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I want to delete duplicate lead on the basis of email and retain one record with deleted leads name and company in the retain lead description field.
global class removeDuplicateRecords implements Database.Batchable<SObject> { Global Map<String,Lead> EmailLead = new Map<String,Lead>(); global Map<String,List<String>> mapEmailName = new Map<String,List<String>>(); global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String query = 'Select Email,Name,Company,Description from Lead where Email != null'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Lead> scope) { List<String> LeadInfo = new List<String>(); List<Lead> duplicatelist = new List<Lead>(); for(Lead objLead : scope) { if(!EmailLead.containsKey(objLead.Email)) { EmailLead.put(objLead.Email,objLead); } else { duplicatelist.add(objLead); } } System.debug('>>duplicatelist>>>'+duplicatelist); System.debug('>>>EmailLead>>'+EmailLead); for(Lead objLead1 : duplicatelist) { LeadInfo.add(objLead1.Name+','+objLead1.Company); if(mapEmailName.containsKey(objLead1.Email)) { LeadInfo.clear(); LeadInfo.add(objLead1.Name+','+objLead1.Company); mapEmailName.put(objLead1.Email,LeadInfo); } else { mapEmailName.put(objLead1.Email,new List<String>(LeadInfo)); } } System.debug('>>mapEmailName>>>'+mapEmailName); System.debug('>>EmailLead.values>>>'+EmailLead.values()); for(Lead updateLead : EmailLead.values()) { System.debug('>>updateLead>>>'+updateLead.Email); System.debug('>>EmailLead.values>>>'+EmailLead.values()); if(mapEmailName.containsKey(updateLead.Email)) { String strLead; System.debug('>>mapEmailName.get(updateLead.Email)>>>'+mapEmailName.get(updateLead.Email)); strLead = String.join(mapEmailName.get(updateLead.Email),';'); System.debug('>>strLead>>>'+strLead); updateLead.Description = strLead; } updateLead.Description.removeEnd(';'); } if(EmailLead.values().size()>0) update EmailLead.values(); if(duplicatelist.size() > 0) { delete duplicatelist; } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }Suppose I have 5 Lead
2 with a@gmail.com mail address
3 with b@gmail.com mail address
So I want to delete duplicate of both email addres lead. Result is:
1 with a@gmail.com
2 with b@gmail.com
So the name and company of a@gmail.com is come on that lead description field. and another name and company of b@gmail.com come on thanother lead description field.
Above code is perfectly run but I am not able to separate name and company on the basis of email it mix and match all name and company in all leads
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- November 06, 2019
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I want to update unique contact name under account on the basis of comma separated values. Actually these are the names which I want to update on contact name. If the value is remove from this field then that name of contact should be deleted.
Here is my code. It perfectly run on insert, it also update contact name and it also delete the contact if i remove tha name but it updates by duplicate name. there is field on contact i.e. No_of_Occurences. If I update t
he account comma separated field with same values then the total number of time the values are come is update on Contact field i.e. Number of Occurences. Please Help
On update please Insert following values on account comma separated field: Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Ankit,Amit. and test.
So the no of occurrence contains on Amit Contact is 3 and if I update the value with Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Amit,Amit then the Ankit name of contact will be deleted and under Amit account there is no of occurences field value updated by 3 to 4 and only 2 accounts will remains i.e. Amit and Dharmesh.
