• Daniel Vu 6
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  • Rx Savings Solutions

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What is the best way to show a loading indicator while retrieving data from Apex in a Lightning Web Component?

I have this approach:
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
import shouldShowCard from "@salesforce/apex/ApexClass.shouldShowCard";

 * Card component that is conditionally shown based on Apex.
export default class ConditionalCard extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;

    @api isDone = false;

    @api shouldShow = false;

    connectedCallback() {
        shouldShowCard({ id: this.recordId })
            .then(result => {
                this.shouldShow = result;
            .finally(() => {
                this.isDone = true;

And this HTML
  <template if:false={isDone}>
  <template if:true={shouldShow>

Now, this works but I'm using the LWC ESLint rules, and when I do this, I get an error/warning "no-api-reassignment" because I'm assigning the api properties in my connectedCallback.

Which seems reasonable, though it very similar to the pattern that the Salesforce Lightning Spinner shows.

So I'm just looking for advice on the best way to handle this or if I should just disable the ESLint rule. Other things to consider are how to test this stuff, the reactivity with the API decorator has made things pretty easy on my end but I don't want to continue if I'm not using the best approach.
I have a managed package (say for example the namespace is ABC123) that has some global Apex (for example, the class could be called UtilityClass) that I developed using SFDX. I then installed this managed package into my org. When I go to consume this global Apex in my org (by using ABC123.UtilityClass.doSomething()) VS Code doesn't really give me any code completion and says that I have invalid types, even though I'm able to deploy and nothing goes wrong.

I was wondering if there was a way to configure the sfdx-project.json to pick up the metadata of my managed package so that VS Code could stop giving me incorrect analysis when using my managed package classes? Right now, my sfdx-project.json is just the default but I haven't really seen much documentation around how to configure something like this.
  "packageDirectories": [
      "path": "force-app",
      "default": true
  "namespace": "",
  "sfdcLoginUrl": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "sourceApiVersion": "47.0"

What is the best way to show a loading indicator while retrieving data from Apex in a Lightning Web Component?

I have this approach:
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
import shouldShowCard from "@salesforce/apex/ApexClass.shouldShowCard";

 * Card component that is conditionally shown based on Apex.
export default class ConditionalCard extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;

    @api isDone = false;

    @api shouldShow = false;

    connectedCallback() {
        shouldShowCard({ id: this.recordId })
            .then(result => {
                this.shouldShow = result;
            .finally(() => {
                this.isDone = true;

And this HTML
  <template if:false={isDone}>
  <template if:true={shouldShow>

Now, this works but I'm using the LWC ESLint rules, and when I do this, I get an error/warning "no-api-reassignment" because I'm assigning the api properties in my connectedCallback.

Which seems reasonable, though it very similar to the pattern that the Salesforce Lightning Spinner shows.

So I'm just looking for advice on the best way to handle this or if I should just disable the ESLint rule. Other things to consider are how to test this stuff, the reactivity with the API decorator has made things pretty easy on my end but I don't want to continue if I'm not using the best approach.