNext() {
if (counter + list_size < total_size){
return false;} else return true;
public Integer getTotal_size() {
return total_size;
public Integer getPageNumber() {
return counter/list_size + 1;
public Integer getTotalPages() {
if (math.mod(total_size, list_size) > 0) {
return total_size/list_size + 1;
} else {
return (total_size/list_size);
i know, i click on next button, it does not take me anywhere..i messed up a lot out of frustation but your input will be helpful and valuable for me. Thanks in advance.
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- October 24, 2019
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- 0
vf page error : attempt to dereference a null object
global class Search_Account_Controller {
public Set<string> accountSet{get;set;}
public string accName{get;set;}
public Account accObj{get;set;}
public List<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public boolean recTypeCheck{get;set;}
public List<Service__c> serviceList{get;set;}
public Search_Account_Controller() {
accountSet = new Set<String>();
List<Account> accList = [Select id, Name, Account_Type__c from Account LIMIT 30000];
if(accList!=null && accList.size()>0){
for(Account acc :accList){
public void getAccountDetails(){
oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
serviceList= new List<Service__c>();
List<Account> accList= [Select Name, Id, Account_Type__c from Account where Name=:accName LIMIT 1];
if(accList!=null && accList.size()>0)
if(accObj.Account_Type__c!='Client') {
oppList=[Select Id, OppNumber__c, FC_Opportunity_Status__c, Name, StageName, CloseDate, CreationDateTime__c from Opportunity where AccountId=:accObj.Id];
public void getLineItemDetails() {
String oppIdval = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('OppId');
serviceList=[Select Id, Product__c, Produkt_ID__c , Product__r.Name, Name from Service__c where Opportunity__c=:oppIdval];
- Nishant Shrivastava 30
- July 08, 2019
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