public class CommaSeparatedContact { String strFirstName; String strLastName; String strName; List<Contact> lstContact; Map<String,Contact> mapUniqueContact = new Map<String,Contact>(); List<Contact> lstContactToDelete = new List<Contact>(); Map<String,List<Contact>> mapContactComparison = new Map<String,List<Contact>>(); Set<Id> setAccId= new Set<Id>(); public void onInsert(List<Account> lstAccountTrigger) { List<String> lstString = new List<String>(); for(Account objAccountCon : lstAccountTrigger) { lstContact = new List<Contact>(); if(objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c != null) lstString = objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c.split(','); for(Integer i=0; i<lstString.size(); i++) { Contact objContact = new Contact(); if(lstString[i].contains(' ')) { strFirstName = lstString[i].substringBefore(' '); strLastName = lstString[i].substringAfter(' '); } else { strFirstName = ''; strLastName = lstString[i]; } objContact.No_of_Occurrence__c = 1; objContact.LastName = strLastName; objContact.FirstName = strFirstName; strname = objContact.FirstName+' '+ objContact.LastName; objContact.AccountId = objAccountCon.Id; if(mapUniqueContact.containsKey(strname)) { Contact objc = mapUniqueContact.get(strname); objc.No_of_Occurrence__c +=1; } else { mapUniqueContact.put(strname,objContact); } } } for(String objCont : mapUniqueContact.keySet()) { lstContact.add(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont)); } if(lstContact.size()>0) { insert lstContact; } } public void onUpdate(List<Account> lstAccountTrigger, Map<Id,Account> mapOldAccount) { List<Contact> lstContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); for(Account objConAcc : lstAccountTrigger) { if(objConAcc.Comma_Separated_Values__c != mapOldAccount.get(objConAcc.id).Comma_Separated_Values__c) { setAccId.add(objConAcc.id); } } for(Contact objCon : [Select Id, Name, AccountId, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email, Description From Contact Where AccountId in : setAccId]) { if(mapContactComparison!=null && mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) { List<Contact> conList = mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId); conList.add(objCon); mapContactComparison.put(objCon.AccountId, conList); } else mapContactComparison.put(objCon.AccountId, new List<Contact>{objCon}); System.debug('>>>>>>>>81'+mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId)); } System.debug('>>>>>>>>83'+mapContactComparison.keySet()); List<String> lstString = new List<String>(); for(Account objAccountCon : lstAccountTrigger) { Integer i =0; lstContact = new List<Contact>(); if(objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c != null) lstString = objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c.split(','); if(mapContactComparison != null && mapContactComparison.containsKey(objAccountCon.Id)) { for(Contact objCon : mapContactComparison.get(objAccountCon.id)) { if(lstString.size() == 0) { if(mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) mapUniqueContact.put(objCon.Name,objCon); } if(lstString.size()>i) { System.debug('>>>103'+lstString[i]); System.debug('Name Contains : '+lstString[i].contains(' ')); if(lstString[i].contains(' ')) { strFirstName = lstString[i].substringBefore(' '); strLastName = lstString[i].substringAfter(' '); } else { strFirstName = ''; strLastName = lstString[i]; } objCon.LastName = strLastName; objCon.FirstName = strFirstName; strName = objCon.FirstName+' '+ objCon.LastName; lstContact.add(objCon); System.debug('>>>>>>>119'+lstContact); System.debug('>>>>>>>120'+mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId)); if(mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) mapUniqueContact.put(strname,objCon); System.debug('>>>>>>>>122'+mapUniqueContact.get(strname)); System.debug('>>>>>>>>123'+mapUniqueContact.keySet()); } i+=1; } } } System.debug('>>>>>>>>1325'+lstContact); for(String objCont : mapUniqueContact.keySet()) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>>>>131'+objCont); System.debug('>>>>>>>>>132'+lstContact.contains(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont))); if(!lstContact.contains(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont))) lstContact.add(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont)); } System.debug('List of Contact Under An Account'+lstContact); if(lstContact.size()>0) { update lstContact; } for(Contact objConToDelete : lstContact) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>143'+objConToDelete.Name); if(!lstString.contains(objConToDelete.Name)) { if(!lstContactToDelete.contains(objConToDelete)) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>>>>148'+objConToDelete.Name); lstContactToDelete.add(objConToDelete); } } } if(lstContactToDelete.size()==0 && lstContact.size()==0) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>55'); for(Contact str : mapUniqueContact.values()) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>158'); lstContactToDelete.add(str); } } if(lstContactToDelete.size()>0) { System.debug('delete List'+lstContactToDelete); delete lstContactToDelete; } } }
he account comma separated field with same values then the total number of time the values are come is update on Contact field i.e. Number of Occurences. Please Help
On update please Insert following values on account comma separated field: Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Ankit,Amit. and test.
So the no of occurrence contains on Amit Contact is 3 and if I update the value with Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Amit,Amit then the Ankit name of contact will be deleted and under Amit account there is no of occurences field value updated by 3 to 4 and only 2 accounts will remains i.e. Amit and Dharmesh.
