• Sonu06
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I want to fetch the records of contacts and leads using a single query to display it into the datatable using lightning web component,
please help me to solve this issue.
  • August 04, 2020
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how to pass record id from one component to another in lightning web component ??

please do tell using the example,, suppose i have one component in which i am creating campaign and after clicking on save button it jumps to another component and in  that component i want to create a campaign member for the (id) campaign which is created in previous component.

thank you
  • August 04, 2020
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Hi guys,
I am new to the Lightning web components , please do help me solving my problem statement.

Subject- To generate Campaign members using Lightning Web Component.

Problem statement-
(I have created the one component already to enter the Campaign details,in which on clicking save button it is going to navigate to the new page( the problem statement component and this component should display the campaing name which I have created in previous page ) )

' I want to create the search component using web component, and in that component i am going to search lead and contacts name.
When I will search for name in search bar, it should display contacts name and lead in datatable, and when name will match with the search result the checkbox should be automatically checked with respective name, and there should be previous and submit button.
(only single query should be used to find the all matching records)

On clicking submit button, respective checked contacts and leads should be added as the campaign members for the campaign created on previous page and shoud navigate to the campaign member tab.

On clicking previous button, it should go back to the page where I have created the new Campaign.

Request you to please help me with this scenario.
Thank You
Hi guys, I am new to the Salesforce lightning,, I have worked only on classic, also I don't know the dynamic Apex and JavaScript tempting,, I  am trying to learning the lighting basics of aura components from trailhead, but I am not getting the flow of components,class, controller and helper.....
so can anyone help me to know this,, or you can share the basic lightning code with detail description,, plz....

Thank you
  • December 02, 2019
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what is the use of .push in lighnting controller??
  • November 20, 2019
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Hi guys I am new to the salesforce, my requirement is I want to write a trigger.

Trigger:- I want to update the birthday field Of Account with the Birthday of recently(latest) created Contact birthday of respective Account.
(this should work on insert, update and delete)
example- Suppose my account has 3 contacts created 1,2,3 in a row that means 3 is my recently created contact, so suppose  I delete 3rd contact, then birthday of account should be change to birthday of 2nd contact .

Suppose i update the account of contact, then respective birthday should be change with latest contact birthday.

Note- plz do not share any link, if possible give me explanation with trigger.

Thank you
  • September 26, 2019
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hi guys, my question is 'If roll up summary is updated , apex trigger will be fire or not??

Note- please dont share any link
  • August 24, 2019
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Hey guys , I am beginner to salesforce, My requirement is to write the Apex trigger,
-- Suppose I have 1 account Name X and It has 2 contacts, so for the same account X , the email of the Contacts should not be same , if same It should show error. Suppose 1 contact email is abc@g.com and 2 contact email is xyz @g.com , this should be accepted. if both contact has same email address then it should not be accepted.

But  if have another account Name Y and it has 2 contact, and if email of 1 of the contact is abc@g.com  which is the email of  contact of account  X then it should be accepted, 

So please suggest me the apex trigger for the above requirement.
Note- Please dont share any link for this,, if possible give me explanation with example 

Thank you
  • August 16, 2019
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Hey guys , I am beginner to salesforce, my reqirement is i want to invoke validation rule only when  i am inserting the record and should not invoke when I am updating my record , also this is to be achived by using admin part and not through coding,, so it is possible ?? 

Note- Please dont share any link for this,, if possible give me explanation with example
thank you
  • August 13, 2019
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Hey guys , I am beginner to salesforce, my reqirement is I have to find the Second Maximum amount of oppurtunity using Soql query,, so what will be the query ??
  • August 12, 2019
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how to bypass trigger when we insert record through data loader
  • August 07, 2019
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Hi guys, I am begineer in Salesforce developer, my question is I want to count the number of page refresh in visualforce page, so what will be  the vf code for this ??                                                                                                                
how to bypass trigger when we insert record through data loader
  • August 07, 2019
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I want to fetch the records of contacts and leads using a single query to display it into the datatable using lightning web component,
please help me to solve this issue.
  • August 04, 2020
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how to pass record id from one component to another in lightning web component ??

please do tell using the example,, suppose i have one component in which i am creating campaign and after clicking on save button it jumps to another component and in  that component i want to create a campaign member for the (id) campaign which is created in previous component.

thank you
  • August 04, 2020
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Hey guys , I am beginner to salesforce, My requirement is to write the Apex trigger,
-- Suppose I have 1 account Name X and It has 2 contacts, so for the same account X , the email of the Contacts should not be same , if same It should show error. Suppose 1 contact email is abc@g.com and 2 contact email is xyz @g.com , this should be accepted. if both contact has same email address then it should not be accepted.

But  if have another account Name Y and it has 2 contact, and if email of 1 of the contact is abc@g.com  which is the email of  contact of account  X then it should be accepted, 

So please suggest me the apex trigger for the above requirement.
Note- Please dont share any link for this,, if possible give me explanation with example 

Thank you
  • August 16, 2019
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