• Vidya Baskar
  • 20 Points
  • Member since 2019

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I'm working on the "Add Styles and Data to a Lightning Component "module.
Created a new project and created a new lightning component in the project.
Named Selector.And used the code in the module for Selector.html and Selector.js.
When deploying i get the following error.
"Invalid reference Product__c of type sobjectClass in the file selector.js-meta.xml"
Any suggestions please.
I'm looking to create a quick action/Button to mark a Contact as Primary in the Opportunity Contact Role related list. 
Any ideas or recommendations please.
I'm trying to complete this trailhead challenge "Understand Execution Context". And getting this error message.
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert) {
if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)


This is the trigger i'm using. Please advise.
I have a VF page that is basically created to generate a PDF document .
How do i add page breaks in this. 
The code is generating PDF and how ever i need a page break (need some content to be displayed in a fresh page).
How to do this.
Please suggest.
I'm getting this error in the Visual force page but i have all the <td> tag ends with <./td>
Not sure why its triggering this error.

Please suggest.
Hi All,

I have two different custom objects Appliances and Electronics purchased by Customers(Basically Contacts).

Both the custom objects Appliances and Electronics are unrelated and they have customers(contacts) as look up field.

How to create a report of  Customers that purchased both Appliances and Electronics.

Please advise!!
I'm looking to create a quick action/Button to mark a Contact as Primary in the Opportunity Contact Role related list. 
Any ideas or recommendations please.
I'm trying to complete this trailhead challenge "Understand Execution Context". And getting this error message.
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert) {
if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)


This is the trigger i'm using. Please advise.