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- October 25, 2019
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I want To Update the contact if the name is same as at the time of contact Insert and if not then insert the new one. Here is my Code but not working.
public class MergeContact { public static Boolean runOnce = true; public void onInsert(List<Contact> lstInsertContactTrigger) { InsertContact(lstInsertContactTrigger); } public void onUpdate(List<Contact> lstUpdateContactTrigger, Map<Id,Contact> oldMapTriggerContact) { UpdateContact(lstUpdateContactTrigger,oldMapTriggerContact); } private void InsertContact(List<Contact> lstContactInsert) { List<Contact> lstContactToInsert = new List<Contact>(); //Set<Id> setContId = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,Contact> mapCont = new Map<Id,Contact>(); for(Contact objContact : lstContactInsert) { if(objContact.AccountId != null) { mapCont.put(objContact.AccountId, objContact); //setContId.add(objContact.Id); } } List<Contact> lstContactToCheck = [Select Id, Name, Email, Phone, AccountId, Birthdate, Description, Fax, FirstName, LastName, MailingAddress, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingCountry, MailingPostalCode From Contact Where AccountId in : mapCont.keySet()]; System.debug('List of Existing Contact'+lstContactToCheck); for(Contact objContact : lstContactInsert) { Contact objNewContact = new Contact(); objNewContact.Id = objContact.Id; objNewContact.Email = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).Email; objNewContact.LastName = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).LastName; objNewContact.FirstName = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).FirstName; objNewContact.Phone = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).Phone; String Name = objNewContact.FirstName+' '+objNewContact.LastName; if(objContact.Name == Name) { lstContactToCheck.add(objNewContact); } } if(lstContactToInsert.size()>0) { upsert lstContactToCheck; } } private void UpdateContact(List<Contact> lstContactUpdate, Map<Id,Contact> oldMapContact) { List<Contact> lstContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); for(Contact objCon : lstContactUpdate) { Contact objOldContact = new Contact(); if(oldMapContact.containsKey(objCon.Id)) { objOldContact.FirstName = oldMapContact.values().FirstName; objOldContact.LastName = oldMapContact.values().LastName; objOldContact.Email = oldMapContact.values().Email; objOldContact.Phone = oldMapContact.values().Phone; objOldContact.Birthdate = oldMapContact.values().Birthdate; objOldContact.Fax = oldMapContact.values().Fax; objOldContact.Description = oldMapContact.values().Description; objOldContact.AccountId = oldMapContact.values().AccountId; lstContactToUpdate.add(objOldContact); } } if(lstContactToUpdate.size()>0 && runOnce == false) update lstContactToUpdate; } }
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- October 22, 2019
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I have a custom object name as Project__c. On that object there is a checkbox. I want to do automatically checked as soon as an attachment with the word WBS in it is attached. Below is My Code But It Shows Error : Variable does not exist 'name'. Line 9
trigger WBSAttachment on Project__c (before insert, before update)
Project__c[] lstProject = [SELECT Id, WBS_Attached__c, (SELECT Id, Name, ContentType FROM Attachments) FROM Project__c where id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];
for(Project__c objProject : lstProject)
Attachment[] lstAttc = objProject.Attachments;
if(lstAttc.size()>0 && objProject.Attachments.Name.contains('WBS'))
System.debug('Need to set Syllabus Attached to true for Opportunity Id: ' + objProject.id);
System.debug('just testing this: ' + Trigger.newMap.get(objProject.Id).Id);
Trigger.newMap.get(objProject.Id).WBS_Attached__c = true;
Trigger.newMap.get(objProject.Id).WBS_Attached__c = false;
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- April 02, 2019
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- 0
I want to update unique contact name under account on the basis of comma separated values. Actually these are the names which I want to update on contact name. If the value is remove from this field then that name of contact should be deleted.
Here is my code. It perfectly run on insert, it also update contact name and it also delete the contact if i remove tha name but it updates by duplicate name. there is field on contact i.e. No_of_Occurences. If I update t
he account comma separated field with same values then the total number of time the values are come is update on Contact field i.e. Number of Occurences. Please Help
On update please Insert following values on account comma separated field: Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Ankit,Amit. and test.
So the no of occurrence contains on Amit Contact is 3 and if I update the value with Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Amit,Amit then the Ankit name of contact will be deleted and under Amit account there is no of occurences field value updated by 3 to 4 and only 2 accounts will remains i.e. Amit and Dharmesh.
public class CommaSeparatedContact { String strFirstName; String strLastName; String strName; List<Contact> lstContact; Map<String,Contact> mapUniqueContact = new Map<String,Contact>(); List<Contact> lstContactToDelete = new List<Contact>(); Map<String,List<Contact>> mapContactComparison = new Map<String,List<Contact>>(); Set<Id> setAccId= new Set<Id>(); public void onInsert(List<Account> lstAccountTrigger) { List<String> lstString = new List<String>(); for(Account objAccountCon : lstAccountTrigger) { lstContact = new List<Contact>(); if(objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c != null) lstString = objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c.split(','); for(Integer i=0; i<lstString.size(); i++) { Contact objContact = new Contact(); if(lstString[i].contains(' ')) { strFirstName = lstString[i].substringBefore(' '); strLastName = lstString[i].substringAfter(' '); } else { strFirstName = ''; strLastName = lstString[i]; } objContact.No_of_Occurrence__c = 1; objContact.LastName = strLastName; objContact.FirstName = strFirstName; strname = objContact.FirstName+' '+ objContact.LastName; objContact.AccountId = objAccountCon.Id; if(mapUniqueContact.containsKey(strname)) { Contact objc = mapUniqueContact.get(strname); objc.No_of_Occurrence__c +=1; } else { mapUniqueContact.put(strname,objContact); } } } for(String objCont : mapUniqueContact.keySet()) { lstContact.add(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont)); } if(lstContact.size()>0) { insert lstContact; } } public void onUpdate(List<Account> lstAccountTrigger, Map<Id,Account> mapOldAccount) { List<Contact> lstContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); for(Account objConAcc : lstAccountTrigger) { if(objConAcc.Comma_Separated_Values__c != mapOldAccount.get(objConAcc.id).Comma_Separated_Values__c) { setAccId.add(objConAcc.id); } } for(Contact objCon : [Select Id, Name, AccountId, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email, Description From Contact Where AccountId in : setAccId]) { if(mapContactComparison!=null && mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) { List<Contact> conList = mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId); conList.add(objCon); mapContactComparison.put(objCon.AccountId, conList); } else mapContactComparison.put(objCon.AccountId, new List<Contact>{objCon}); System.debug('>>>>>>>>81'+mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId)); } System.debug('>>>>>>>>83'+mapContactComparison.keySet()); List<String> lstString = new List<String>(); for(Account objAccountCon : lstAccountTrigger) { Integer i =0; lstContact = new List<Contact>(); if(objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c != null) lstString = objAccountCon.Comma_Separated_Values__c.split(','); if(mapContactComparison != null && mapContactComparison.containsKey(objAccountCon.Id)) { for(Contact objCon : mapContactComparison.get(objAccountCon.id)) { if(lstString.size() == 0) { if(mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) mapUniqueContact.put(objCon.Name,objCon); } if(lstString.size()>i) { System.debug('>>>103'+lstString[i]); System.debug('Name Contains : '+lstString[i].contains(' ')); if(lstString[i].contains(' ')) { strFirstName = lstString[i].substringBefore(' '); strLastName = lstString[i].substringAfter(' '); } else { strFirstName = ''; strLastName = lstString[i]; } objCon.LastName = strLastName; objCon.FirstName = strFirstName; strName = objCon.FirstName+' '+ objCon.LastName; lstContact.add(objCon); System.debug('>>>>>>>119'+lstContact); System.debug('>>>>>>>120'+mapContactComparison.get(objCon.AccountId)); if(mapContactComparison.containsKey(objCon.AccountId)) mapUniqueContact.put(strname,objCon); System.debug('>>>>>>>>122'+mapUniqueContact.get(strname)); System.debug('>>>>>>>>123'+mapUniqueContact.keySet()); } i+=1; } } } System.debug('>>>>>>>>1325'+lstContact); for(String objCont : mapUniqueContact.keySet()) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>>>>131'+objCont); System.debug('>>>>>>>>>132'+lstContact.contains(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont))); if(!lstContact.contains(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont))) lstContact.add(mapUniqueContact.get(objCont)); } System.debug('List of Contact Under An Account'+lstContact); if(lstContact.size()>0) { update lstContact; } for(Contact objConToDelete : lstContact) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>143'+objConToDelete.Name); if(!lstString.contains(objConToDelete.Name)) { if(!lstContactToDelete.contains(objConToDelete)) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>>>>148'+objConToDelete.Name); lstContactToDelete.add(objConToDelete); } } } if(lstContactToDelete.size()==0 && lstContact.size()==0) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>55'); for(Contact str : mapUniqueContact.values()) { System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>158'); lstContactToDelete.add(str); } } if(lstContactToDelete.size()>0) { System.debug('delete List'+lstContactToDelete); delete lstContactToDelete; } } }
he account comma separated field with same values then the total number of time the values are come is update on Contact field i.e. Number of Occurences. Please Help
On update please Insert following values on account comma separated field: Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Ankit,Amit. and test.
So the no of occurrence contains on Amit Contact is 3 and if I update the value with Amit,Dharmesh,Amit,Amit,Amit then the Ankit name of contact will be deleted and under Amit account there is no of occurences field value updated by 3 to 4 and only 2 accounts will remains i.e. Amit and Dharmesh.
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- October 25, 2019
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I want To Update the contact if the name is same as at the time of contact Insert and if not then insert the new one. Here is my Code but not working.
public class MergeContact { public static Boolean runOnce = true; public void onInsert(List<Contact> lstInsertContactTrigger) { InsertContact(lstInsertContactTrigger); } public void onUpdate(List<Contact> lstUpdateContactTrigger, Map<Id,Contact> oldMapTriggerContact) { UpdateContact(lstUpdateContactTrigger,oldMapTriggerContact); } private void InsertContact(List<Contact> lstContactInsert) { List<Contact> lstContactToInsert = new List<Contact>(); //Set<Id> setContId = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,Contact> mapCont = new Map<Id,Contact>(); for(Contact objContact : lstContactInsert) { if(objContact.AccountId != null) { mapCont.put(objContact.AccountId, objContact); //setContId.add(objContact.Id); } } List<Contact> lstContactToCheck = [Select Id, Name, Email, Phone, AccountId, Birthdate, Description, Fax, FirstName, LastName, MailingAddress, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingCountry, MailingPostalCode From Contact Where AccountId in : mapCont.keySet()]; System.debug('List of Existing Contact'+lstContactToCheck); for(Contact objContact : lstContactInsert) { Contact objNewContact = new Contact(); objNewContact.Id = objContact.Id; objNewContact.Email = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).Email; objNewContact.LastName = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).LastName; objNewContact.FirstName = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).FirstName; objNewContact.Phone = mapCont.get(objContact.AccountId).Phone; String Name = objNewContact.FirstName+' '+objNewContact.LastName; if(objContact.Name == Name) { lstContactToCheck.add(objNewContact); } } if(lstContactToInsert.size()>0) { upsert lstContactToCheck; } } private void UpdateContact(List<Contact> lstContactUpdate, Map<Id,Contact> oldMapContact) { List<Contact> lstContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); for(Contact objCon : lstContactUpdate) { Contact objOldContact = new Contact(); if(oldMapContact.containsKey(objCon.Id)) { objOldContact.FirstName = oldMapContact.values().FirstName; objOldContact.LastName = oldMapContact.values().LastName; objOldContact.Email = oldMapContact.values().Email; objOldContact.Phone = oldMapContact.values().Phone; objOldContact.Birthdate = oldMapContact.values().Birthdate; objOldContact.Fax = oldMapContact.values().Fax; objOldContact.Description = oldMapContact.values().Description; objOldContact.AccountId = oldMapContact.values().AccountId; lstContactToUpdate.add(objOldContact); } } if(lstContactToUpdate.size()>0 && runOnce == false) update lstContactToUpdate; } }
- Dharmesh Maheshwari
- October 22, 2019
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